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Published Papers
Oh Jenny, Chubashini Shunthirasingham, Ying Duan Lei, Faqiang Zhan, Yuening Li, Abiga禱lle Dalp矇 Castilloux, Amina Ben Chaaben, Zhe Lu, Kelsey Lee, Frank Gobas, Sabine Eckhardt, Nick Alexandrou, Hayley Hung, Frank Wania. 2023. .
Axsen, J and M. Wolinetz (2023). , Transport Policy, 133, 54-63.
Axsen, J., K. Kurani, and B. Sovacool (2023). , Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives.
Bhardwaj, C., J. Axsen, and C. Crawford (2023). , Transportation Research Part D, 118, 103665.
Gauer, V., J. Axsen, E. D羹tschke, Z. Long (In Press). , Energy Research & Social Science, 99, 103048, 1-16.
McBain, S. J. Axsen, and C. Wilson (2023). , Transportation Research Part D, 118, 103675, 1-16.
Axsen, J. (2022). , Prepared for the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC), November 2022.
Golden, A. S., van Poorten, B. T., Jensen, O. P. 2022. . Fish and Fisheries 23(6):1418-1438.
Johnston, F. D., Simmons, S., van Poorten, B. T., & Venturelli, P. A. (2022). . Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 79(1): 39-46.
Axsen, J., Bhardwaj, C. and C. Crawford (2022). , Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 112, 103488, 1-20.
Bhardwaj, C., J. Axsen, and D. McCollum (2022). , Transport Policy, 117, 152-168.
Sun J., B.G. Kelly, F.A.P.C. Gobas and E. Sunderland. 2022. Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts 24, 1152-1164.
Cancelli, A.M., F.A.P.C. Gobas. 2022. . Environ Res 213: 113755, Oct;213: 113755. pp.9.
Long, Z., and J. Axsen (2022). , Energy Research & Social Science, 88, 102506.
Rajasooriar, D., Soma, T. (2022). Food access, mobility, and transportation: a survey and key informant interviews of users of non-profit food hubs in the City of Vancouver before and during the COVID-19 crisis. 22, 6.
Soma, T., Wilson, J., Mackay, M., Cao, Y. (2021). Preserving stories, preserving food: Intergenerational and multicultural pedagogies for food preservation and food waste reduction from Pakistan, China, and Canada. , 8(4).
Soma, T., and Nuckchady, B. (2021). Communicating the Benefits and Risks of Digital Agriculture Technologies: Perspectives on the Future of Digital Agricultural Education and Training .
Axsen, J. M. Wolinetz (2021). , Energy Policy, 156, 112457.
Lee, Yung-Shan, Talia R. Cole, Manpreet S. Jhutty, Mark A. Cantu, Beatrice Chee, Stephanie C. Stelmaschuk, Frank A.P.C. Gobas. 2021. . Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 41(10): 25652579.
Conder J., J. Zodrow, J. Arblaster, B. Kelly, F. Gobas, J. Suski, E. Osborn, M. Frenchmeyer, C. Divine, A. Leeson. 2021. . Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. 17(4): 746752.
Fremlin, K.M., J.E. Elliott, P.A. Martin, K.G. T. Harner, A. Saini, F.A.P.C. Gobas. 2021. . Environ. Sci. Technol. 55(20):13932-13941.
Ghosh, U., M. Bokare, F.A.P.C. Gobas. 2021. . Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 40(8): 21452155.
Cantu M.A. and F.A.P.C. Gobas. 2021. . Chemosphere 281(2):130948.
Gobas, F.A.P.C., Y.S Lee, J. Arnot. 2021. . Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 40(4): 1204-1211.
Long, Z, Kitt, S., J. Axsen, (2021). , Energy Policy, 155, 112302.
Bhardwaj, C., J. Axsen, D. McCollum (2021). , Transportation Research Part D: Transport Policy, 94: 102789.
Long, Z., C. Kormos, R. Sussman, J. Axsen (2021). , Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 146, 109-127
Kitt, S., J. Axsen, Z. Long, K. Rhodes (2021). , Ecological Economics, 183, 106958.
Bush, J. & Doyon, A. 2021. . Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions.
Doyon. A., Boron, J. & Williams, S. 2021. . Energy Research & Social Science.
