


Adding images can help bring life to the page and break up text-heavy pages, when done properly. Well-crafted photos also play an important role in bringing our brand DNA to life.

Below are examples of how to use and display images for different purposes.

Banner Images

Banner images allow for a text overlay styled to align with 間眅埶AVs branding. These banners can also include a description and a call-to-action button. 

 Best Practices

  • Keep titles brief, without punctuation and use question marks sparingly

  • Make sure to include alt tag for the images uploaded in the banner 

Overlay Banner 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit

Phasellus scelerisque sit amet justo quis bibendum.

Button Link

overlay-banner style includes white text with red background over the image with an optional paragraph and button text. On mobile the text area moves below the image in a red box.

 Design Guidelines

overlay-banner on Homepage

  • overlay-banners can be used as the main image banner at the top of the page

  • Image should use 3:1 banner image crop  

  • Text should be a headline statement, not the title of the page

  • Never use H1 as a heading style in the banner on a homepage 

Overlay banner on homepage

overlay-banner in two columns

  • The overlay banner can replace the carousel and include a paragraph and a button.

  • Place the overlay-banner in one of the columns in a two-column component on your page. Set the component to full-width and no spacing, with a class name "grey block" to set the background color.
  • Add a text component with class of "pad-all" to set padding around the text and button.
  • To add a link, it is best to include it as a red button (button alt style) 

overlay banner in two columns on homepage

overlay-banner on Subpages

  • On subpages, the title of the page should appear above in H1 and the banner below with a brand statement in paragraph or H2 heading

  • Image should use 4:1 banner narrow image crop 

  • The page title should not be used but a brand expression headline
Overlay banner on subpage

Overlay Full

Lorem ipsum dolor sit scelerisque

overlay-full places white text on top of an image. This style is the same as an overlay-banner, without a red background and is best for brand expression statements on a black and white image. 

 Design Guidelines

overlay-full banner on Homepage

  • overlay-full banners can be used for main image banner at the top of the page, in the same way and overlay-banner is used

  • This banner is reserved for black and white brand images only 

  • Image should use 3:1 banner image crop

  • Text should be a headline statement, not the title of the page

  • Never use H1 as heading style in the banner on a homepage


Lorem ipsum dolor sit

read more

Nulla ipsum dolor sit

read more

overlay style includes a white box on the bottom left of image. Can be used to for a secondary level highlighted content. On mobile, the text moves below the image with an outline.

 Design Guidelines

overlay as secondary content

  • The overlay can be used as a button display.
  • To add a link, create an HTML link on paragraph text. The link will convert to a read more style with an arrow.
  • Place the overlay-banner in one of the columns in a two or three column component on your page.

Overlay bottom

Aliquam eu quam id elit consequat

Etiam elementum rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

overlay-bottom displays a red bar beneath the photo with white text. This style is used as a set of image buttons in a three- or four-column layout.


 Design Guidelines

overlay-bottom as buttons

  • The overlay-bottom style can be used for adding images to buttons

  • This style is reserved for use with images placed in three columns (33%) or four columns (25%)

  • Links can be added to the text and the image of an overlay-bottom banner

 How to

Add an overlay banner to your page.

1. Upload an image to the DAM

  • See guidelines on adding an image (Link to Image uploading)

2. Add Text and image component

  • a. Navigate to the page you want to place a banner

  • b. Add the text and image component onto the page from the sidekick (components > general)

3. Add Image to Text and image component

  • a. Right click on the text and image component then select Edit / or double click on the component

  • b. Find the photo you uploaded in the DAM by navigating to the Images tab on the left and drag it into the image section of the component 

  • c. You can crop the image by selecting crop (see cropping instructions from image component)

  • d. Add in an Alt tag under the Advanced Image Properties tab under Alt Text field


Please make sure to add an alt tag for the image. Alt tags will display when the image cannot be displayed for technical reasons. It is also used for visually impaired people who cannot view the image. In this case it is best to put a description of the image for an alt tag, (ex. Students smiling and sitting outside on a sunny day)

Edit the text and image component
Drag the image into the image section

4. Apply overlay style to component

  • Add an overlay style from list below by adding the style name into the CSS Class section, of the Text Tab 


  • overlay - Sets the image to occupy 100% of the container width and overlays the text with a semi-transparent black background on the image. You can use Heading 2-Heading 5 or Paragraph to format the text.
  • overlay-banner - Creates a text overlay with a red background and white heading font.
  • overlay-banner text-right - Creates a text overlay with a red background which is aligned to the right of the image.
  • overlay-banner-white - Creates a text overlay with a white background and red heading font.
  • overlay-full - Displays text on the left of the image in white font and no background. You can use Headings 1-H5 or Paragraph to format the text.
  • overlay-bottom - Adds a full-width, bottom-aligned red background with text over it. You can use Headings 1-5 or Paragraph to format the text.

5. Add text to overlay on top of the image

  • See specific details for the different overlay styles 

6. To add link 

  • add in URL under the Advance Properties Tab > Link to field

7. Select Ok to save your settings


How to:

  1. Follow steps one to five on how to set up overlay banners

  2. Set text as a Heading 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 from the format dropdown list
    • Requires text to be heading

    • Has optional paragraph text (Note: only one paragraph will be displayed)

    • Has optional button 

  3. To align text to the right side of the image add text-right to CSS Class field

  4. To include a button (call-to-action), add hyperlinked text in the second paragraph and use button alt in the CSS class field

On Homepage templates

  • To create larger text for a banner on the homepage, add image and text component to column control component and set column control to full width.
  • To reduce the brand title font size, add CSS Class small
  • Paragraph and buttons cannot be added. 


  1. Follow steps 1 to 5 on how to set up overlay banners 

  2. Set text as a Heading 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 from the format dropdown list 

  • Requires text to be heading 

Note: there is no paragraph option for this style, and text can only align to the left side 


  1. Follow steps one to five on how to set up overlay banners 

  2. Set text as a Heading 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 from the format dropdown list 


  1. Follow steps 1 to 5 on how to set up overlay banners  

  2. Set text as a Heading 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 from the format dropdown list  

  • All text added in this style will be converted. 

Carousel Banner

Carousels are not recommended due to accessibility and usability issues. We recommend using the text and image overlay banner with paragraph text instead.