
WeWork Together (UX feature)

By: Kitty Cheung, Emma Wu, Kelvin Liew, Jarrod Pan, and Christian Lim
Course: IAT 438 User Experience Design

Background: WeWork is a company that rents out shared office spaces and our team found that their brand values involve creating communities and providing opportunities for individuals to work together. However, we found that there is a missed opportunity in making networking easier between workers who share these spaces. Talking to other professionals can be intimidating and in a coworking setting it can be especially difficult to initiate interaction with people from other companies and sectors. With WeWork Together, our team aims to kickstart these connections and help members feel part of a community.

Description: WeWork Together is a UX feature that promotes social connection within WeWork shared co-working spaces. Users can find new colleagues based on the industries that they work in, schedule meetups, browse events, and get involved in local professional communities.

Watch our user case and ad videos below.

User case:
