

Embedding External Elements

There are a few ways to embed an external item such as a video or social media feed on your pages:

  • Add YouTube or Vimeo videos using the External Video component.
  • Add a Twitter feed to your site using the Twitter Timeline Component.
  • Other videos or social media feeds use the HTML Component.

External Video Component

The External Video component allows you to display YouTube or Vimeo videos on your site.


  • When embedding video from YouTube or Vimeo, the video will play on the page but can also be played full screen on the mobile device 

 Design Guidelines

  • On the homepage it’s best if the video is placed in a two- column component, with the size of the video set to automatic  

  • If the page features the video on the page, then it can be placed directly on a homepage template page 

  • It is best not to set the video to autoplay to give the user control of when the video plays 

 How to

1. Drag the External Video component from the sidekick

2. Add the URL of the YouTube or Vimeo video in the Video URL field

Note: For all other video types use the HTML component

3. Specify the size of the video by selecting from (Small, Medium, Large, and Custom)
