

What we do

Our group is involved in:
    • Scientific Research
    • Education
    • Providing expertise on pollution related issues


We study the environmental behaviour and effects of pollutants in support of environmental management. Our research includes laboratory-based experimentation, field studies, computer modeling and policy analysis. 

Students typically choose a project in one of these areas depending on their interests, educational goals and future employment interests.

Our research group has laboratory and analytical facilities on campus. We also have access to ships and field research equipment. Through our collaborations, we can provide students with access to state-of-the-art equipment and facilities to do research.


We offer courses to university students, government agencies and businesses. They include:
• Applied Environmental Toxicology
• Environmental Risk Assessment
• Wildlife Ecotoxicology
• Environmental Chemistry
• Pesticide Risk Assessment
• Simulation Modeling
• Food-Web Modeling of Contaminants
• Global Change
• Resource Management


Our expertise includes modelling the behaviour, effects and risks of pollutants in ecosystems. We provide our expertise in support of the development of international, national and provincial regulations regarding pollutants. We also provide expertise and services in support of environmental remediation initiatives in Canada, Australia and the US. 

Our industry and government partners include:
United Nations Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP)
US Environmental Protection Agency Science Advisory Board
American Chemistry Council
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Fisheries Canada
British Columbia Ministry of the Environment
Clean Estuaries Partnership
San Francisco Estuary Institute
Imperial Oil
Dow Chemicals
City of Burnaby