
Andrew Feenberg

Professor Emeritus

E: feenberg@sfu.ca


  • 1973 Ph.D. Philosophy, University of California, San Diego
  • 1965-1967 M.A. Philosophy, University of California, San Diego
  • 1961-1965 B.A. Philosophy, The Johns Hopkins University

Currently Teaching


This instructor is currently not teaching any courses.


Selected Books

  • The Ruthless Critique of Everything Existing: Nature and Revolution in Marcuse's Philosophy of Praxis, Verso, 2023.
  • Construtivismo cr赤tico: uma filosofia da tecnologia, trans. and eds. Luiz Henrique de Lacerda Abrah?o Cristiano Cordeiro Cruz. Logo Associa??o Filos車fica Scientiae Studia, S?o Paulo, 2022.
  • Nishida, Kawabata, and the Japanese Response to Modernity, Chisokud身, 2019.
  • , 2018
  • Critical Theory and the Thought of Andrew Feenber, 2017
  • Technosystem: The Social Life of Reason, Harvard University Press, 2017.
  • Tecnologia e Modernidade, trans. and ed. Eduardo Beira, Inovatec, 2015.
  • The Philosophy of Praxis: Marx, Luk芍cs and the Frankfurt School, Verso Press, 2014. 
  • (Re)Inventing the Internet, Co-edited with N. Friesen, eds. Sense Publishers, 2012.
  • Between Reason and Experience: Essays in Technology and Modernity, MIT Press 2010. 
  • Rationaliza??o Democr芍tica, Poder e Tecnologia, R. Neder trans. and ed., CDS-UNB, 2010
  • The Essential Marcuse: Selected Writings of Philosopher and Social Critic Herbert Marcuse, Co-edited with William Leiss, Beacon Press, 2007. Russian edition: AST Publishers, 2011. 
  • .
  • French edition: (Re)penser la technique, La Decouverte, 2004.
  • Japanese edition, Gijutsu e no toi, Iwanami Shoten, 2004.
  • Community in the Digital Age: Philosophy and Practice , Co-edited with Darin Barney, Rowman and Littlefield, forthcoming 2004.
  • Heidegger and Marcuse: The Catastrophe and Redemption of Technology , Routledge, forthcoming 2004.
  • Modernity and Technology , Co-edited with Tom Misa and Philip Breij, MIT Press, 2003.
  • Transforming Technology, Second edition of Critical Theory of Technology , Oxford University Press, 2002. Chinese edition: Sichuan Educational Press, forthcoming.
  • When Poetry Ruled the Streets: The May Events of 1968, SUNY Press, 2001. 
  • Questioning Technology, Routledge, 1999.
  • Technology and the Politics of Knowledge, Indiana University Press, 1995. 
  • Alternative Modernity: The Technical Turn in Philosophy and Social Theory, University of California Press, 1995. 
  • Critical Theory of Technology, Oxford University Press, 1991. 
  • Marcuse: Critical Theory and the Promise of Utopia, Bergin & Garvey Press, 1987.
  •  Luk芍cs, Marx and the Sources of Critical Theory, Rowman and Littlefield, 1981. 

Works Published on Books

  • Darryl Cressman, ed., The Necessity of Critique: Andrew Feenberg and the Philosophy of Technology (Springer, 2022).
  • Graeme Kirkpatrick, Technical Politics: Andrew Feenberg's Critical Theory of Technology, University of Manchester Press, 2020.
  • Critical Theory and the Thought of Andrew Feenberg, D. Arnold and P. Michel, eds., Palgrave/Macmillan, 2017.
  • Special section of Thesis 11 on Andrew Feenberg's work, 138, February, 2017.
  • ※Col車quio sobre a Filosofia da Tecnologia de Andrew Feenberg: democracia, racionalidade e inven??o,§ Revista de Filosofia Aurora  In Portugese. v. 27, n. 40 (Jan./Apr. 2015).
  • Technology, Society, Change: A Symposium on Andrew Feenberg's Critical theory of Technology. Vrije Universiteit Brussels, 25 March, 2011, published as a special section on "The Philosophy of Technology of Andrew Feenberg," Techn谷, Volume 17, Number 1 - 2013.
  • "Book Symposium on Andrew Feenberg's Between Reason and Experience: Essays in Technolgy and Modernity," Philosophy and Technology, 2011, no. 24,, pp. 203-226
  • Special section on "Critical Theory of Communication Technology," Information Society Journal 25, 2009.
  • Special issue of Social Epistemology on Andrew Feenberg's philosophy of technology, Vol. 22, no. 1, Jan.-March 2008.
  • Democratizing Technology: Building on Andrew Feenberg's Philosophy of Technology, T. Veak ed., SUNY, 2006.
  • Symposium on Heidegger and Marcuse, Techn谷, Volume 9, Number 3: Spring 2006.
  • "Andrew Feenberg: Farewell to Dystopia," by Hans Achterhuis in American Philosophy of Technology, H. Achterhuis, ed., Indiana University Press, 2001.
  • Symposium on Recent Work by Andrew Feenberg, Research in Philosophy and Technology, vol. 16, 1997, pp. 131-151.
  • Symposia on Questioning Technology (references listed under Notes, Reviews, and Review Essays) available online at 


