
Sara Diamond

Adjunct Professor

Sara's bio

Dr. Sara Diamond was OCAD University’s President and Vice-Chancellor for 15 years with her tenure ending on June 30, 2020. 

A visionary leader, Dr. Diamond led OCAD University to retain and expand its traditional strengths in art and design while transforming it to become a leader in graduate education, research and digital media.

She led collaborative efforts to strengthen equity and diversity at OCAD U, and to support Indigenous cultures, research and decolonization. Under her leadership, the University also established its graduate studies programs and research capacity. Believing in the value of a cosmopolitan and accessible campus Dr. Diamond oversaw significant growth in the university’s Canadian and international student population and the expansion of services to support student and alumni success such as the . 

Upon ending her term as President and Vice-Chancellor, OCAD University appointed Dr. Diamond President Emerita, in recognition of her long and distinguished service to the University.

In this position, she will continue to represent the University and advance its interests, subject to the direction of the President and Chair of the Board of OCAD U. Dr. Diamond is a faculty member of the  and will continue her research activities at OCAD U.