

Curriculum and Instruction Support

Our team of educational developers, English as an Additional Language (EAL) consultants, and teaching enhancement specialists support ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV faculties and departments, individual instructors and teaching assistants in three areas of learning and teaching: 

  • program and curriculum innovation,
  • learning and assessment design,
  • and teaching effectiveness.

We can help you strengthen your teaching and learning expertise, design environments for deep learning and undertake assessment approaches that support more satisfying teaching and learning experiences for you and your students.

How we support instructors

Program and curriculum innovations

  • Developing program level educational goals
  • Mapping curriculum with teams
  • Coaching leaders, undergraduate chairs and committees
  • Analyzing learning outcome maps for alignments
  • Revisioning curricular changes
  • Brokering resources to support curriculum decisions
  • Co-facilitating discipline-based workshops 

Learning and Assessment Design

  • Designing and revising course learning outcomes
  • Mapping alignments between assessments and course outcomes
  • Designing assessments, feedback and grading systems for deep learning
  • Supporting the application of pedagogies such as team-based learning and experiential learning to enhance student engagement
  • Integrating media to enhance active and engaged learning across modalities

Teaching Effectiveness

  • Supporting the collection and integration of teaching feedback 
  • Coaching on instructional techniques across modalities
  • Supporting decolonial and antiracist learning approaches
  • Observing teaching in disciplinary settings and contexts
  • Consulting on ways to enhance teaching presence across modalities
  • Hosting faculty learning communities on teaching excellence
  • Facilitating discussions on effective teaching in disciplinary contexts
  • Enhancing dossiers and teaching portfolios for promotion
  • Supporting applications for teaching and learning awards   

Contact Us

For support in any of these areas contact please email us at ceehelp@sfu.ca.