  • ※Marcuse*s Critique of Technology Today,§ Philosophy and Social Criticism, 2023, https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/01914537231164657. ※Actualit谷 de la critique des techniques par Herbert Marcuse,§ Les Philosophie des Techniques : Un Levier pour l*Action, Valerie Charolles and Elise Lamy-Rested, eds., London, ISTE, 2023, pp. 167-180.
  • ※The Enigma of Technology,§ in Thinking through Science and Technology. Eds. Glen Miller, Qin Zhu, Helena Jeronimo. Rowman & Littlefield International, 2023, pp. 13-27.
  • ※Two Concepts of Nature: The Lived and the Reified,§ Metodo, Vol. 9 No. 2, 2022, 157-170.
  • ※Critical Theory and Philosophy of Technology,§ in Russian Studies, Political Science, and the Philosophy of Technology, eds. Guoli Liu and Joanna Drzewieniecki. Lexington Books, 2022.
  • ※Un Novo Conceito de Raz?o?§ in Minas e horizontes do pensamento - Escritos em homenagem a Ivan Domingues, eds. Anna Carozzi, Carlos Ratton, Helder Carvalho, Jelson Oliveira. Unisinos, 2022.
  • ※Critical Constructivism: An Exposition and Defense,§ Logos, Fall 2020. http://logosjournal.com/2020/critical-constructivism-an-exposition-and-defense ※Critical Constructivism: An Exposition and Defense,§ in Darryl Cressman, The Necessity of Critique: Andrew Feenberg and the Philosophy of Technology (Springer, 2022.
  • ※Technoscience and the Dereification of Nature,§ Filosofia Unisinos, 21(1): 5-13, jan/apr 2020. ※Tecnoci那ncia e a desreifica??o da natureza,§ in Cadernos pet filosofia, v .21, n.1, 2020. 
  • ※Critical Constructivism, Post-Phenomenology and the Politics of Technology,§ in the Special Issue on Critical Constructivism and Postphenomenology: Ethics, Politics, and the Empirical, Techn谷: Research in Philosophy and Technology, Volume 24, Issues 1 & 2 (2020), 27-41.
  • ※Luk芍cs*s Theory of Reification: An Introduction,§ G. Smulewicz-Zucker, ed., Confronting Reification: The Revitalization of a Concept in Late Capitalism, Brill and Haymarket, 2020, 13-24.
  • ※The Internet as Network, World, Co-Construction, and Mode of Governance,§ The Information Society Journal, 2019, 35:4, 229-243. "Trois points de vue sur Internet," in Les 谷cologies du num谷rique, Actes augment谷s du colloque ? Les 谷cologies du num谷rique ? 9 et 10 novembre 2017, 13 et 14 d谷cembre 2018, Orl谷ans, H?tel Dupanloup. https://ecologies-du-numerique.fr/2021/08/26/trois-points-de-vue-sur-internet/
  • ※Marcuse: Reason, Imagination, and Utopia,§ Radical Philosophy Review, vol. 21, no. 2 (2018): 271-298.
  • ※Internet et la Fin de la Dystopie,§ Communiquer, 20 | 2017, 67-76.
  • ※Democracy, Epistemology, Ontology, Methodology§ in Critical Theory and the Thought of Andrew Feenberg, D. Arnold and A. Michel, eds., Macmillan-Palgrave, 2017.
  • ※Critical Theory and STS,§ Thesis 11, no. 138, 2017, pp. 3-12.
  • ※Online Community and Democracy,§ Journal of Cyberspace Policy Studies, vol. 1, no. 1, January 2017, pp. 37-60.
  • ※Why Students of the Frankfurt School Will Have to Read Luk芍cs,§ Handbook for Critical Theory, M. Thompson, ed., Palgrave, 2016, pp. 109-133.
  • ※A Critical Theory of Technology,§ Handbook of Science and Technology Studies. Ulrike Felt, Rayvon Fouch谷, Clark A. Miller, Laurel Smith-Doerr, eds., MIT Press, 2017, pp. 635-663.
  • ※The Concept of Function in Critical Theory of Technology,§ in Philosophy of Technology AfterThe Empirica, M. Franssen, P. Vermaas, P. Kroes, An. W. M. Meijers, eds., Springer Verlag, 2016, pp. 283-303.
  • ※The Politics of Meaning: Modernity, Technology and Rationality,§ Radical Philosophy Review, vol. 19, no. 2016, pp. 85-110.
  • ※Beyond One-Dimensionality,§ in The Great Refusal: Herbert Marcuse and Contemporary Social Movements, Funke, P., Lamas, A., Wolfson, T. eds. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2016, pp. 229-240.
  • ※Technology and the Experience of Education,§ with Geoffrey Glass (p.a.) and Cindy Xin. In European Journal of Social Behaviour, forthcoming 2016.
  • ※The Online Education Controversy and the Future of the University.§ In Foundations of Science, Found Sci (2015). doi:10.1007/s10699-015-9444-9, pp. 1-9.
  • ※Luk芍cs*s Theory of Reification and Contemporary Social Movements," Rethinking Marxism, vol. 27, no. 4, October 2015, pp. 490-507.
  • ※La concr谷tisation de la philosophie de la technique de Simondon et le constructivisme : une contribution r谷cursive 角 la th谷orie de la concr谷tisation,§ in Simondon et l*invention du futur, § V. Bontemps, ed. Klingsieck, 2016, pp. 317-329.? Simondon e o construtivismo : uma contribui??o recursiva 角 teoria da concretiza??o, ? Scientiae Studia, v. 13, no. 2, jun, 2015, pp. 263-282. ※Concretizing Simondon and Constructivism: A Recursive Contribution to the Theory of Concretization,§ Science, Technology and Human Values, Vol 42, Issue 1, 2017, pp. 2047-1076.
  • ※Technique et Agency,§ in La Revue du Mauss semestrielle, n∼43, 2014, 169-180.※Technique et Agency,§ Vers quelle d谷mocratie technique ? Y. Lequin, ed., P?le 谷ditorial de l'UTBM, 2015, pp. 177-187.※Technique and Agency,§ Spaces for the Future: A Companion to Philosophy of Technology, J. Pitt and A. Shew eds., Routledge, 2017, pp. 98-107.
  • ※Making the Gestalt Switch,§ in Postphenomenological Investigations: Essays on Human-Technology Relations, R. Rosenberger and P.P. Verbeek, eds. Lexington Books, 2015, pp. 229-236.
  • ※Commodity and Community in Social Networking: Marx and the Monetization of User-Generated Content,§ with Dal Yong Jin (p.a.), in The Information Society Journal, no. 31, 2015, pp. 52-60.
