

Meg Holden

Professor, Urban Studies (Primary) and Resource and Environmental Management
Director of the REM Planning Program
Resource and Environmental Management


  • BSc (Hons.) University of Victoria, 1996
  • MSc Rutgers University, 1998
  • PhD New School for Social Research, 2004


Meg Holden is an engaged researcher and teacher in the domains of urban and regional planning and policy, sustainable development and well-being, and pragmatic philosophy. An environmental pragmatist by personal conviction, Meg seeks paths toward new directions for cities where more and more of us can experience sustainability and justice.

Chercheuse et enseignante spécialiste dans les domaines de planification et politiques publiques urbaines et régionales, du développement durable et bien-être, et de la philosophie pragmatiste, Meg Holden suit un chemin de recherche marqué par un pragmatisme environnemental. Le but envisagé de ses travaux consiste des directions à suivre pour un avenir où une variété croissante des êtres urbains connaît la durabilité et la justice dans leur quotidien.


New Articles

  • 2023 Zhu, Y. and Holden, M. . Habitat International.
  • 2022 Holden, M. . Socialist Studies/Etudes socialistes 16(1).
  • 2022 Boulton, C., Dedekorkut-Howes, A., Holden, M., Byrne, J. . Urban Affairs Review.
  • 2021 Bouikidis, A. and Holden, M. . HazNet: the Magazine of Canadian Risk and Hazards Network.

My Books

  • 2023 Holden, M. and Breux, S. (eds). . Also published in French as: . Laval: Presses Univ. Laval.
  • 2019. About, C., Doussard, C., Holden, M. (eds). . Paris: Dunod-Colin. 224 p.
  • 2017. Holden, M. . Routledge Series on Equity, Justice and the Sustainable City (J. Agyeman and S. Zavestoski, series eds).

Watch or Listen

  • of Holden, M., About, C., Doussard, C., Rochard, H., Poiroux, A., Airas, A. 2021. Off-cycle: Comparing model sustainable neighbourhoods in France and Canada. City.
  • 2021 Holden, M. in Citoyen 2.0 .
  • 2021 (Feb 17) Closer to home: the case for complete neighbourhoods. Event 3 of The Future We Want: The Change We Need dialogue series. Invited moderator (online).
  • 2021 (Jan 21) Towards a more equitable housing system: is Vancouver a city for renters? Event 2 of The Future We Want: The Change We Need dialogue series. Invited moderator.
  • 2020 (Dec 5) Planning for the post-pandemic city. Event 1 of The Future We Want: The Change We Need dialogue series. Invited moderator.
  • 2020 Holden, M., Issa, O., Saunders, D. Bula, F. and podcast.
  • Commentary
  • Holden, M., Lee, R. and Emami, S. 2023 . Plan Canada (Spring), p.20-24.
  • Vernet, C. 2023 (July 18) Interviewed in: Radio-Canada Panorama. .
  • Luymes, G. 2023 (June) Quoted in: . Vancouver Sun. Also coverage and .
  • Menon, A. 2022 (Oct 13) Quoted in: The Tyee.
  • Zhu, Y., Mahdavi, D., Holden, M. 2022 . The Conversation
  • Holden, M., Mahmood, A., Akbarnejad, G., Martin, L., Winters, M. 2021 . The Conversation
  • Holden, M. 2020 The Conversation

Other sample research publications:

