
Current students

There are many supports and academic pathways available that help to enrich your SIAT experience. Explore SIAT's co-op and study abroad opportunites, our unique course offerings, and the options available to undergraduate students looking to join SIAT for post-graduate studies, including our Accelerated Master's Option.

Advising & Support

Talk to an undergraduate advisor and learn about other supports available to students.

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Awards & Scholarships

Financial aid is available to students in the form of awards, scholarships, bursaries, and other funding options.

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Student resources

Find information about supports, forms, useful links, and other resources.

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Course offerings

Courses available to students in three different streams: interactive systems, media arts, and design.

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Unique Course Offerings

Semester in alternate realities

Semester in Alternate Realities (SIAR) pro­poses a unique edu­ca­tional expe­ri­ence meant to inspire inter­dis­ci­pli­nary teams to solve a real-world prob­lem explor­ing Virtual real­ity (VR) and hybrid VR phys­i­cal instal­la­tions.

Learn more & apply

Opportunities For Students

Study abroad

There are many universities worldwide that you can choose to study abroad at to immerse yourself in a host culture, including two partner universities with courses in the interactive arts and technology disciplines.


Work experience

Co-op allows you to broaden your career options, sharpen your skills, build your professional network, and strengthen your resume all while being paid and completing your degree.

Explore co-op

Accelerated Master's Option

This path allows ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV undergraduate students planning to pursue graduate studies complete their graduate coursework in less time.

Learn more