  • ※The Insecurity of Innovation: A Critical Analysis of Cybersecurity in the United States," with Catherine Hart (p.a.) and Dal Jin. In International Journal of Communication, 8(2014), pp. 2860-2878. http://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/2774/1257
  • ※Technoscience at the Fork,§ in Henk de Regt & Chunglin Kwa (eds), Building Bridges - Connecting Science, Technology and Philosophy. Amsterdam: VU University Press, 2014, pp. 139-152.※Technoscience at the Fork,§ in Jay Foster, ed., Continental Philosophy of Science, Bloomsbury, 2017. ※Tecnoci那ncia e a desreifica??o da natureza,§ in PET-Filosofia da UFPR, 2023.
  • "Reflections on "L'谷cologie des autres. L'anthropologie et la question de la nature", by Philippe Descola (Editions Quae), Revue du MAUSS permanente, 16 mai 2011 [en ligne]. http://www.journaldumauss.net/spip.php?article810, 2011." L'anthropologie et la question de la nature : R谷flections sur "L'谷cologie des autres," La Revue du MAUSS semestrielle n∼42, 2豕me semestre 2013, pp. 105-118.http://www.cairn.info/revue-du-mauss-2013-2-page-105.htm※The Many Natures of Philippe Descola,§ in Science as Culture, 2014, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 277-282. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09505431.2013.871248#.UthBg7RkXjE
  • ? Vers une Th谷orie Critique de l*Internet, ? in tic&soci谷t谷, 2014, vol. 8, nos. 1-2.
  • ※Technology and Human Finitude,§ in Moral Education at the Crossroads in our Age of Highly Advanced Sciencve and Technology: 40th NAS International Symposium, The National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Korea, 2013, pp. 35-49 and 173-187. Revista de Filosophia Aurora, vol. 27, no. 40, 2015, pp. 245-261.
  • ※Realizing Philosophy: Marx, Luk芍cs and the Frankfurt School,§ Critical Theory and the Challenge of Praxis, S. Giachetti Ludovisi, ed. Ashgate, 2015, pp. 117-130.※A realiza??o da filosofia: Marx, Luk芍cs e a Escola de Frankfurt,§ Verinotio revista on-line, n. 18., Ano IX, out./2013, pp. 98-106.※La r谷alisation de la philosophie : Marx, Luk芍cs et l'?cole de Francfort, § Philosophie, no. 133, 2017, pp. 52-67. Chinese translation in Philosophical Analysis, vol. 8, no. 5, Oct. 2017, pp. 51-63.
  • ※The Internet in Question,§ in Identity, Agency, and The Digital Nexus, R. Foshay, ed., Athabasca University Press, 2016, pp. 25-48.
  • ※L*Internet en question,§ in Espace public et reconstruction du politique, Pierre-Antoine Chardel, Brigitte Frelat-Kahn, Jan Spurk eds., Les Presses des Mines, 2015, pp. 71-85.
  • ※Great Refusal or Long March: How to Think about the Internet,§ in Critique, Democracy and Philosophy in 21st Century Information Society, C. Fuchs and M. Sandoval, eds. Routledge, 2014, pp. 109-124. Chinese translation in Engineering Studies, 2014, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 146-155.
  • ※Simondon and Constructivism,§ Book symposium on the Philosophy of Simondon: Between Technology and Individuation, Philosophy and Technology, 2014.
  • ※Heidegger and Marcuse: On Reification and Concrete Philosophy,§ The Bloomsbury Companion to Heidegger,§ F. Raffoul and E. Nelson, eds., Bloomsbury Press, 2013, pp. 171-176.
  • ※From Psychology to Ontology,§ Radical Philosophy Review, vol. 16, no. 1, 2013, pp. 81-89. Portuguese translation in Artefilosophia, 2015, no. 18, pp. 67-77. http://www.raf.ufop.br/pdf/artefilosofia_18/50-60.pdf
  • ※Marcuse*s Phenomenology: Reading Chapter 6 of One-Dimensional Man,§ Constellations, Vol. 20, no. 4, 2013. pp. 604-614. ※La ph谷nom谷nologie de Marcuse: Lire le chapitre six de L*Homme unidimensionnel, § Revue Illusio, no. 10/11, 2013, pp. 307-323.
  • "TextWorlds: What Happened in Cyberspace." Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology / La Revue Canadienne de l*Apprentissage et de la Technologie 39(2), 2013, pp. 1-7. http://cjlt.csj.ualberta.ca/index.php/cjlt/article/view/745/362
  • "A metateoria da filosofia: a formula??o de Luk芍cs,§ Verinotio, 16, Ano VIII, out./2012. http://verinotio.org/Verinotio_revistas/n16/metateoria_filo.pdf
  • ※Modernity, Technology and the Forms of Rationality,§ Philosophy Compass, 6/12 (2011), pp. 865每873. http://authorservices.wiley.com/bauthor/onlineLibraryTPS.asp?DOI=10.1111/j.1747-9991.2011.00456.x&ArticleID=909556 ※Modernity, Technology, and Forms of Rationality,§ Chinese and French Views on Knowledge and Society Today, A.-M. Rieu, ed., Editions des Archives Contemporaines, 2012, pp. 77-85.
  • ※Waiting for History: Horkheimer and Adorno*s Theatre of the Absurd,§ Platypus Review, July, 2011.
  • ※The Mediation is the Message,§ (in Russian), in Epistemology&Philosophy of Science, 2011, and in Ontologii artefactov: vzaimodejstvie "estestvennych" i "iskusstvennych" komponentov zhiznennogo mira. Moskva, Rossijskaja akademija narodnogo chozjajstva i gosudarstvennoj sluzhby pri Prezidente Rossijskoj Federatsii: Izdatel'stvo "Delo", 2012. ※The Mediation is the Message,§ 啦梗釵堯紳言, Volume 17, Issue 1, Winter 2013, pp. 7-24.※La m谷diation est le message: Rationalit谷 et pouvoir dans la Th谷orie critique de la technologie,§ Revue Illusio, no. 12/13, vol. 2, 2014, pp. 525-545.
  • ※Reification and Its Critics,§ in Georg Lukacs Reconsidered: Essays on Politics, Philosophy and Aesthetics§ M. Thompson, ed. Continuum Press, 2011, pp. 172-194.
