
Frederik Lesage

Associate Professor | Undergraduate Chair

T: 778-782-9360
E: flesage@sfu.ca
Room: K8665



  • Ph.D. London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), Thesis title: Networks for art work: An analysis of artistic creative engagements with new media standards.
    Supervisor: Professor Robin Mansell
    Viva Committee: Dr. Matthew Fuller (Internal) and Dr. Andreas Wittel (external) Viva passed on 10 September 2009 with no revisions.
  • MA degree in Cultural and Creative Industries with distinction, Kings College London (KCL)       
    MA Dissertation title: Learning the Business: A study of business knowledge transfer within the Clore Leadership Programme.
  • Graduate degree (DESS) in Event Design, University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM) 
  • BA in Visual and Media Arts, University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM)  



  • Zuurbier, P., & Lesage, F. (2016). . New York: Peter Lang

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles & Book Chapters

  • Lesage, F. (2022). Mediatized Skill: How Capabilities with Application Software are Collectively Performed, Perceived, and Organized as Part of Contemporary Media Practices. International Journal of Communication16(0), 48014824. 
  • Lesage, F., & Lusoli, A. (2021). Weaving Mediation and Embodiment: The Media Ethnographer as Figurations of Mediation. International Journal of Communication15(0), 22182235. 
  • Mahoney, T., Lesage, F., & Zuurbier, P. (2021). Investigating politics through artistic practices: Affect resonance of creative publics. European Journal of Cultural Studies24(2), 567588. 
  • Poyntz, S., & Lesage, F. (2020). Caring Time in a Hybrid Digital Media System: The Tragically Hip, Public Broadcasting, and Networked Media Events. Canadian Journal of Communication45(2), 221240. 
  • Lesage, F., Mahoney, T., & Zuurbier, P. (2020).  Continuum34(3), 328341.
  • Lesage, F., & Natale, S. (2019). Convergence25(4), 575589.
  • Mahoney, T., Lesage, F., & Zuurbier, P. (2019).  European Journal of Cultural Studies
  • Chow-White, P., Struve, S., Lusoli, A., Lesage, F., Saraf, N., & Oldring, A. (2018).  Information, Communication & Society21(3), 448464. 
  • Lesage, F. (2018). Searching, Sorting, and Managing Glut: Media Software Inscription Strategies for Being Creative. In S. Taylor & S. Luckman (Eds.), The New Normal of Working Lives (pp. 109126). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Lesage, F., & Andr矇, G. (2017). Digital Culture and Education9(1), 6782.
  •  Lesage, F. (2017). Popular Digital Imaging: Photoshop as Middlebroware. In Malinowska, A., & K. Lebek (Eds.), Materiality and Popular Culture: The Popular Life of Things (pp. 7687). London: Routledge.
  • Lesage, F. (2016). Blast Theory: Playing with publics. In Bianchini , S., & E. Verhagen (Eds.), Practicable: From Participation to Interaction in Contemporary Art a book project supported by the Association Nationale de Recherche de France. Boston: MIT Press.
  • Lesage, F. (2016).  Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies22(2), 215229. 
  •  Lesage, F. (2015). Middlebroware, Fiberculture. FJC 182. 
  • Lesage, F. (2015). A Cultural Biography of Application Software, in Paterson, C., D. Lee, A. Saha, & A. Zoellner (Eds.), Advancing Media Production Research: Shifting Sites, Methods, and Politics (pp. 217232). London: Palgrave McMillan.
  • Lesage, F. & Rinfret, L. (2015). . First Monday20(10). Retrieved from 
  • Lesage, F. & Smirnova, S. (2015). Keeping up through Teaching and Learning Media Software: Introducing PhotoshopCanadian Journal of Communication40(2), 223241.
  • Lesage, F. & Hackett, R.. (2014) ,&紳莉莽梯;Media & Communication, 2(2), pp. 42-54. 
  • Lesage, F. & Hackett, R.. (2013) , Media & Communication, 1(1), pp. 39-50. 
  • Lesage, F. (2013). The Artist as User, the Artist as Designer, International Journal of Arts and Technology, 6(2), pp. 152-166.
  • Lesage, F. (2013). Cultural Biographies and Excavations of Media: Context and process, Special Issue: Emerging Digital Methods, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 57(1), pp. 81-96.
  • Lesage, F. (2011). Telepresence and its transparent infrastructures, Digital Creativity, 22(2), pp. 103-114.
  • Marshall, J., Airantzis, D., Angus, A., Bryan-Kinns, N., Fencott, R., Lane, G., Lesage, F., Martin, K., Roussos, G., Taylor, J., Warren, L., Woods, O. (2010). Sensory Threads,&紳莉莽梯;Leonardo 43(2), pp. 196-197.

Other selected work        

Poyntz, S. R., & Lesage, F. (2016). , by Paddy Scannell. Popular Communication0(0), 14. 

Lesage, F. (2012). Review: (2012) by Ian Bogost, Culture Machine. October 2012. 

  • For more publications, please consult my Academia.edu profile: 
