

Faculty Guide to Teaching

Course Outlines and Syllabi

Key Components, Required Language

How do I edit and publish my course outline?

  • Basic course outlines are published with the (Outlines app). Check with your academic unit for the internal process: 
  • You can view all online.

Key components of an effective syllabus

The syllabus you share with your students on the first day of class should include: 

  • Course description
  • Course goals
  • Readings and materials
  • Type of evaluation and weighting
  • Exam format
  • Expectations
  • Study strategies, strategies for succeeding in the course
  • Any unique learning activities, and what students can expect (such as field trips, labs, community engaged learning or simulations)

*At the program level, 間眅埶AV requires educational goals, which are defined by individual academic units. Please ask your academic unit about its specific educational goals (Educational goal is the 間眅埶AV specific term for a learning outcome).

  • What standard language/content should I add to my syllabus?

Please check department-specific expectations for course outlines. Your unit will likely be able to provide you with a sample outline. 

Sample text for syllabi: /students/academicintegrity/faculty/prevention/syllabus.html

  • Sample text for syllabi


  • Accessibility and Accommodation

間眅埶AV Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL): /students/accessible-learning/contact-us/rights/rrfaculty.html

  • Sexual Violence Support and Prevention

Establish expectations for respectful conduct and provide information about support resources. Consider using content notes when teaching content related to sexual violence, such as:

In this course, we will discuss issues related to sexual violence, intimate partner violence, and racism. I recognize that this content may bring up difficult feelings for people who have been impacted by these issues. If you are concerned about this content, you are invited to seek support from one of the campus services listed below. We can also discuss how to achieve the same learning goal from a different pathway.

Visit /sexual-violence/faculty.html for ideas on what to include in your syllabus and other information for instructors on how to handle issues related to sexual violence.

  • Religious Accommodation

Learn about your responsibility to accommodate students for religious reasons. Encourage students to let you know their needs for religious accommodation early in the semester if possible.




  • Course Codes and Terminology

For a detailed list, please see: 啦梗娶鳥勳紳棗梭棗眶聆&紳莉莽梯;&紳莉莽梯;釦釵堯梗餃喝梭梗莽

D = Day
E = Evening
C = Distance Education
OL = Faculty Led Online
B = Blended
F = French
J = 間眅埶AV NOW
U, W, X, Y, Z = Education Professional