

Policies and Handbooks

MRM Student Handbook

The purpose of the MRM Handbook is to provide guidelines to assist both students and faculty ensure that Master’s research projects and theses are completed successfully, within a reasonable time, and with a rigorous standard of quality. The Handbook includes current information on the different streams of the MRM program, the policy for acquiring a course waiver, and establishing your research committee.

PhD Student Handbook

The Ph.D. handbook contains the Policies and Procedures regarding the REM Ph.D. program. REM’s policies and Procedures conform to the more general ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Policies. Policies and Procedures relevant to Ph.D. programs at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV are managed by . The purpose of this document is summarize the Policies and Procedures that are specific to the REM Ph.D. program. In case of any conflict between these REM procedures and the overall ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV regulations, the University regulations have precedence.

Policy Notes:

Transfer Credits
REM students may not transfer credits earned at another institution to count towards their degree in REM with the exception of courses taken under Western Deans’ Agreement with supervisor approval. Courses taken as part of a qualifying year or as a non-degree seeking student cannot be counted towards the required course work for the MRM degree. See the Student Handbook for a more complete summary.

Western Deans’ Agreement
Western Canadian Deans’ Agreement allows graduate students to take graduate courses at participating universities in Western Canada. Graduate students from ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV are required to pay tuition fees to ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV only and do not have to pay additional tuition fees at the host university. REM students can receive transfer credits for courses from participating universities. However, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV will only recognize a minimum grade of B for transfer credit. The grade achieved will not be included in your ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV GPA.

Supervisory Committee
University Regulations require that MRM Thesis and PhD students submit their Supervisory Committee to Graduate Studies for approval by the end of their first year using the Approval of Supervsiory Committee form. For more details about the composition and responsibilities of a supervisory commitee, see the appropriate section of the student handbooks or the Graduate General Regulations under Supervision (GGR 1.6).

Supervisory committees consist of the Supervisor, a second committee member who must also be an ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Professor or Adjunct, and then subsequent members who may be from other instituions or qualified professionals. See the GGR for requirements and make-up of committees for different credentials. Please provide the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV ID number or external email address and CV of committee members. MRM project and planning students only need a supervisor on record.

Gradaute Progress Reports
Graduate progress reports are generated through go¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. It is an iterative process, but the file is retained year-over-year, so your initial data entry just needs to be updated. While it is possible to complete a Graduate Progress Report without speaking directly to your Supervisor, it is expected that the Supervisor will meet with the student to review progress prior to submitting comments unless there are extenuating circumstances. Students see the GPR three times: The first time to complete your records and then two more times to acknowledge you have seen the comments. As this forms part of your permanent student file, you are entitled to see what is being said about you, so please respond to all reminder emails about the GPR until it is showing as complete. It should take no more than six weeks to complete the entire GPR process.

Intellectual Property (IP) course for faculty and graduate students in Environment
A short Canvass course provides a summary of the various types of IP and explains ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s R30.03 IP Policy.

Sudents and their supervisors need to have a common understanding of IP terms and concepts and how they relate to ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s Intellectual Property Policy in order to avoid misunderstandings. To facilitate this, the Dean of Graduate Studies has developed an IP Acknowledgement Agreement that students and their supervisors are to complete and sign. The IP Course introduces the document and provides the necessary background to help understand what you are agreeing to. 

In Environment, the IP course and Agreement are highly recommended for graduate students and their supervisors.