
Art Installations and Exhibitions

The artwork and research of SIAT faculty is featured in art intallations and exhibitions world-wide. Explore some of the recent art installations and exhibitions.

Wish It Into the Wheat Fields by invited artist Steve DiPaola is featured in the exhibition.

AI artwork by Steve DiPaola featured in the international Aberrant Creativity Computer Art show

The exhibition is a collaboration by the  in the  and the Arts Council and features artworks by three invited AI artistsLev Manovich, Steve DiPaola and Eunsu Kang.

The Water We Call Home

SIAT researchers develop and curate The Water We Call Home, an exhibition at Galiano Islands Yellowhouse Art Centre. The exhibition features a series of films created by SIAT post-doctoral researcher and filmmaker , Coast Salish and Sahtu Dene artist , SIAT professor Dr. Kate Hennessy and team.

Explore the exhibition

SIAT graduate student exhibits work at H.R MacMillan Space Centre

Star-Stuff, a hybrid virtual reality artwork cre簫ated to remind imm簫er簫sants of their fun簫da簫men簫tal con簫nec簫tion to human簫ity and the universe, was on display on at the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre throughout 2023.


Body as Border: Traces and Flows of Connetion

SIAT artists and researchers showcase art installation on Surreys UrbanScreen.' The audio-visual art project is an immersive, large-scale art installationa mix of poetry, painting and soundcreated partially in conjunction with state-of-the-art AI machine learning systems.

Learn more about the artwork

Souvenir by Chantal Gibson

Souvenir, a multi-media installation by Chantal Gibson, was displayed on Canadas west and east coasts. Souvenir features a collection of 2000 unique souvenir spoons from countries around the world hanging in rows and spray painted matte black, calling up a history of Black bodies displayed and displaced.

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Generative Art Piece by professor Philippe Pasquier displayed in Istanbul Gallery Exhibition

Autolume Mzton, an autonomous live music visualize, was displayed at the Akbank Sanat Gallery in Istanbul, Turkey as part of the Dystopia Sound Art Festival. Autolume Mzton is the result of Pasquiers research in the creative use of artificial intelligence (AI).