Moloney, S. & Doyon, A. 2021. . Cities.
Cantu M.A. and F.A.P.C. Gobas. 2020. Bioaccumulation of Dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane (D6) in Fish. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. Submitted.
Conder J., J. Zodrow, J. Arblaster, B. Kelly, F. Gobas, J. Suski, E. Osborn, M. Frenchmeyer, C. Divine, A. Leeson. 2020. Strategic Resources for Assessing PFAS Ecological Risks at AFFF Sites. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. Submitted.
Ghosh, U., M. Bokare, F.A.P.C. Gobas. 2020. Deconvoluting thermodynamics from biology in the aquatic food web model. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. Submitted.
Michelle R. Embry, Jon A. Arnot, Markus Brinkmann, Yongshu Fan, Kellie Fay, Frank APC Gobas, Kai-Uwe Goss, Marlies Halder, Karla Johanning, Sophia Krause, Heike Laue, Matthew MacLeod, Diane Nabb, John Nichols, Kristin Schirmer, Helmut Segner, Julita Stadnickan. 2020. Application of the OECD 319 Test Guidelines for Bioaccumulation Assessment: Opportunities, Challenges, and Next Steps. In preparation.
Jennifer J. Trowell, Frank A. P. C. Gobas, Margo M. Moore and Christopher J Kennedy. 2019. The effect of environmental temperature on in-vitro estimates of elimination rate constants and bioconcentration factors of hydrophobic chemicals in fish. In preparation
Cancelli, A.M., F.A.P.C. Gobas. 2020. Passive treatment of naphthenic acids in oil sands process-affected waters with a surface flow treatment wetland. Environ. Sci. Technol. Submitted
Cancelli, A.M., F.A.P.C. Gobas. 2020. . Environments. 7, 64; DOI:10.3390/environments7090064
Gobas, F.A.P.C., Y.S Lee, J. Arnot. 2020. . Environ. Toxicol. Chem.
Saunders L.J., P.N. Fitzsimmons, J.W. Nichols, Frank A.P.C. Gobas. 2020. In Vitro-In Vivo Extrapolation Of Hepatic And Gastrointestinal Biotransformation Rates Of Hydrophobic Chemicals In Rainbow Trout. Aquatic Toxicology. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2020.105629.
Saunders L.J., G. Diaz-Blanco, Y.S. Lee, S.V. Otton, F.A.P.C. Gobas. 2020. . Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett. 7 (9), 672-676.
Axsen, J., P. Plotz and M. Wolinetz (2020). , Nature Climate Change, 10, 809-818(2020).
C., J. Batson, T. Gunton, S. Markey and D. Dale. 2020. Impact Benefit Agreement Guidebook. School of Resource and Environmental Management, 間眅埶AV.
Gunton, T., Gunton, C., Joseph, C. and Pope, M. 2020. . Knowledge Synthesis Report prepared for the Social Science and Humanities Research Council and the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada.
Joseph, C., Gunton, T. I., & Hoffele, J. 2020. . Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 1-15.
Joseph, C., Gunton, T., Knowler, D. and Broadbent, S., 2020. . Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, pp.1-11.
Axsen, J and M. Wolinetz (2020). Pricing it Right for Climate: Using Mobility Pricing to Drive Down Transport Emissions in Metro Vancouver and Montreal. Prepared for the David Suzuki Foundation, December 2020.
Long, Z., J. Axsen, and S. Kitt (2020). , Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 141, 98-115.
Manca, F., A. Sivakumar, N. Daina, J. Axsen, J. Polak (2020). , Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 140, 278-298
Bhardwaj, C., J. Axsen, F. Kern & D. McCollum (2020). , Transport Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 135, 309-326.
Brunner, T., and J. Axsen (2020). , Energy Research & Social Science, 67, 101511.
Axsen, J., Z. Long (2020). , in Whos Driving Electric Cars: Understanding Consumer Adoption and Use of Plug-in Electric Cars. M. Contestabile, G. Tal and T. Turrentine, Springer International Publishing: 63-85. Book with the International Energy Agency.
Melton, N., J. Axsen, B. Moawad, (2020). , Energy Research & Social Science, 64, 101411.