  • ※From Active Reading to Active Dialogue: An Investigation of Annotation-Enhanced Online Discussion Forums,§ with Xin, M. C. (p.a.), Glass, G., Bures, E. M., and Abrami, P. In Techniques for Fostering Collaboration in Online Learning Communities: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives, F. Pozzi & D. Persico, eds. IGI Global Publishing, 2011, pp. 300-318.
  • ※Funktion och menung: Teknikens dubbla aspekter§ (※Function and Meaning: The Double Aspects of Technology,§) in Fenomenologi och teknik, L. Dahlberg and H. Ruin, eds., S?dert?rn Philosophical Studies, 2011, pp. 161-184.Chinese translation in Philosophical Analysis, 2011, no. 1, pp.141-157. Chinese translation in Selected Readings in Contemporary Philosophy of Science, Cheng Sumei and Ji Haiqing eds. Science Press Ltd., forthcoming 2013. ※Function and Meaning: The Double Aspects of Technology,§ I-ETC: ISEL Academic Journal of Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers, Vol. 1, No. 1, January 2012.
  • ※From Active Reading to Active Dialogue: An Investigation of Annotation-Enhanced Online Discussion Forums,§ with Xin, M. C. (p.a.), Glass, G., Bures, E. M., and Abrami, P. In Techniques for Fostering Collaboration in Online Learning Communities: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives, F. Pozzi & D. Persico, eds. IGI Global Publishing, 2011, pp. 300-318.
  • ※Reification and Its Critics,§ in Georg Lukacs Reconsidered: Essays on Politics, Philosophy and Aesthetics§ M. Thompson, ed. Continuum Press, 2011, pp. 172-194.
  • ※Remembering Marcuse,§ in Philosophy, Psychoanalysis and Emancipation, Volume 5 of the Collected Papers of Herbert Marcuse, edited by D. Kellner and C. Pierce. London and New York: Routledge, 2011, pp. 234-241.
  • ※Ten paradoxes of Technology,§ 啦梗釵堯紳言, volume 14, number 1, 2010, pp. 3-15. Portuguese version forthcoming 2010 in Scientiae Studia. Russian version in Ontologies of Artifacts, O. Stoliarova ed., University of Moscow, forthcoming 2011. French version in Jacques Lesourne et Denis Randet (eds.) FutuRIS 2011 - La Recherche et l'Innovation en France. Odile Jacob, 2011, pp. 285-300.Ukrainian version in Anthology of the Contemporary Philosophy of Science, A. Synytsya, ed. L'viv : Publishing House of Ivan Franko National University of L'viv (Ukraine), forthcoming 2015.
  • ※Heidegger*s Paradoxical Ontology of Technology,§ with Dana Belu, Inquiry, vol. 53, no. 1, 2010, pp. 1-19
  • ※Incommensurable Paradigms: Values and the Environment,§ in Pragmatic Sustainability: Theoretical and Practical Tools, S. Moore, ed., Routledge, 2010, pp. 276-288.
  • ※The May 1968 Archive: Anti-Technocratic Struggle in the May Events,§ PhaenEx, Vol 4, No 2, 2009, pp. 45-59. http://www.phaenex.uwindsor.ca/ojs/leddy/index.php/phaenex/article/view/2887/2334※Los archivos de Mayo de 1968: Una Presentaci車n de la Lucha Anti-Tecnocr芍tica en Mayo de 1968§, in Em Debate, no. 6, 2011, pp. 3-14.
  • ※Radical Philosophy of Technology: From Marx to Marcuse and Beyond,§ Radical Philosophy Review, Volume 12, Number 1/2 每 2009.
  • "The Liberation of Nature?" Western Humanities Review (Western Humanities Alliance Special Issue, Nature, Culture, Technology, A. Feenberg-Dibon and R. McGinnis, eds.) Volume LXIII, Number 3, Fall 2009, pp. 96-107.
  • ※Ciencia, tecnologia y democracia: distinciones y conexiones,§ Scientiae Studia, vol. 7, no. 1, jan-mar., 2009, pp. 63-81.
  • ※Marcuse on Art and Technology,§ Forum: Postgraduate Journal - Issue 8: Technologies, Spring 2009, http://www.forumjournal.org/site/issue/08/andrew-feenberg.
  • Marxism and the Critique of Social Rationality: From Surplus Value to the Politics of Technology," Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2009, pp. 37-49.
  • ※The Critical Theory of Technology,§ (chap. 7 of Transforming Technology), Technology and Values, C. Hanks, ed. Wiley-Blackwell, 2009, pp. 176-195.
  • ※Technological Rationality and the Problem of Meaning,§ in Nostalgia for a Redeemed Future, S. Giachetti, ed., John Cabot University Press, 2009, pp. 93-104.
  • "Rationalizing Play: A Critical Theory of Digital Gaming," with Sara M Grimes, Information Society Journal, vol 25, no 2, March-April 2009, pp. 105-118.
  • ※Phenomenology and Surveillance Studies: Returning to the Things Themselves,§ with Grace Smith and Norm Friesen, Information Society Journal, 2009, pp. 84-90.
  • "Critical Theory of Communication Technology: Introduction to Special Section" in the Information Society Journal, 2009, pp. 77-83. 
  • ※Et Demokratisk Internett?§ in Medier og Demokratii, B. Gentikow and E. G. Skogseth,eds. Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press, 2008, pp. 209-228.
  • "Between Reason and Experience," Danish Yearbook of Philosophy, 2008, pp. 7-32.
  • ※Thinking about Design: Critical Theory of Technology and the Realization of Design Possibilities,§ with Patrick Feng (p.a.), Designing: from philosophy to ethics, from engineering to architecture, eds. P. E. Vermaas, P. Kroes, A. Light, S. A. Moore, Springer Verlag, 2008, pp. 105-118.
  • "Ed Tech in Reverse: Information Technologies and the Cognitive Revolution," with Norm Friesen, in Educational Philosophy and Theory, Vol. 39, No. 7, 2007. 
  • ※Introduction: The Critical Theory of Herbert Marcuse,§ with W. Leiss, in The Essential Marcuse: Selected Writings of Philosopher and Social Critic Herbert Marcuse, A. Feenberg and W. Leiss, eds., Beacon Press, 2007, pp. vii-xliii.
  • "From the Critical Theory of Technology to the Rational Critique of Rationality," Social Epistemology, Vol 22, no. 1, Jan-March 2008, pp. 5-28
