
Faculty of Environment

The Faculty of Environment is one of only a handful of interdisciplinary environmental faculties in Canada – and the only one in Western Canada focused on sustainability and sustainable development.

Academic Units

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Learn more about their programs and how to apply. Contact graduate program assistants for program and application inquiries.

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Featured Graduate Student

  • Holly is Archaeology master student in the Environment. Three keywords of research: Archaeology, Interdisciplinarity, Cognitive Science of Religion

  • Luca is Archaeology master student in the Environment. Three keywords to describe his research: Ancient DNA, human osteology, bioarchaeology

  • Nikki is an Archaeology master student in the Faculty of Environment. Three keywords: Multidisciplinary, Heritage Analysis, Mortuary Studies (SSHRC-CGSM)

  • Cathy is Archaeology doctoral student in the Faculty of Environment. Three keywords: Victim identification, DNA, and forensic science (Simons Foundation Doctoral Entrance Fellowship, Dean’s 10th Anniversary Graduate Award, British Columbia Graduate Scholarship (BCGS), SSHRC Vanier, and Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Scholarship)

  • Brea is fascinated by people, cultures, and the extremes of the human experience.

  • Marianna is investigating how stress caused by marginalization impacts the development of the skeleton in childhood and the eventual shape of the adult skeleton. (SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship)

  • Christine is researching to help cultivate functional conservation strategies for the endangered and at risk species of Curaçao. (BC Graduate Scholarship)

  • Rob is an Archaeology Doctoral student in the Faculty of Environment interested in finding evidence of a coastal migration route related to the peopling of the Americas on the Pacific coast of North America that may have existed prior to 12,000 BP. (SSHRC CGS Doctoral Scholarship)

  • Kristin is an Archaeology Master's student in the Faculty of Environment researching on what species were present in the waterbodies in and around K'ómoks Estuary on Vancouver Island in order to contribute better information to peoples and organizations that are trying to conserve what is left of the populations. (BC Graduate Scholarship & SSHRC CGS Masters Scholarship)

  • Yuka is an Archaeology Doctoral student in the Faculty of Science reconstructing past fishing activities as well as environmental changes by tracing ancient fish DNA. (Graduate Dean Entrance Scholarship)

  • Melissa is an Archaeology Master's student in the Faculty of Environment conducting an ethnoarchaeological study of beer production in Tigrai, Northern Ethiopia. (SSHRC CGS Masters Scholarship)

  • Rachel is Department of Geography doctoral in the Environment. Three keywords of research: carbon cycle, carbon dioxide removal, earth system modelling (NSERC Vanier)

  • Terri is a Department of Geography doctoral student in the Faculty of Environment. Three keywords of research: Regulating homeless encampments (SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships).

  • Brynna is Geography doctoral student in the Environment. Three keywords to describe her research: Relations. Rights. Responsibilities.

  • Tara is Geography master student in the Environment. Three keywords of research: Evictions, rental property relations, real estate. (SSHRC-CGSM, B.C. Graduate Scholarship)

  • Hannah is a Geography Doctoral student in the Faculty of Environment researching the under-ice hydrodynamics and biogeochemistry of arctic lakes in the Mackenzie River Delta of the Northwest Territories. (Graduate Entrance Scholarship in Geography)

  • Pierre is a Geography master student in the Faculty of Environment. Three keywords: Climate Change Mitigation, Reforestation, Artificial Intelligence (NSERC-CGSM)

  • Jade is a Geography master student in the Faculty of Environment. Three keywords: Political ecology, extinction, justice (CIHR-CGSM)

  • Naomi is a Geography student in the Faculty of Environment exploring the relationships between colonial power, the Catholic Church's ownership of land, and current private redevelopment. (Special Graduate Entrance Scholarship)

  • Liam is a Geography Doctoral student in the Faculty of Environment whose work in the field of political ecology asks where people draw that often arbitrary line between "nature" and "culture." (SSHRC CGS Doctoral Scholarship)

  • Véronique is a Geography Doctoral student in the Faculty of Environment whose current research examines the labour geographies of 'microwork', the hidden and underpaid 'human intelligence' work behind artificial intelligence algorithms. (SSHRC Doctoral Scholarship)

  • Andrew is a PhD student researching how the political and economic aspects of primary care reform shape whether jurisdictions are successful in their efforts to improve the health of communities and limit public health care costs. (SSHRC CGS Doctoral Scholarship)

  • Tsatia is PhD student bringing the urban Indigenous communities in the Metro Vancouver and Russian into dialogue with each other. (Indigenous Graduate Entrance Scholarship)

  • Babak is a PhD student interested in Digital Soil Mapping, and use soil field and environmental data to generate maps for soil properties. (BC Graduate Scholarship)

  • Alex is studying glacial landforms to reconstruct how water moved beneath the Cordilleran Ice Sheet. (Graduate Dean Entrance Scholarship)

