
Tuition and Fees

In addition to tuition fees payable for each term of enrollment, students pay ancillary fees

Ancillary Fees for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Graduation Fee

  • $12 is charged the first three terms of enrollment for all programs
  • When convocating, the only additional charge you will be responsible for is for your regalia

Student Services Fee

  • $52.01 per term for students enrolled in full-time or part-time studies or any combination of co-op and credit courses

Graduate Student Activity Fee

  • Set by your  through a referendum of all graduate students, this is charged every term

Recreation-Athletics Fee

  • $86.64 per term: students in per term fee programs, or unit fee programs and enrolled in more than 6 units of on-campus courses
  • $43.33 per term: students in unit-fee programs enrolled in less than 6 units of courses, or are enrolled a co-op through Work Integrated Learning

Universal Transit Pass BC  

  • $184 per term: graduate students enrolled in a per term fee program or per unit fee program with at least one course on-campus
  • The U-Pass BC program provides unlimited, all zone access to public transit in Metro Vancouver including TransLink Bus, SkyTrain, and SeaBus services and a discount on West Coast Express Train fares.
  • U-Pass BC eligibility is determined the day after enrollment. If the eligibility requirements are met, then the U-Pass BC term fee is assessed the next business day after course enrollment.

Learn more about the U-Pass BC

Medical Insurance

Graduate Health and Dental

  • Students are automatically enrolled in an Extended Health and Dental plan.
  • Students may opt-out during designated opt-out periods if they have comparable extended health and/or dental plans.

International Medical Insurance (2023-2024)

  • $281: new international students will be charged a mandatory primary medical insurance for the first term through
  • All students are required to have adequate hospital and medical insurance coverage. Adequate medical and hospital insurance is that which is provided under the Medical Services Plan of BC (MSP), or any other plan, government or private, which provides coverage equivalent to that offered under the Medical Services Plan of BC.
  • You are expected to apply for (MSP health fee: $75/month) when you arrive in British Columbia.

Learn more about medical insurance

Other Fees

These additional fees are not charged every term, but, may be charged if the situation applies. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • taking additional courses outside your requirements
  • enrolling in co-op through Work Integrated Learning
  • formal exchange programs and courses which charge mandatory supplemental fees 

For further information on these fees, consult the Graduate Tuition Regulation.