

Graduate students are advised to seek informal resolution of problems through discussions with their supervisor, graduate program chair, department chair or faculty dean, and the Dean of Graduate Studies. 

Grades - See

May be appealed to the instructor, department chair and, in some cases, faculty dean in accordance with Policy T20.01.

Progress Evaluation - See

Graduate students have the right to appeal the decisions of their graduate program committees regarding progress evaluations conducted under . See the Unsatisfactory Performance Appeal form

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV - See

Applicants who meet or exceed minimum requirements for admission are not assured of admission to any graduate program, per . Normally, admission decisions may not be appealed. In exceptional circumstances, unsuccessful applicants may appeal to the committee to review university admissions. This committee will only review the fairness of admissions procedures and will not review an applicant's credentials.

Other Appeals - See

Appeals of decisions on registration, withdrawal, graduation, entry/re-entry to a program or any matter relating to academic standing (other than review of unsatisfactory progress) are referred to the senate appeals board.

Office of the Ombudsperson

The Ombudsperson at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV is an independent, impartial and confidential resource for students. They can assist with fairness issues, appeals, interpersonal conflict, academic concerns and policy questions. Their website may be accessed by clicking here.