  • ※Replies to Critics,§ in Democratizing Technology: Building on Andrew Feenberg's Philosophy of Technology, T. Veak ed., SUNY, 2006, pp. 175-210.
  • "Pedagogy in Cyberspace: The Dynamics of Online Discussion," with Cindy Xin, Journal of Distance Education, 2007, vol 21, no 2, pp. 1-25. 
  • "Critical Theory of Technology: An Overview, "Tailor-Made BioTechnolgies, vol. 1, no. 1, April-May 2005, pp. 47-54. 
  • "O que e Filosofia da Tecnologia?," Aula Virtual e Democracia - boletim 5, ano 1, Dec. 2004, http;//www.consciencia.net/2004/aulavirtual.html 
  • What Is Philosophy of Technology," in Defining Technological Literacy, J. Dakers, ed., Palgrave, 2006, pp. 5-16.
  • "The Technical Codes of Online Education," with Edward Hamilton, Techne, Journal of  the Society for Philosophy and Technology, Fall 2005, 9:1, pp. 94-123. 
  • ※Virtual Community 每 No &Killer Implication,*§ with Maria Bakardjieva (p.a.), New Media, 6(1), 2004: pp. 37-43.
  • "Active and Passive Bodies: Comments on Don Ihde's Bodies in Technology," Techne: Journal of the Society for Philosophy and Technology, vol 7, no. 2, winter 2003, http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/SPT/v7n2/feenberg.html;
  • "User-Centered Internet Research: The Ethical Challenge," with M. Bakardjieva (p.a.) and J. Goldie. In S. Buchanan, E. (ed.) Readings in Virtual Research Ethics: Issues and Controversies. Hershey, PA: Idea Group, 2003, pp. 338-350.
  • "Modernity Theory and Technology Studies: Reflections on Bridgin the Gap," in Modernity and Technology, MIT Press, 2003, pp. 73-104.
  • ※Values and the Environment,§ Logos, 2003: 2,2, pp. 31-45. http://www.logosjournal.com/issue_2.2.pdf
  • "Heidegger und Marcuse: Zerfall und Rettung der Aufklarung," in Zeitschrift fur kritische Theorie, Vol. 14/2002, pp. 39-55.
  • "Technology in a Global World," in Science and Other Cultures: Issues in Philosophies of Science and Technology, R. Figueroa and S. Harding eds., Routledge, 2003, pp. 237-251.
  • ※Designing for Pedagogical Effectiveness: TextWeaver,§ with Cindy Xin (p.a.), Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference of System Sciences, IEEE, 2002. ※Human Values in the Design and Use of the Internet: Groupware for Community," with Maria Bakardjieva in Proc. ETHICOMP 2001, Fifth International conference on the Social and Ethical Impacts of Communication Technologies, Bynum, Krawczyk, Rogerson, Szejko,Wizniewski, eds., Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Micom, (2) 22-31.
  • "La Ensenanza Online y las Opciones de le Modernidad," Andoni and Blanco, eds., PENSAMIENTO DIGIT@L: Humanidades y Tecnologias: de la Informacion, Junta de Extramadura, 2001, pp. 115-133. "Online Education and the Choices of Modernity," Technology and Cultural Values: On the Edge of the Third Millenium, P. Hershock, M. Stepaniants, R Ames, eds. University of Hawaii Press, 2004, pp. 528-547. 
  • "Looking Forward, Looking Backward: Reflections on the 20th Centur," Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies, vol 33, no. 1, July 2001, pp. 135-142.
  • "Involving the Virtual Subject," with Maria Bakardjieva, Journal of Ethics and Information Technology, Vol. 2, no. 4, 2001, pp. 233-240. "Respecting the Virtual Subject: How to Navigate the Private/Public Continuum," in Online Communities: Commerce, Community Action, and the Virtual University, M. Mowbray and C. Werry, eds., Prentice Hall PTR, 2001, pp. 198-214.
  • "Community Technology and Democratic Rationalization," with Maria Bakardijieva, The Information Society, no. 18, 2002, pp. 181-192. 
  • "Post-Utopian Marxism: Luk芍cs and the Dilemmas of Organization," John McCormick, ed., Confronting Mass Technology and Mass Democracy: Essays in Twentieth Century German Political and Social Thought, Duke Univ. Press, 2002, pp. 45-69.
  • "From Essentialism to Constructivism: Philosophy of Technology at the Crossroads," in E. Higgs, D. Strong, and A. Lights, eds. Technology and the Good Life. Univ. of Chicago Press, 2000, pp. 294-315.
  • "Whither Educational Technology?" Peer Review, Summer 1999, pp. 4-7. "Whither Educational Technology?" International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 11, 2001, pp. 83-91.
  • "Distance Learning: Promise or Threat," Crosstalk, Winter 1999, pp. 12-13. "Distance Learning: Promise or Threat," Academe, Sept.Oct. 1999, pp. 26-31. "Reflections on the Distance Learning Controversy," The Canadian Journal of Communication, vol 24 (3) 1999, pp. 337-348. "Distance Learning: Promise or Threat," Ed at a Distance Magazine, forthcoming 2001. "Word and Image in Online Education," Rethinking Theories and Practices of Imaging. E. Selinger and T. Engstrom, eds., Palgrave, 2009, pp. 327-338. 
  • "Marcuse: Uber Technik und Wert," in P.-E Jansen und Redaktion Perspektiven, eds., Zwischen Hoffnung und Notwendigkeit: Texte zu Herbert Marcuse, Neue Kritik, 1999: 131 - 150. 
  • "Experience and Culture: Nishida's Path to the 'Things Themselves'," Philosophy East and West, vol. 49, no. 1, January 1999, pp. 28-44. "Le Cheminement de Nishida vers les Choses Elles-M那mes," in A. Berque, ed., Logique du lieu et d谷passement de la modernit谷, Ousia, 1999, pp. 66-83.
  • "Zen Existentialism: Bugbee's Japanese Influence," in E. Mooney, ed., Wilderness and the Heart: Henry Bugbee's Philosophy of Place, Presence and Memory, University of Georgia Press, 1999, pp. 81-91.
