

Graduate Courses

Graduate courses can be core courses or electives. The core courses are reserved for REM graduate students, although sometimes non-REM students can be admitted late if there is room. Electives are open to non-REM students and also available to WDA or Exchange students.

Complete course outline listing

Spring 2025 Course Schedule

Spring 2025*

REM 621 - Ecological Economics (5)

Introduction to economic concepts for management of the environment and specific natural resources. Key topics include market failure, cost-benefit analysis, non-market valuation, pollution economics, analysis of transboundary environmental problems and the application of economics to sustainable development analysis and policies.

REM 627 - Avalanche Risk Management (5)

Interdisciplinary introduction to snow avalanches and the management of the associated risks. Embedded in an overall risk management framework, the course discusses the physics of avalanche formation, identification and characterization of avalanche terrain, the fundamentals of hazard assessment, and mitigation approaches in different contexts with practical examples from in Canada.

REM 641 - Environmental and Planning Law (5)

A practical introduction to the legal system that governs the use and protection of natural resources and the environment in Canada. The course also includes an overview of the law that governs land use planning in British Columbia. Students with credit for MRM 641 may not take this course for further credit.

REM 644 - Policy Analysis for Social and Environmental Change (5)

Analysis of methods of policy-making and problem solving with particular emphasis on natural resource issues. Topics include goal setting, problem definition, program scheduling, policy evaluation, policy implementation and public administration. A practical analysis of the structure and processes surrounding major contemporary policy issues. Equivalent Courses: MRM644.

REM 646 - Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (5)

Evaluation and application of current methodologies for social, economic, and biophysical impact assessment.

*Subject to change.

In every term

REM 664 - Directed Studies (5)

Always available.
Special topics in areas not currently offered within the offerings of the resource and environmental management program.

REM 665 - Directed Studies (5)

REM 697 - MRM Thesis (18)

Always available.
Thesis course for the MRM - thesis stream degree. It is an In Progress/Complete course; students can enroll in consecutive terms until it is complete.

REM 699 - Research Project (6)

Always available.
A research project dealing with a specific interdisciplinary problem in resource management, administration or allocation. The study must result in the preparation of a formal paper and the presentation of a seminar. It is an In Progress/Complete course; students can enroll in consecutive terms until it is complete. Students with credit for MRM 699 may not take this course for further credit.

REM 898 - Thesis Proposal

Always available.
Students will present and orally defend their proposal before an approved oral examination committee. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. It is an In Progress/Complete course; students can enroll in consecutive terms until it is complete.

REM 899 - PhD Thesis (18)

Always available.
It is an In Progress/Complete course; students can enroll in consecutive terms until it is complete. Students with credit for MRM 899 may not take this course for further credit.