


This model is described in Gobas et al. 1998 (Environ. Sci. Technol. 32: 2442-2449). This model includes a steady-state and a time dependent model of the mass transport and food-web bioaccumulation of organic chemicals in aquatic ecosystems. It can be used to assess the distribution of chemical concentrations in water, sediment and aquatic biota in real-world aquatic ecosystems. It includes simple spreadsheets to enter hydrodynamic, sediment transport, chemical fate and food-web transfer data. Output is in the form of Excel spreadsheets and a geographical display of concentrations as a function of time.
The model is written in Visual Basic for the Windows 3.x platform. It is compatible with current Windows based operating systems, but it is important to install the VBRUN300.DLL driver file or a compatible file in the Windows system directory.


Ecosystem data files for EcoFate:
Burrard Inlet
Fraser River
Thompson River