
Faculty of Health Sciences Profiles: 2022

The Faculty of Health Sciences offers one of Canada’s most comprehensive and integrated health sciences programs. Researchers and students from a broad spectrum of disciplines work together to study health and disease.

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  • March 11, 2022

    March 11, 2022

    Alison is a Master's student in the Faculty of Health Sciences whose research interest lies in how resilient responses to multimorbidity translate into protection from other adversities, such as fall injuries. (Graduate Fellowship)

  • March 21, 2022

    March 21, 2022

    Quiana is a Master's student in the Faculty of Health Sciences developing an effective vaccine to prevent congenital disease and HCMV infection in general. (Graduate Fellowship)

  • June 13, 2022

    June 13, 2022

    Anna is a master's student in the Faculty of Health Sciences whose research seeks to describe present HIV-1 subtype diversity in Ghana, identify circulating drug resistance mutations in the country and lastly predict HIV-1 coreceptor usage using an algorithm that analyses sequences in the envelope region of HIV. (Queen Elizabeth II Scholarship)

  • February 14, 2022

    February 14, 2022

    Kelly is a Public Health Master's student in the Faculty of Health Sciences who's working on developing evidence-based interventions and programs that address the upstream causes of poor health outcomes among communities and populations, rather than just at an individual-level. (Janes Corbett Grad HS Practice)

  • February 25, 2022

    February 25, 2022

    Emily is a Doctoral student in the Faculty of Health Sciences whose research involves investigating how adverse life events, such as growing up poor or being bullied, can impact overarching structure of our DNA, and how that can lead to changes in our reactions to future stress and potentially impact mental health later on. (Graduate Fellowship)

  • May 16, 2022

    May 16, 2022

    Emily is a doctoral student in the Faculty of Health Sciences who is researching how police violence is portrayed in the media and the impact of that portrayal on people more likely to experience police violence. (Graduate Dean’s Entrance Scholarship)

  • March 11, 2022

    March 11, 2022

    Mari is a Master's student in the Faculty of Health Sciences whose research aims to understand barriers to accessing mental health services among teens in BC. (CERi Graduate Fellowship, Dr. Nancy Hall Graduate Award in Public Health)

  • February 11, 2022

    February 11, 2022

    Beth is a Public Health Master's student in the Faculty of Health Sciences whose interests range from global health to social determinants of health to epidemiology. (GPS Graduate Fellowship)

  • April 19, 2022

    April 19, 2022

    Martha is a Master's student in the Faculty of Health Sciences looking at the experiences and mental health problems of non-binary youth (ages 15-29) in organized team sports in Canada and the US. (Graduate Fellowship; CERi Graduate Fellowship)

  • March 22, 2022

    March 22, 2022

    Martha is a Master's student in the Faculty of Health Sciences learning about a wide range of public health topics and expanding her ability to evaluate public health issues using a social justice lens. (GPS Graduate Fellowship)

  • March 03, 2022

    March 03, 2022

    Georgia is a Master's student in the Faculty of Health Sciences studying about disparities in birth outcomes. (Janes Corbett Graduate Health Science Award)

  • December 15, 2022

    December 15, 2022

    Tyson is a doctoral student in the Faculty of Health Sciences and a registered outreach social worker doing research on stolen xÊ·mÉ™θkÊ·É™yÌ“É™m, sḵwx̱wú7mesh & sÉ™lilwÉ™taɬ lands.

  • February 10, 2022

    February 10, 2022

    Stefanie is a Doctoral student in the Faculty of Health Sciences trying to understand what immigrant women's access to healthcare looks like and how it may look different for younger women, as well as for people with precarious immigration status during the COVID-19 pandemic. (CIHR Doctoral Research Award, Graduate Fellowship, President's PhD Scholarship)

  • March 11, 2022

    March 11, 2022

    Erik is a Master's student in the Faculty of Health Sciences whose research focuses on how food security and housing environments relate to mental health using a two-eyed seeing approach. (Graduate Fellowship)

  • March 15, 2022

    March 15, 2022

    Tanner is a Master's student in the Faculty of Health Sciences investigating the impact of air pollution exposure during pregnancy on the development of respiratory symptoms in early childhood. (Graduate Fellowship, Special Graduate Entrance Scholarship)

  • March 03, 2022

    March 03, 2022

    Diego is a Master's student in the Faculty of Health Sciences trying to create more efficient ways to deliver healthcare among cancer patients. (GPS Graduate Fellowship)

  • March 17, 2022

    March 17, 2022

    Maggie is a Doctoral student in the Faculty of Health Sciences whose research interests broadly cover philosophy of medicine, health beliefs and patients’ experiences as well as medicines in colonial contexts with a focus on Chinese medicine. (Graduate Dean Entrance Scholarship, Graduate Fellowship)

  • February 17, 2022

    February 17, 2022

    Iveoma is a Master's student in the Faculty of Health Sciences working on a research project that 1) aims to critically examine the motivations underlying the move to privatize humanitarian aid; and 2) analyze the Canadian government's role in promoting privatized humanitarian aid as a solution for reproductive, maternal and infant global health challenges around the world. (SSHRC CGS Masters Scholarship)

  • March 10, 2022

    March 10, 2022

    Gisele is a Doctoral student in the Faculty of Health Sciences whose research focuses on understanding the ways human immunodeficiency virus type (HIV-1) uses to challenge protection by human immune responses, invade the body and enhance disease development. (Graduate Fellowship)