

Jonn Axsen

Resource & Environmental Management


  • BBA, Business Administration, First class honours, 間眅埶AV
  • MRM, Resource Management, 間眅埶AV
  • PhD, Transportation Technology and Policy, University of California, Davis

Updated CV (June 15th, 2023)


Jonn Axsen employs interdisciplinary and mixed-method research approaches to identify solutions for todays enormous environmental challenge: mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, of which almost a quarter arise from road transportation. His research demonstrates that such solutions require an understanding of individual decision-making, social systems and culture, technology development, and public policy. As Professor and Director of the at 間眅埶AV, he applies a rigorous and comprehensive perspective to provide policy-relevant insights into sustainable transportation technology and practices, including electric vehicles and alternative forms of mobility, as well as other sustainable energy and environmental applications.

Professor Axsen was elected a member of the Royal Society of Canada in 2021. He has authored over 80 peer-reviewed journal articles since 2009, over 25 of which have been cited more than 100 times each. With an h-index of 48 and over 8,000 citations, he places among the top five most-cited sustainable transportation scholars globally (, June 2023). He publishes in top field journals and high-impact cross-disciplinary journals such as Nature Climate Change, Nature Energy, Nature Sustainability, and Environmental Research Letters. Dr. Axsen was recently identified as the to Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment in its 25 year history, a top journal in his field.

Professor Axsen is Senior Associate Editor of (Impact Factor = 8.5) and serves on the US National Academies Transportation Research Board. Professor Axsen has also published dozens of stakeholder reports and delivered over 100 academic presentations.

His research program has secured over $2 million in funding from national and international agencies and sponsors, including SSHRC, Translink, Tesla, NRCan, and the Pacific Institute of Climate Solutions (PICS). He regularly collaborates with stakeholders such as the United Nations (UN), Transport Canada, the David Suzuki Foundation, Clean Energy Canada, Environmental Defence, and Equiterre.

See his CV for a full list of publications. A selection of recent and notable publications includes:


  • Axsen, J and M. Wolinetz (2023). , Transport Policy, 133, 54-63.
  • Axsen, J., K. Kurani, and B. Sovacool (2023). , Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives.
  • Bhardwaj, C., J. Axsen, and C. Crawford (2023). , Transportation Research Part D, 118, 103665.
  • Gauer, V., J. Axsen, E. D羹tschke, Z. Long (In Press). , Energy Research & Social Science, 99, 103048, 1-16.
  • McBain, S. J. Axsen, and C. Wilson (2023). , Transportation Research Part D, 118, 103675, 1-16.


  • Axsen, J. (2022). , Prepared for the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC), November 2022.
  • Axsen, J., Bhardwaj, C. and C. Crawford (2022). , Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 112, 103488, 1-20.
  • Bhardwaj, C., J. Axsen, D. McCollum (2022). , Resource & Energy Economics, 70, 101319, 1-22.
  • Axsen, J. and Z. Long (2022). , Energy Research & Social Science, 92, 102776, 1-17.
  • Axsen, J., S. Hardman, and A. Jenn, (2022). Environmental Science & Technology, 56, 12, 7553-7563.
  • Long, Z., and J. Axsen (2022). , Energy Research & Social Science, 88, 102506.


  • Axsen, J. M. Wolinetz (2021). , Energy Policy, 156, 112457.
  • Long, Z, Kitt, S., J. Axsen, (2021). , Energy Policy, 155, 112302.
  • Bhardwaj, C., J. Axsen, D. McCollum (2021). , Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 94: 102789.
  • Kitt, S., J. Axsen, Z. Long, K. Rhodes (2021). , Ecological Economics, 183, 106958.

A few notable articles from before 2021:

  1. A 2020 perspective piece on the (in Nature Climate Change)
  2. A 2019 synthesis of research on  (one of the most downloaded in the journal).
  3. A 2018 review of "best practices" for  (most cited article in the journal).
  4. A 2018 review of evidence for  (one of the most cited article in the journal).
  5. A 2012 exploration of the role of  (award-winning, via the International Transport Forum).


Fall 2024

This instructor is currently not teaching any courses.