

With our focus on collaborative experiential learning, StudioSIAT supports our undergraduate program courses (IAT 202, 208, 313, 340, 343, 344, 443, 445, 499) and Directed Studies students.  We have developed a series of micro-credit and non-credit in production to provide training in the motion capture workflow.  Non ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV students may apply for non-credit courses through ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Continuing Studies; you must be accepted into ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV to apply for the credit courses.

We're excited to announce our upcoming non-credit course in Introduction to Motion Capture launching in Fall of 2024! Apply for grants & funding to offset the costs! (see more below)

IATN 198: Intro to Motion Capture - Non Credit Course

DATES: October 19th, 26th, November 2nd
10:00A - 5:30P

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV CEWIL & International Student Mocap Training Grants of $500 are available which can be used to offeset the cost of the course. More info and application bleow!

Our Intro to Motion Capture course provides an in-depth introduction to the intricacies of motion capturing for animation and games, starting with pre-production and planning and continuing through post-production cleanup and application into animation.

Students interested in using Motion Capture in their projects within courses, Capstone projects, or Directed Studies would be ideal candidates for this course. There are limited resources for teams per semester for training and access outside of this course.

What's included in the base course (24 hours):

  • Technology behind motion capture systems
  • Which technology to choose for your mocap production
  • How to plan a motion capture shoot
  • How the motion capture pipeline works
  • What roles are involved in motion capture
  • How to clean up motion capture data & prepare them for different applications
  • Applying the motion data to an Unreal or Unity project

LOCATION: ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Surrey Campus - Room TBA
COST: $500 course fees  + $25 taxes


MoCap Systems add-on  

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The Motion Capture Systems Add-on course adds a hands-on deep dive into Phasespace and Rokoko motion capture systems and the intricacies of recording with each of them.

Additonal content in the Mocap Systems addon course (+16 hours):

  • How to rig up suits & suit up best practices
  • Hands-on experience wearing suit or supporting the suit up process
  • Hands-on experience capturing data in Motion Builder
  • Hands-on experience in control room flows

Not Open For Enrollment

Available Grants & Funding for Motion Capture

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV School of Interactive Arts & Technology is offering, in collaboration with our partners, different funding opportunities for training & work in the field of motion capture for games, animation, and media creation.


CEWIL Work Integrated Learning Grants (Domestic Students)

SIAT is offering opportunities for domestic students interested in motion capture twenty grants for IATN 198: Intro to Motion Capture - Non-Credit Course. Students will be required to complete a number of work-integrated learning hours in StudioSIAT.


  • Open to all ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV students with Canadian citizenship, PR or refugee status
  • 20 grants of $500 for motion capture learning
  • Student must be currently enrolled in a course at a BC higher education institution
  • Priority given to students in IAT343, 410, 445 with projects working in motion capture.
  • This grant will be in the form of a promo code to directly offset the cost of tuition to be applied at the time of application of IATN 198 - Intro to Motion Capture
  • Applicants must attend a majority of the course in order to meet the grant obligations
  • Applicants must complete a set number of hours of work applying technology and skills from IATN 198
  • Applications close 23:59 on October 15th, 2024, with successful applicants notified by Oct 16th, 2024 with promo code.  



SIAT is offering international students interested in motion capture five full tuition grants for IATN 198: Intro to Motion Capture - Non-Credit Course.  Students will be required to complete a number of work-integrated learning hours in the StudioSIAT.


  • 5 grant available, open to all current international students registered in SIAT classes
  • Amounts of $525 for motion capture training, directly offsetting registration costs
  • Student must be currently enrolled in a course at a BC higher education institution
  • Priority given to students in IAT343, 410, 445 with projects working in motion capture.
  • This grant will be in the form of a promo code to directly offset the cost of tuition to be applied at the time of application of IATN 198 - Intro to Motion Capture
  • Applicants must attend a majority of the course in order to meet the grant obligations
  • Applicants must complete a set number of hours of work applying technology and skills from IATN 198
  • Applications close 23:59 on October 15th, 2024, with successful applicants notified by Oct 16th, 2024 with promo code.


STEP 2: FUNDING FOR DOING - ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV SIAT Experience Ventures Placements

Created in collaboration with StudioSIAT, Pacific Coastal Computing Association (PCCA) and Sawmill Studios, we’re excited to offer a set of up to 41 grants for students to explore entrepreneurship opportunities in motion capture with our partner organisations. These grants aim to provide work-integrated learning and hands-on experience in motion capture.

To be eligible for these grants, students must have either completed IATN 198: Intro to Motion Capture - Non-Credit Course*, or have completed training in StudioSIAT Motion Capture suite or have other relevant experience in a motion capture studio.

*A limited number of grants will be available for performers, actors, or dancers who wish to learn the performance side of motion capture. These students do not need to take IATN 198 or have previous experience. If you are interested in working only in post-production (such as cleaning the motion capture data), please feel free to contact us to find out if Venture Placement is available.


  • Open to all ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV students with Canadian citizenship, PR or refugee status
  • 21 grants of $825 for motion capture or other production work with partners
  • 20 grants of $525 for motion capture, performance, or other production work with partners
  • Must complete a set number of hours of grant eligible work with partners
  • Funds paid on the conclusion of grant work with StudioSIAT or Sawmill Studios
  • *EXTENDED AGAIN :)* Applications close December 2nd 2024 by 23:59


Besides our micro-credit and non-credit courses, students can learn and get hands on time in StudioSIAT production technologies and techniques in the following classes:

  • Cinematography, Lighting, & Visual Effects - IAT 202 New Media Images & IAT 344 Moving Images
  • Sound Design & Mixing - IAT 202 New Media Images & IAT 340 Sound Design
  • Animation for Games & Media & Basic Motion Capture - IAT 343 Animation, IAT 410 Advanced Game Design & IAT4 45 Immersive Environments
  • Photography - IAT 244 Digital, Virtual & AI Photography