  • "Escaping the Iron Cage: Subversive Rationalization and Democratic Theory," in R. Schomberg, ed., Democratising Technology. Ethics, Risk and Public Debate. Tilburg: International Centre for Human and Public Affairs, 1999, pp. 1-15.
  • ※Dialektischer Konstructivismus: Zur Actualitat von Luk芍czs* Konzept der transformierenden Praxis,§ Jahrbuch der Internationalen Georg-Luk芍cs- Gesellschaft, F. Benseler and W. Jung, eds., 1998/99, pp. 52-63.
  • "The On-Line Patient Meeting," principal author with CNS Staff, Journal of Neurological Sciences 139, 1996, pp. 129-131.
  • "Marcuse or Habermas: Two Critiques of Technology," Inquiry, 39, 1996, pp. 45-70.
  • Japanese translation in America Hihyo-Riron No Shin-Dankai, (The New Stage of American Critical Theory), M. Jay, ed., Aoki Shoten, 1997, pp. 241-277.
  • "Marcuse or Habermas: Two Critiques of Technology," in Socialism, M. Howard, ed., Humanities Press, Prometheus, 2001, pp. 343-366. ※Marcuse e Habermas: Duas Criticas da Tecnologia,§ Aula Virtual, boletim 7, ano 2 每 fevereiro, 2005, http://www.consciencia.net/2004/aulavirtual.html Chinese version in Marxism and Reality (鎮親佷翋砱迵珋妗), 2005, pp. 69-76.
  • "The Commoner-Ehrlich Debate: Environmentalism and the Politics of Survival," in D. Macauley, ed., Minding Nature: The Philosophers of Ecology, Guilford Publications, 1996, pp. 257-282.※Le Mouvement Ecologiste et la Politique de la Technologie, § Ecologie et Socialisme, M. L?wy, ed., Editions Syllepse, 2005, pp. 45-80.
  • "Nishida Tetsugaku to Jemusu no Junsui Keiken ron" ("Nishida's Philosophy and James") in A. Omine, ed., Nishida Tetsugaku no Manabu Hito no tame ni (Introduction to Nishida's Philosophy), with Yoko Arisaka (p.a.), Sekai Shiso Sha, 1995, pp. 22-36.
  • "The Problem of Modernity in the Philosophy of Nishida," in J. Heisig and J. Maraldo, eds., Rude Awakenings: Zen, the Kyoto School and the Question of Nationalism, University of Hawaii, 1995, pp. 151-173. "Le probl豕me de la modernit谷 dans la philosophie de Nishida," Logique du lieu et Oeuvre humaine, A. Berque and P. Nys, eds., Brussels: Ousia, 1997, pp. 35-52.
  • "Alternative Modernity: Playing the Japanese Game of Culture," Cultural Critique, Winter 1994-1995, pp. 107-138."Alternative Modernity: Playing the Japanese Game of Culture," Technologies and Traditions, A. Light and E. Sobstyl, eds., Rowman and Littlefield, forthcoming 2003.
  • "The Technocracy Thesis Revisited," Inquiry, March 1994, pp. 85-102. "The Technocracy Thesis Revisited," Rasmussen and Swindal, eds., Critical Theory, Sage, 2004, pp. 276-292.
  • "The Critique of Technology: From Dystopia to Interaction," in J. Bokina and T. Luke, eds., Marcuse Revisited, University of Kansas Press, 1994, pp. 208-226.
  • "Postmodernitet i Teori og Praksis--Fra Lyotard til Minitel," ("Postmodernity in Theory and Practice: From Lyotard to the Minitel") in M. Soby and T. Rasmussen, eds., Kulturens Digitale Felt (The Digital Field of Culture), Oslo: Aventura Vorlag, 1993, pp. 49-70.
  • "Building a Global Network: The WBSI Experience," in L. Harasim, ed., Global Networks: Computerizing the International Community, MIT Press, 1993, pp. 185-197.
  • ※Subversive Rationalization: Technology, Power and Democracy,§ Inquiry, Sept./Dec. 1992, pp. 301-322.
  • ※Democratic Rationalization: Technology, Power and Democracy,§ in R. Scharff and V. Dusek, eds., Technology and the Human Condition: A Philosophy of Technology Reader, Blackwell, 2002, pp. 652-665. ※Democratic Rationalization: Technology, Power and Democracy,§ in D. Kaplin, ed. Readings in Philosophy of Technology. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 209-226. Japanese translation in Shiso, 2001/7, no. 926, pp. 32-58. ※Racionaliza?ao Subversiva: Tecnologia, Poder e Democracia,§ Aula Virtual e Democracia - boletim 4, ano 1, 2004, http://www.consciencia.net/2004/aulavirtual.html ※Demokratisk rationalisering: teknologi, magt og frihed,§ in J.K.B. Olsen and S.A. Pedersen, eds., Teknologi & Virkelighed, Forlaget Philosophia, 2008, pp. 319-344. ※Subversive Rationalization: Technology, Power and Democracy, in Information Society: Critical Concepts in Sociology, R. Mansell, ed., Routledge, 2009, vol. 3, pp. 50-72. Chinese translation in Philosophical Analysis, 2014, no. 1, pp. 89-109.
  • "From Information to Communication: the French Experience with Videotex," in M. Lea, ed., Contexts of Computer-Mediated Communication, Harvester-Wheatsheaf, 1992, pp. 168-187. ※Before the Internet: The French Experience with Videotex,§ Cahiers de Recits, Octobre 2010, no. 7, pp. 235-257.
  • "On Being a Human Subject: Interest and Obligation in the Experimental Treatment of Incurable Disease," The Philosophical Forum, Spring 1992, pp. 213-230. "Experimental Treatment of Incurable Disease: Resolving the Ethical Dilemma," in R. Smith, ed., Handbook of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Marcel Dekker, 1992, pp. 347-362.
  • "Experiential Ontology: The Origins of the Nishida Philosophy in the Doctrine of Pure Experience," with Yoko Arisaka, International Philosophical Quarterly, June 1990, pp. 173-204. "Experiential Ontology: The Origins of the Nishida Philosophy in the Doctrine of Pure Experience," with Yoko Arisaka, 20th-Century Literary Criticism 83, J. Baise, ed., The Gale Group, 1999, pp. 304-323.
  • "Post-Industrial Discourses," Theory and Society, 1990, pp. 709-737.
  • "Democratic Socialism and Technological Change," in P. Durbin, ed., Philosophy of Technology: Broad and Narrow Interpretations (Philosophy and Technology, Vol. 7), Dordrect and Kluwer, 1990, pp. 101-123.
