
SIAT grading scale (recommended)

Note: Instructors may select to use a different scale. Students are responsible for checking syllabus or with instructor. Percentage % grades below are only suggested conversions for those who don't already have a grading scale in place.

SIAT courses use the following grading scale. The definitions are to help students understand how instructors interpret performance in each grade category. The student is awarded a final grade at the end of the semester for each credit course and each grade will appear on the student's record as a letter grade and numerical equivalent as follows.

Letter grade SIAT recommended % grade Definition Numerical equivalent
A+ 95-100 Excellent performance 4.33
A 90-94.5   4.0
A- 85-89.5   3.67
B+ 80-84.5 Good performance 3.33
B 75-79.5   3.0
B- 70-74.5   2.67
C+ 65-69.5 Satisfactory performance 2.33
C 60-64.5   2.0
C- 55-59.5   1.67
D 50-54.5   1.0
F 0-49.5 Unsatisfactory performance (fail) 0
AE   Aegrotat standing, compassionate pass no equivalent
AU   Audit no equivalent
CC   Course Challenge no equivalent
CR   Credit without grade no equivalent
DE   Deferred grade no equivalent
GN   Grade not reported no equivalent
N   Did not write final exam or otherwise complete course 0
P   Satisfactory performace or better (pass, ungraded) no equivalent
W   Withdrawn no equivalent

Note: Credit is granted for: A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, P, D,CC, AE, CR.
No credit is granted for: F, N, DE, W, AU.