Urban development and housing

  • Emami, S., Lee, R., Martin, L., Mahmood, A., Winters, M. and Holden, M. 2023 . 80p.
  • Nouri, MJ., Holden, M., Sones, M., Winters, M., Mahmood, A. 2022 . Vancouver. 60p.
  • Zhu, Y., Holden, M., Vaez Mahdavi, D. and Zeng, A. 2022 . Community Housing Canada.
  • Holden, M. 2021 Canadian Journal of Urban Research 30(2): 126-128.
  • Zhu Y, Holden M, Han P, Kim S. 2021 (May) . Community Housing Canada.
  • Holden, M., Seifi, S., Adeli, R. 2020 Hey Neighbour! A new initiative in rental building resident sociability. International Journal of Community Well-Being 3(3): 341-359.
  • Hey Neighbour Collective (Hoar M, Hogg M, Winters M, Holden M + others). 2020 (Dec) . Submitted to Metro Vancouver.
  • Holden, M. and Chang, R. 2020. The ups and downs of a sustainable and climate resilient development path in Canadian cities. In Moos, M., Vinodrai, T. and Walker, R. (eds) , 6th ed. Toronto: Oxford Univ Press, p. 397-416.
  • Holden, M. and Kim, S. 2020 (July) Township of Langley Mayor’s Standing Committee on Development Process Review Report. Township of Langley. 37 p.

Sustainable cities, well-being and urban neighbourhoods

  • Holden, M. 2022. Stepping up to meet the challenge of a zero carbon built environment. In: Rydin, Y, Beauregard, R., Cremaschi, M., and Lieto, L. (eds) . Routledge, p. 122-134.
  • Holden, M. 2019. . IJCWB 1(2): 137-155.
  • Airas, A., Larsen, M., Holden, M. 2019 Social sustainability and ecourban neighbourhoods. In Shirazi, M.R. and Keivani, R. (eds) . New York: Routledge, p.149-170.
  • Holden, M. 2018 . International Journal of Community Well-Being 1(1): 45-61.
  • Holden, M., Li, C., Molina, A., Sturgeon, D. 2016  Articulo Journal of Urban Research 14.
  • Sturgeon, D., Holden, M., Molina, A., Li, C. 2016 Articulo Journal of Urban Research 14.
  • Holden, M., Robinson, J., Sheppard, S. 2016 From resilience to transformation: what is the development path? In Yamagata, Y. and Murayama, A. (eds) . Springer, pp. 295-319.
  • Holden, M. and M. Toftager Larsen. 2015  Urban Research and Practice 8(3): 354-370.
  • Holden, M., C.Li., A.Molina. 2015 . Sustainability 7(9): 11418-11437
  • Scerri, A. and M. Holden. 2014 . Environmental Policy and Practice 16(2): 261-279.
  • Holden, M., A. Hadizadeh Esfahani, A. Scerri. 2014 Urban Research and Practice 7(1): 1-19.
  • Holden, M. 2012 . Urban Studies 49(3): 636-651.

Community indicators, equity and democratic participation

  • Holden, M., Fassihi, F., Firth, C. 2021 . Vancouver.
  • 2021 Martin, L. and Holden, M. . Vancouver: Hey Neighbour Collective report.
  • Moreno Pires, S., Magee, L., Holden, M. 2017 . Environment and Planning C. 35(7): 1304-1323.
  • Holden, M. 2017 Getting to Groundbreaking, But Not Build Out: From formation to failure in a regional housing indicators collaborative. In Holden, M., Stevens, C., Phillips, R. (eds). New York: Springer.
  • Holden, M. 2006 . Cities Journal 23(3): 170 -183.
  • Holden, M. 2006 . Applied Research in Quality-of-Life 1(3/4): 253-277.

Planning and Urban Theory

  • Holden, M. 2020 Ecological crisis, action and pragmatic humanism. In Wills, J. and Lake, R. (eds) . Manchester University Press, p. 195-209.
  • Holden, M. 2020 . Sustainability 12(11): 4669
  • Holden, M. 2018 . The Conversation. (18 July)
  • Holden, M., A. Scerri, A. Hadizadeh Esfahani. 2015 . International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 39(3): 451-470.
  • Holden, M. and A. Scerri. 2014 . Planning Theory 14(4): 360-383.
  • Holden, M. 2008 Social learning in planning: Seattle’s sustainable development codebooks. Progress in Planning 69(1): 1-40.
  • Holden, M. 2008 . Planning Theory and Practice 9(4): 475-496.