Hammond, W., J. Axsen, and E. Kjeang (2020). , Energy Policy, 137, 111093.
Miele, A., J. Axsen, M. Wolinetz, E. Maine (2020). The , Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 81, 102275.
Sovacool, B., L. Williams, A. Martin, J. Axsen (2020). . Local Environment, 1-23.
Saunders, L., A. Hoffman, J. Nichols, F.A.P.C. Gobas. 2019. . Environ. Toxicol. Chem. DOI:10.1002/etc.4638.
Gobas, F.A.P.C., Y.S. Lee, J.C. Lo, T.F. Parkerton, D. Lettinski. 2019. . Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 39(1): 171-188
Gobas F.A.P.C., Y.S. Lee. 2019. . Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 38: 20652072.Plotz, Patrick, J.
Axsen, S. Funke and T. Gnann (2019). , Nature Sustainability, 2, 534-536.
J. Axsen, M. Wolinetz (2019). . Prepared for the David Suzuki Foundation, November 2019.
Long, Z., J. Axsen, & C. Kormos, (2019). , Environmental Research Letters, 14, 11.
Long, Z., J. Axsen, I. Miller, & C. Kormos. (2019). Transportation Research Part A, 129, 185-204.
Axsen, J., and B. Sovacool (2019). , Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment., 71, 1-21.
- Special Issue (20 articles) on , guest edited by Jonn Axsen and Benjamin Sovacool.
Kamiya, G., J. Axsen, and C. Crawford (2019). , Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 69, 209-223.
Long, Z, J. Axsen, C. Kormos, and S. Goldberg (2019), , Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 67, 51-66.
Kormos, C., J. Axsen, Z. Long, and S. Goldberg (2019), , Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 67.
Axsen, J (2019). , Prepared for the David Suzuki Foundation, February 26, 2019.
Halseth, G., Markey, S., Ryser, L. (2019). . London: Routledge.
Hardman, S., P., Plotz, G. Tal, J. Axsen, E. Figenbaum, et al. (2019). Exploring the Role of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles in Electrifying Passenger Transportation, Policy Guide, Prepared for the UC Davis International EV Policy Council, April 2019.
Lajevari, M., J. Axsen, and C. Crawford (2019). , Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 76, 19-55.
Sovacool, B., J. Axsen, and S. Sorrell (2018), , Energy Research & Social Science, 45, 12-42.
Axsen, J, and M. Wolinetz (2018). , Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 65, 596-617.
Sovacool, B. and J. Axsen (2018). , Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 118, 730-746.
Lepitzki, J., and J. Axsen (2018). , Energy Policy, 119, 423-440.
Hardman, S., A. Jenn, J. Axsen, G. Beard, et al. (2018). , Prepared for the UC Davis International EV Policy Council, August, 2018.
Hardman, S., T. Turrentine, J. Axsen, D. Garas, et al. (2018). , Prepared for the UC Davis International EV Policy Council, March, 2018.
Hardman, S., G. Tal, J. Axsen, G. Beard, et al. (2018). , Prepared for the UC Davis International EV Policy Council, March, 2018.
Shandro, B., and Haegeli, P. (2018). . Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 18, 1141-1158. doi:10.5194/nhess-18-1141-2018
Thumlert, S., and Haegeli, P. (2018). . Natural Hazards, 91(1), 89-115. doi:10.1007/s11069-017-3113-y
Statham, G., Haegeli, P., Greene, E., Birkeland, K. W., Israelson, C., Tremper, B.,匠elly, J. (2018). . Natural Hazards, 90(2), 663-691. doi:10.1007/s11069-017-3070-5
Axsen, J, J. Cairns, S. Goldberg and N. Dusyk (2018). , Energy Research & Social Science, 44, 17-30.
Hardman, S, A. Jenn, G. Tal, J. Axsen, G. Beard, N. Daina, E. Figenbaum, N. Jakobsson, P. Jochem, N. Kinnear, P. Plotz, J. Pontes, N. Refa, F. Sprei, T. Turrentine and B. Witkamp (2018), , Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 62, 508-523.
Lajevari, M., J. Axsen, and C. Crawford (2018). , Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 62, 186-211.
