
Installations, Exhibitions

AI artwork by professor Steve DiPaola featured in international computer art show

December 05, 2023
Wish It Into the Wheat Fields by invited artist Steve DiPaola is featured in the exhibition.

AI artwork by professor Steve DiPaola will be featured at the  exhibition from November 28 to December 21, 2023.

The exhibition is a collaboration between the Institute for Applied Creativity in the Texas A&M School of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts and the Arts Council and features artworks by three invited AI artistsLev Manovich, Steve DiPaola, and Eunsu Kang.

Aberrant Creativity is an international, juried exhibition exploring the boundaries between machines and humans. Visitors of the exhibition are invited to enter a strange new world in which artists experiment responsibly in embodiment and subversion, invention and hacking, community and connection between the human and the machine.

The exhibition aims to explore the boundaries between machines and humans," said , director of the Texas A&M University's Institute for Applied Creativity, in a about the exhibition. "Artists can examine ways to challenge AI into a creative partnership, or interpret its representation in unconventional ways."


Artworks from DiPaola's Tree Series.

At the exhibition, artwork from DiPaola's Abstract and Tree and Triptych series will be featured, as well as , an independent dance film and art video created by DiPaola and Shannon Cuykendall in collaboration with Alexandra Pickrell and Roya Pishvaei.

The exhibition features work from artists across the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Taiwan, and China.

Aberrant Creativity continues through to December 21 at the Arts Council of the Brazos Valley, 4180 Texas 6 Frontage Road. A virtual twin of the exhibition will be hosted online in 2024.

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