  • Wendy Fleming is Resource & Environmental Management master student in the Environment. Three keywords of research: Physiology, Energetics, Habitat (NSERC CGSM grant, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Graduate Fellowship)

  • Helena is a Resource and Environmental Management master student in the Faculty of Environment. Three keywords: Climate Change, Blue Economy, Quantitative Modelling (NSERC-CGSM)

  • Abby is Master of Resource and Environmental Management student in the Faculty of Environment. Three keywords: Marine conservation, community ecology, environmental change. (NSERC-CGSM)

  • Alli is Master of Resource Management student in the Faculty of Environment. Three keywords: Extreme Heat, Residential Buildings, Equity (SSHRC CGSM)

  • Mieke is Master of Resource Management student in the Faculty of Environment. Three keywords: Nature-based solutions, Equity, Urban forestry (SSHRC CGSM)

  • Edmund is a Resource and Environmental Management master student in the Faculty of Environment. Three keywords: Carbon, Peatlands, Soil Science (NSERC-CGSM)

  • Alexandra is a Resource and Environmental Management doctoral student in the Faculty of Environment. Three keywords: Interdisciplinary, Engaged, Socio-environmental focused. (Kruger Products Entrance Scholarship)

  • Lal is a Resource and Environmental Management Master's student in the Faculty of Environment whose project focuses on finding out environmental and ecological changes in the Salish Sea that affect the productivity of wild Pacific Salmon. (Graduate Fellowship)

  • Viviane is a School of Resource and Environmental Management Doctoral student in the Faculty of Environment whose research investigates consumer response to low-carbon transport innovations and car-based mobility, aiming to clarify the transformative potential of such innovations. (BCAA Environmental Studies Award)

  • Anne is a Resource and Environmental Management (REM) PhD student researching the effectiveness of avalanche risk communication. (Graduate Dean Entrance Scholarship)

  • Hannah works with coastal First Nations to investigate how access to important seafood is affected by climate change and the recovery of sea otters. (BC Graduate Scholarship)

  • Phil is researching ways to improve decision making for water management in BC. (BC Graduate Scholarship)

  • Sarah is a Resource and Environmental Management (REM) PhD student researching the benefit of climate policies for Indigenous Nations’ own near-term efforts towards reconciliation. (Arthur and Ancie Fouks Graduate Entrance Award in Public Service)

  • Emma is a Resource and Environmental Management Master's student in the Faculty of Environment whose research focuses on national policy pathways to reach net zero emissions in Canada by 2050. (BC Graduate Scholarship & SSHRC CGS Masters Scholarship)

  • Zoe is a Resource and Environmental Management (REM) PhD Student researching how new technologies can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector over time and how policy can ensure that these technologies are compatible with climate change goals. (Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship and a Graduate Fellowship)

  • Elena is an Archaeology Doctoral student in the Faculty of Environment planning to improve current methods for the estimation of age-at-death in unidentified skeletal remains and make sure they are more inclusive and more robust overall. (CTEF Graduate Fellowship, Jack Nance Memorial Graduate Scholarship)

  • Katherine is studying forensic search and recovery methods in residential schools in Canada.

  • Jihanne is a Clinical Psychology Master student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Three keywords: Mindfulness, multicultural families, emotion regulation ( SSHRC CGS-M, NSERC USRA)

  • Thomasina is a Geography Master student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Three keywords: critical, hopeful, liberatory (Special Graduate Entrance Scholarship, Three Minute Thesis Prize, SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship Masters)

  • Christine is a Geography master’s student working to quantify the potential of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) (NSERC/¶¡ÏãÔ°AV USRA)

  • Jonathan researches how Indigenous communities engage with resource extraction projects, their impact and legal decision process. (SSHRC CGS Doctoral Scholarship)

  • Kim-Ly is a School of Resource and Environmental Management Doctoral student in the Faculty of Environment whose research seeks to inform community-driven actions and policy supporting Indigenous food sovereignty in the context of a changing climate. (Graduate Dean Entrance Scholarship)

Internal + Donor Funded Awards

Learn about Internal + Donor Funded awards at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV.

View Awards

Department of Archaeology

Program Credential Tuition Completion Pathway
Archaeology MA Regular Thesis
Archaeology PhD
(Minimum funding available)
Regular Thesis
Heritage Resource Management Certificate Specialty Course Work
Heritage Resource Management MA Specialty Thesis
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Department of Geography

Program Credential Tuition Completion Pathway
Geography MA
(Minimum funding available)
Regular Thesis
Geography MSc
(Minimum funding available)
Regular Thesis
Geography PhD
(Minimum funding available)
Visit the to learn more about programs, how to apply, and for contact information.

School of Resource and Environmental Management

Program Credential Tuition Completion Pathway
Resource and Environmental Management MRM
(Minimum funding available)
Regular Thesis; Project
Resource and Environmental Management MRM (Planning) Regular Project
Resource and Environmental Management PhD
(Minimum funding available)
Visit the to learn more about programs, how to apply, and for contact information.