Wolinetz, M., J. Axsen, J. Peters, and C. Crawford (2018), , Nature Energy, 3, 132-139.
Sovacool, B., L. Noel, J. Axsen and W. Kempton (2018). , Environmental Research Letters, 13, 1.
Peters, D., J. Axsen, A. Mallet (2018). , Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 82, 1939-1951.
Schmitt, M., L. Aknin, J. Axsen and R. Shwom (2018). , Ecological Economics, 143, 130-140.
Dusyk, N., J. Axsen and K. Dullemond (2018). , Energy Research & Social Science, 37, 12-21.
Kohfeld KE, and Z Chase, , Earth and Planetary Science Letters 472: 206-215, 2017.
Keeling, B., M. Hessing-Lewis, C. Housty, D.K. Okamoto, E. Gregr, A.K. Salomon. 2017. . Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 1-14.
Krumhansl, K.A., J.N. Bergman, A.K. Salomon. In Press. Accepted Dec 16 2016. Assessing the ecosystem level consequences of a small scale artisanal kelp fishery within the context of climate change. Ecological Applications.
Wolinetz, M., and J. Axsen (2017). , Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
Lynham, J., B.S. Halpren, T. Blenckner, T. Essington, J. Estes, M. Hunsicker, C. Kappel, A.K. Salomon, C. Scrborough, K.A. Selkoe, A. Stier. 2017. Costly stakeholder participation creates inertia in marine ecosystems. Marine Policy 76: 122 129.
Yung-Shan Lee, Justin C. Lo, S. Victoria Otton, Margo M. Moore, Chris J. Kennedy and Frank A.P.C. Gobas. 2017. . Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 36, 19341946. DOI:
Frank A.P.C. Gobas, S. Victoria Otton, Laura F. Tupper-Ring, Meara A. Crawford, Kathryn E. Clark, Michael G. Ikonomou. 2017. . Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 36(Issue 6): 14831492, 1-10. DOI: .
Green, S.J., K. Demes, M. Arbeider, W.J. Palen, A.K. Salomon, T.D. Sisk, M. Webster, M. E. Ryan. 2016. . Frontier in Ecology and the Environment.
Pinkerton, E., ed. 2016. Special Issue: Neoliberalism and Global Small-Scale Fisheries. Marine Policy 76. In press for publication February 2017.
Russ Jones, Catherine Rigg, Evelyn Pinkerton. 2016. . Marine Policy. In press.
Pinkerton, E. 2016. . Marine Policy. In press.
Justin C. Lo, Daniel J. Letinski, Thomas F. Parkerton, Dave A. Campbell, and Frank A. P. C. Gobas. 2016. . Environ. Sci. Tech. .
Knowler, D., Page, A., Cooper and Araujo, A. 2016. Valuing a Logging Externality: Loss of the Water Purification Service of Temperate Coastal Rainforests,&紳莉莽梯;Water Economics and Policy, .
Yip, W., Knowler, D., Haider, W. and Trenholm, R. 2016. ,&紳莉莽梯;Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, .
Schwoerer, T., Knowler, D. and Garcia-Martinez, S. ,&紳莉莽梯;Ecological Economics 127: 90101, 2016.
Mart穩nez-Espi簽eira, R., Chopin, T., Robinson, S., Noce, A., Yip, W. and Knowler, D. .&紳莉莽梯;Aquaculture Economics and Management, 20(1): 1-23, 2016.
Jackley, J., L. Gardner, A. Djunaedi, A.K. Salomon*. 2016. . Ecology and Society 21(4):20.
Malick, M.J., Cox, S.P., Mueter, F.J., Dorner, B., and Peterman, R.M. (2016). . Fisheries Oceanography. DOI: 10.1111/fog.12190
Tribonos, V.H., Cubillos, J.A., Licandeo, R., and Cox. S.P. 2016. . ICES Journal of Marine Science. DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsv270
Green, S.J., K. Demes, M. Arbeider, W.J. Palen, A.K. Salomon, T.D. Sisk, M. Webster, M. E. Ryan. Oil sands and the marine environment: Current knowledge and future challenges. Accepted with revisions. Frontier in Ecology and the Environment.