  • "The Critical Theory of Technology," Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, no. 5, 1990, pp. 17-45. "La teoria della tecnologia," Capitalismo, Natura, Socialismo, no. 3, Nov. 1991, pp. 20-46.
  • "The Ambivalence of Technology," Sociological Perspectives, Spring 1990, pp. 35-50.
  • "Social Factors in Computer Mediated Communication," with Beryl Bellman, in L. Harasim, ed., On-Line Education: Perspectives on a New Medium, Praeger, 1990, pp. 67-97.
  • "The Written World," in A. Kaye and R. Mason, eds., Mindweave: Communication, Computers, and Distance Education, Pergamon Press, 1989, pp. 22-39. "Le Monde de l'Ecrit," in P. Perin and M. Gensollen, eds., La Communication Plurielle: l'Interaction dans les T谷l谷conf谷rences, La Documentation Fran?aise, 1992, pp. 224-247.
  • "The Planetary Classroom: International Applications of Advanced Communication to Education," Message Handling Systems and Distributed Applications, E. Stefferud, et al., eds., North Holland, 1989, pp. 511-524. "Les systemes de communication et la transformation de l'enseignement," Regards, June 1989, pp. 190-194.
  • "A User's Guide to the Pragmatics of Computer Mediated Communication," Semiotica, July 1989, pp. 257-278.
  • "Le nihilisme au quotidien: la culture des 'ann谷es Reagan,'" Artstudio, Winter 1988, pp. 6-13.
  • "Technique or Praxis: The Question of Organization in the Early Marxist Work of Luk芍cs," T. Rockmore, ed., Luk芍cs Today, Reidel, 1988, pp. 126-156.
  • "Computer Conferencing and the Humanities," Instructional Science, August 1987, pp. 169-186.
  • "The Bias of Technology," Feenberg, Pippin, Webel, eds., Marcuse: Critical Theory and the Promise of Utopia, Bergin & Garvey Press, 1988, pp. 225-254. "The Bias of Technology," Rasmussen and Swindal, eds., Critical Theory, Sage, 2004, pp. 390-420.
  • "Network Design," IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, March 1986, pp. 2-7.
  • "Le d谷sordre 谷conomique et 谷rotique," in P. Dumouchel, ed., Violence et Verit谷, Grasset, 1985, pp. 201-210. "Fetishism and Form," in P. Dumouchel, ed., Violence and Truth, Athlone Press & Stanford Univ. Press, 1988, pp. 134-151.
  • "Paths to Failure: The Dialectics of Organization and Ideology in the New Left," Humanities in Society, Fall 1983, pp. 393-419."Paths to Failure: The Dialectics of Organization and Ideology in the New Left," Adolph Reed, ed., Race, Politics and Culture, Greenwood Press, 1986, pp. 119-144."Les Chemins de l'谷chec: la dialectique de l'id谷ologie et de l'organisation dans la nouvelle gauche," L'Homme et la Soci谷t谷, Winter, 1989, pp. 33-50.
  • "Technology and the Idea of Progress," Research in Philosophy and Technology, 1982, vol. 5, pp. 15-21.
  • "Culture and Practice in the Early Marxist Work of Luk芍cs," Berkeley Journal of Sociology, 1981, pp. 27-40.
  • "La Nouvelle Droite Americaine," L'Homme et la Soci谷t谷, Jan.-Dec. 1980, pp. 239-254.
  • "L'identit谷 sujet-objet et la dialectique de la nature dans les premiers 谷crits de Luk芍cs," Trinh-Van-Thao, B. Rousset, and J. Gabel, eds., Actualit谷 de la Dialectique, Anthropos, 1980, pp. 293-311.
  • "The Political Economy of Space," K. Woodward, ed., The Myths of Information: Technology and Postindustrial Culture, Coda Press, 1980, pp. 111-124.
  • "France: The New Middle Strata and the Legacy of the May Events," D. Plotke and C. Boggs, eds., European Communism in the Seventies, South End Press, 1979, pp. 131-168.
  • "Beyond the Politics of Survival," Theory and Society, May 1979, pp. 219-361. 
  • "Technology Transfer and Cultural Change in Communist Societies," Technology and Culture, April 1979, pp. 348-354.
  • "New Grounds for Revolution: The Early Marx in Luk芍csian Perspective," The Philosophical Forum, Spring-Summer 1978, pp. 186-218.
  • Remembering the May Events," Theory and Society, July 1978, pp. 29-53.
  • "From the May Events to Eurocommunism," Socialist Review, Jan.-Feb. 1978, pp. 73-108.
  • "Transition or Convergence: Communism and the Paradox of Development," in Frederick Fleron, ed., Technology and Communist Culture, Praeger Publishers, 1977, pp. 71-114.
  • "An End to History: Science Fiction in the Nuclear Age," The John Hopkins Magazine, March 1977, pp. 12-22. "Science Fiction and the Politics of Survival," Alternative Futures, Summer 1978, pp. 3-23. 
  • "Notes on Methodology and Ontology in Lenin's Thought," Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, vol. 1, no. 2, 1975, pp. 58-64.
  • "Borrowed Glory: "The Sugarland Express," Telos, Fall 1974, pp. 188-194.
  • "Socialism in France? The Common Program and the Future of the French Left," Socialist Review, January-March 1974, pp. 9-38.
  • "The May Events," The News Scholar, Fall 1973, pp. 51-76. "The May Events," G. Olson, ed., The Other Europe, King's Court Communications, 1977, pp. 100-119. 
  • "Marxist Theory and Socialist Society," Newsletter on Comparative Studies of Communism, May 1973, pp. 2-31.
  • "Luk芍cs and the Critique of 'Orthodox' Marxism," The Philosophical Forum, Spring-Summer 1972, pp. 422-467.
  • "Reification and the Antinomies of Socialist Thought," Telos, Winter 1971, pp. 93-118.
  • "Technocracy and Rebellion: Spy Films and Social Criticism," Telos, Summer 1970, pp. 21-42.
  • "Paul Nizan," Monthly Review, February 1970, pp. 29-35.
  • "Introduction to the Young Luk芍cs," Alternatives, March-April 1966, pp. 18, 21-23.

