


Researcher Publications: 


Markey, S., Halseth, G., Ryser, L., Argent, N., Boron, J. (2019). Bending the Arc of the Staples Trap: Negotiating Rural Resource Revenues in an Age of Policy Incoherence. Journal of Rural Studies

Ryser, L., Halseth, G., Markey, S., Gunton, C., & Argent, N. (2019). Path dependency or investing in place: Understanding the changing conditions for rural resource regions. The Extractive Industries and Society, 6(1), 2940.

Roseland, M., & Spiliotopoulou, M. (2018). Sustainability in North America: the Canadian experience. In Brinkmann, R., & Garren, S. (Eds), The Palgrave Handbook of Sustainability: Case studies and practical solutions (pages 635-652). Palgrave Macmillan.

Roseland, M., & Spiliotopoulou, M. (2017). Sustainable Community Planning and Development. In Abraham, M. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies. Elsevier.

Roseland, M., & Spiliotopoulou, M. (2016). Converging urban agendas: Toward healthy and sustainable communities. Social Sciences, 5(3), 28.

policy briefs

Gunton, C. (2019).  "," Rural Policy Learning Commons.

Boron, J. (2018). An Analysis of Reconciliation Agreements in British Columbia. (2018). [Policy Brief for the Rural Policy Learning Commons].


Boron, J. (2018, August). Indigenous sovereignty over traditional territory: a case study of mineral development in the Stkemlupsemc te Secwepemc territory. (August 2018). [Presentation at Canadian Association of Geographers Conference: Appreciating Difference. Quebec City, Quebec].

Gunton, C. (2018, August), Evaluating British Columbia's economic policies for liquefied natural  gas development. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Canadian Association of Geographers, Quebec City, Canada.

Spiliotopoulou, M. (2018, April). Local sustainability planning and performance assessment. Paper presented at the Faculty of Environment Graduate Research Day, 間眅埶AV, Burnaby B.C., Canada.

Spiliotopoulou, M. (2017, June). Sustainability planning and performance assessment in the City of Maple Ridge, BC. Paper presented at the, Winnipeg, Canada.

Spiliotopoulou, M. (2017, May). Studying sustainability planning and performance assessment in Canadian communities. Paper presented at the C2UExpo, Vancouver, Canada.

Spiliotopoulou, M. (2016, June). Sustainable Community Development through the lens of urban productivity. Paper presented at the 6th Annual International Conference on Urban Studies & Planning, Athens, Greece.

Roseland, M., & Spiliotopoulou, M. (2016, May). How ready are students to flip the classroom using online educational material? Paper presented at, Burnaby B.C., Canada.

Roseland, M., & Spiliotopoulou, M. (2015, October). Sustainable Community Development through the lens of urban productivity. Paper presented at the Biennial Conference Pathways for Change, The Canadian Society for Ecological Economics & United States Society for Ecological Economics, Vancouver B.C, Canada.

Roseland, M., & Spiliotopoulou, M. (2015, April). Eco-City Frameworks at a Crossroads: Developing Requirements for International Eco-City and Sustainable Neighbourhood Standards. Paper presented at the, Seoul, S. Korea.

CPDL Masters Research Projects: 

 Buchanan, Claire. (2019) Mining; Gender; Workforce Development; Kootenays; British Columbia; Rural.

 Farthing-Nichol, Richard. (2019) Co-governance; Sustainable funding; Watershed governance; Nicola watershed; Funding mechanisms; Indigenous governance.

 Gunton, Cameron. (2018) LNG; Resource Development; British Columbia; Economic Policy; Fiscal Regime; Royalty; Natural Gas; Woodfibre LNG.

 Boron, Jonathan. (2017) Indigenous Sovereignty; Resource Development; Co-management; Resource Royalties.