Benoit, H., Swain, D.P., Cox, S.P., and Cadigan, N. 2016. Comment on Slow adaptation in the face of rapid warming leads to collapse of the Gulf of Maine cod fishery.&紳莉莽梯;Science 350: 809-812.
Stevenson, C.F., K.W. Demes, A.K. Salomon. 2016. . Ecology and Evolution.
Welch, J.R., Editor (2016) . University of Arizona Press, Tucson
Melton, N., J. Axsen, and D. Sperling (2016). , Nature Energy, 1, 16013.
Rutherford, M.B. 2016. Impact assessment in British Columbia. Pp. 238-254 in K.S. Hanna (ed.), . Third edition. Oxford University Press DOI: 10.1111/j.1541-0064.2011.00359.x.
Ryser, L., Halseth, G., Markey, S., Morris, M. (2016). . Extractive Industries and Society. doi:
Mori, A.S., K. Lertzman, L. Gustafson. 2016. . Journal of Applied Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12669
Halseth, G., Markey, S., Ryser, L., Manson, D. (2016). . Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press.
Hoffman K.M., D. G. Gavin, K. P. Lertzman, D. J. Smith and B. M. Starzomski. 2016. . Ecosphere.
Savo V., D.S. Lepofsky, J.P. Benner, K.E. Kohfeld, H.J. Bailey, and K.P. Lertzman. 2016. . Nature Climate Change 6:462473.
Alava, J.J., F.A.P.C. Gobas. 2016. . Science of the Total Environment. 554:56-67.
Alava J.J., P.S. Ross and F.A.P.C. Gobas. 2016. . Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 70:155168. DOI
Bailey, J. H. and, J. Axsen (2015). Anticipating consumer acceptance of utility controlled charging for plug-in vehicles, Submitted to Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 82, 29-46
Axsen, J., J. H. Bailey, and M. Castro (2015). , Energy Economics, 50, 190-201.
Rhodes, K., Axsen, J. and M. Jaccard, 2015 Gauging citizen support for a low carbon fuel standard.&紳莉莽梯;Energy Policy, V.79, 104-114.
Welch, John R, and Evelyn Pinkerton (2015) . Groupwork 25(2):6-30.
Rocha, L, and E. Pinkerton. 2015. . Ecology and Society. 20 (1): 7.
Araujo, A.H., Cooper, A.B., MacIsaac, E.A. and Knowler, D. Modeling Population Responses of Chinook and Coho Salmon to Suspended Sediment Using a Life History Approach,&紳莉莽梯;Theoretical Population Biology 103: 7183, 2015.
Stronghill, J., M.B. Rutherford, and W. Haider. 2015. Conservancies in coastal British Columbia: A new approach to protected areas in the traditional territories of First Nations. Conservation and Society 13(1): 39-50.
Chase, Z, KE Kohfeld, K. Matsumoto, Controls on rates of opal burial in the Southern Ocean, Global Biogeochemical Cycles 29 (10): 1599-1616, 2015.
Cross, B, KE Kohfeld, HJ Bailey, AB Cooper, Historical variability in wind speed behavior in relation to hydroelectric reservoir inflows, and their implications for wind power development, PLOSOne, 10(8): e0135730. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0135730, 2015.
Gobas, F.A.P.C., D.E. Powell, K.B. Woodburn, T. Springer, D.B. Huggett. 2015. . Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 34(12), 27032714.
Pinkerton, E. and Davis, R. 2015. . in Marine Policy 61:303-312. Edited by E. Pinkerton and R. Davis.
Gunton, Thomas, Sean Broadbent, Marvin Shaffer, Chris Joseph and James Hoffele. 2015. . BC: School of Resource and Environmental Management, 間眅埶AV.
Mart穩nez-Espi簽eira, R., Chopin, T., Robinson, S., Noce, A., Knowler, D., and Yip W. Estimating the biomitigation benefits of Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture: a contingent behavior analysis.&紳莉莽梯;Aquaculture 437(1): 182-194, 2015.
Pinkerton, E. 2015. . Paper in Special Issue of Marine Policy61: 410-419. Edited by E. Pinkerton and R. Davis.
Gunton, Thomas and Sean Broadbent. 2015. . BC: School of Resource and Environmental Management, 間眅埶AV.