Videos and Interviews

  • Capacit谷s d'agir 角 l'豕re num谷rique par Andrew Feenberg 
  • Legacy of the Philosophy of Technology in STS: An Interview with Andrew Feenberg by Dian Zeng and Lu Gao 
  • "Technoscience et d谷r谷ification de la nature" - Colloque sur Les Sciences Humaines et Sociales en Recherche Technologique. Cerisy-la-Salle, France 2019 
  • "Technoscience and Political Algorithms" - 3/8/19 Atkinson Hall Auditorium UC SanDiego 
  • 1968-2018 Conference 間眅埶AV - "1968 and the Struggle Against Technocracy"  
  • La Grande Table - "La d谷mocratie peut-elle repondre le contr?l de la technique avec Andrew Feenberg" 
  • "Absolute Historicism in Gramsci and Lukacs" - 間眅埶AV's 2018 Gramsci Conference 
  • France Culture radio interview 2018: "La d谷mocratie peut-elle reprendre le contr?l de la technique?" 
  • "Technology at the End of the World" - Andrew Feenberg and Bernard Stiegler in dialogue with Gabriel Rockhill and the participants in the Critical Theory Workshop at the 2017 EHESS in Paris 
  • Rorotoko Interview with Andrew Feenberg 
  • Remembering the May Events. Interview with Chris Reynolds 
  • Praxis et Theorie Critique. Entretien Avec Andrew Feenberg 
  • Teoria Cr赤tica, velhos e novos desafi os: entrevista com Andrew Feenberg 
  • ※La Revanche des Geeks,§ contribution to the conference ※Entre manculinit谷 et technicit谷,§ Ecole Polytechnique 
  • Debate between Andrew Feenberg, Sally Wyatt and Wiebe Bijker 
  • "Part of the Technical System" - an interview by Zan Boang, New Philosopher, Issue 11, Fabruary - April, 2016 
  • "The Bursting Boiler of Digital Education: Critical Pedagogy and Philosophy of Technology" - an interview by Petar Jandric, Knowledge Cultures 3(5), 2015 
  • "The Internet in Question", Andrew Feenberg at IAMCR UQAM, Montreal, Canada, 2015 
  • "The Mediation is the Message", Andrew Feenberg at KAIST, Soeul, Korea, October 7, 2010 
  • Interview d'Andrew Feenberg, ISCC, 1er juin 2015 
  • Technique et capitalisme: entretien avec Andrew Feenberg, 9 February 2015 
  • The Phenomenon of Reification talk at the Vancouver Institute for Social Research, 27 October 2014 
  • "Entrevista com Andrew Feenberg," Scientiae Studia, vol. 7, no. 1, jan-mar, 2009, pp. 165 - 171 
  • "Perche Marcuse oggi?" Intervista ad Andrew Feenberg di Silvia de Bianchi, Essere Comunisti, marted "21 ottobre 2008 
  • Interview in Pagina 12 
  • Jalal Nabhanizadeh interviews Andrew Feenberg in Shargh Newspaper (Farsi), 2014 
  • Tasos Tsakir interviews Andrew Feenberg in Journal of Editors (Greeke), 2014 
  • Talk on The Philsophy of Praxis 
  • Esprit Interview La pensee de la technique in French 
  • Video of "A Critical Theory of the Open" with Andrew Feenberg and John Willinsky 
  • Interview with Front Wheel Drive 
  • Tom Fudge Interviews Andrew Feenberg for Public Broadcasting 
  • Documentary on the May Events Archive 
  • Online Since the *80s: An Interview with Andrew Feenberg on the Power of Online Communities 
  • Laureano Ralon interviews Andrew Feenberg for Figure/Ground Communications 
  • Andrew Feenberg's Book Talk on The Essential Marcuse 
  • Andrew Feenberg's CRC talk: Ten Paradoxes of Technology, 11 Feb 2010  

Photo Catalogues


Grants, Awards and Fellowships

  • 2012 CFI Infrastructure Award
  • 2011-2013 ※Genomics applied to the management of high-risk AML/myelodysplastic syndromes,§ Genome BC (co-applicant).
  • 2009-2010 ※Building a Pedagogical Culture for Online Education,§ BC Campus, (co-investigator).
  • 2007-2010 ※Arranging the virtual chairs: do structured features help students engage in quality online discussions?§ Social Science Research Council (project principal).
  • 2005-2006 ※Support for Learning Object Metadata Implementation,§ Industry Canada CanCore (project principal).
  • 2004-2005 ※Adapting TextWeaver to Moodle,§ BCCampus, (co-investigator).
  • 2004-2007 ※Surveillance Coping Strategies and Citizenship: From Panopticon to Synopti-con,§ SSHRC (co-investigator).
  • 2004-2007 ※Learning Spaces: Phenomenology of Simulated and Mediated Environments,§ SSHRC (co-investigator).
  • 2001-2004 ※Discussion Management Software: The TextWeaver,§ Fund For the Improve-ment of Postsecondary Education of the US Dept. Of Education (project princi-pal).
  • 2001-2003 ※Community Values in the Design and Use of Computer Networks,§ NSF Grant (SDEST) (project principal).
  • 1999-2000 ※Human Values in the Use of Computer Networks: The Ethics of Virtual Communities§ NSF Grant (SDEST) (project principal).
  • 1994-1996 ※The Democratization of Technical Change,§ NSF Grant (EVIST) (principal)
  • 1992 NSF Travel Grant to Japan.
  • 1987 Project Director, ※Social Factors in Computer Mediated Communication,§ Western Behavioral Sciences Institute, sponsored by the Digital Equipment Corporation.
  • 1985 ※L'Animation des T谷l谷conferences Assist谷s par Ordinateur,§
  • Institut de Recherche et d'Information Socio-Economique, Universit谷 de Paris-Dauphine, sponsored by the Direction G谷n谷rale des T谷l谷communications (SPES).
  • 1984-1985 Mina Shaughnessy Scholar, U.S. Department of Education (FIPSE).
  • 1982-1983 Co-organizer of the ※Bio-Psycho-Social Factors in Mental and Physical Health§ conference series, Western Behavioral Sciences Institute, sponsored by the McArthur Foundation.
  • 1980-1981 Project Director, Humanist in Medical Residence Program, Center for Neurologic Study, La Jolla, sponsored by the California Council for the Humanities.
  • 1980 Co-organizer of the ※Rhetorics of Technology§ conference series: February 1980, Center for 20th-Century Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities; and July 1980, University of Urbino, Italy, under the co-sponsorship of the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris.
  • 1967-1968 Fulbright Travel Grant to France.
  • 1965-1968 NDEA Fellowship, University of California, San Diego.


  • Critical theory of technology
  • Marcuse & Heidegger
  • Technology studies
  • Online community
  • Online education


The Applied Communication and Technology Laboratory (ACT Lab) is engaged in research on the intersection between communication technology and cultural creation. It brings together graduate students, practitioners and researchers to study a wide variety of applications of advanced technology to education, community, entertainment, and the arts.

Faculty: Andrew Feenberg
