

Teaching with Media Workshop Series


This interactive online series will address common technical and teaching-related challenges in order to provide just-in-time support to instructors who are new to the use of educational media. You can register for a specific session or join us for the entire series! 


This series provides an introduction to a range of educational media-related topics. A 30-minute introduction to the topic will be followed by a Q & A session with CEE multi-media specialists. Future sessions can be tailored to participant demand, so let your facilitators know which topics you'd like to explore.

What to expect 

Each session involves a mix of discussion, presentation, and hands-on interaction. Have your computer and your questions ready!  Session titles and descriptions can be found below.

Workshops in the Series

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Designing Your Canvas Landing Page with Media


Setting up your Canvas landing page? Learn options for designing a student friendly home page using graphics, icons, and layout.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Set up and customize your Canvas (LMS) landing page by using graphics, icons, and layout
  • Choose appropriate graphics, icons, and layout to enhance the user experience and promote easy navigation for students

Typically offered in September, January and May.

Using Video to Teach


Video can simplify complex concepts and make abstract ideas more accessible. It can also provide students with practical examples and real-world context. In this 45-minute session, we discuss practical ways in which you can use visual elements, motion, and audio to create more engaging course content.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Apply visuals, motion, and audio to present information in a clear and concise manner
  • Create videos, such as lightboard demonstrations or an instructor course introduction to create a more engaging learning experience for students
  • Use Flip media to record video discussions

Typically offered in September and January.

Enhancing Interactivity Online with H5P


Join us for an introductory session on H5P, an open source tool that allows instructors to create interactive elements such as quizzes, presentations, games, interactive videos, and simulations without requiring extensive programming knowledge.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Explore various H5P interactive elements
  • Identify the possibilities H5P offers for creating engaging and interactive learning content
  • Design and develop interactive learning content, such as interactive videos and simulations, without the need for extensive programming knowledge

Typically offered in September, January and May.

Using Graphic Design Principles to Create Effective PowerPoints


Basic graphic design principles can make PowerPoint presentations more effective. Learn how to apply these rules to your slides so that your presentations can catch and keep your students attention.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Review visual elements, layout, color schemes, fonts, and multimedia to create visually appealing and engaging presentations
  • Apply design principles to enhance the visual impact of your PowerPoint presentations

Typically offered in September, February and July.

Teaching with Podcasting: Pedagogical Tools and Technical Tips


Why use audio in your classes over other forms of media? In this 45-minute session, you will gain insights into the art of storytelling with podcasting and audio essays and understand the technical aspects of sound recording and post-production. We will showcase a series of audio content tools and examples and discuss the many benefits of adding audio content to your course design.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Describe the advantages of using audio content
  • Identify strategies and tips for using audio in your courses
  • Use popular audio software and hardware to create audio content

Typically offered in October and March.

Using Graphics & Animation in Your Canvas Course


Graphics and animation can transform ideas into visual representations that can make content easier for students to grasp. By using visuals, such as charts, diagrams, maps, graphs, or infographics, you can help students process and organize information more effectively. Join us to learn how graphics and animation can make course content more engaging. 

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Select graphics and animations appropriate for your course
  • Explain how visuals and animations can improve your course, and 
  • Find and select high quality images and icons

Typically offered in October and March.

Screencasting with Camtasia


Screencasting is a way to record and share narrated lecture slides. Learn the basics of Camtasia, a flexible and easy to use screen recorder and video editor.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate key concepts and techniques involved in screencasting, including capturing the screen, recording narration, and synchronizing it with visual content
  • Use Camtasia to create engaging narrated lecture slides
  • Perform a basic edit, including import, cuts, transitions, titles, photos

Typically offered in July or December.

Advanced PowerPoint


Beyond the basics: learn more advanced tips and tricks for working with Powerpoint. We will focus on working with animation, templates, and voiceovers. These are powerful tools and we will look at how to use them effectively and efficiently. Participants should have a basic understanding of Powerpoint.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Apply Advanced Animations: Learn to create and customize complex animations to enhance the visual design and engagement of PowerPoint presentations
  • Design Custom Templates: Develop custom PowerPoint templates to keep a sense of consistency and quality across presentations
  • Integrate Voiceovers: Record, edit, and incorporate voiceovers into PowerPoint slides in order to add an engaging audio element

Typically offered in November.

Transforming Text into Multimedia


This 90-min presentation is designed to demonstrate to instructors the diverse ways in which traditional text-based content can be transformed into various types of engaging multimedia, including graphics, videos, animations, audio, and H5P interactive content. In this presentation, the CEE educational media team will take sample text-based content and transform it into various media formats. The presentation will highlight the benefits of using different types of media over plain text, emphasizing improvements in the production of engaging content and enhanced accessibility.  

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this presentation you will be able to:

  • Identify multimedia formats: Understand the different types of multimedia formats (graphics, videos, animations, audio, and H5P interactive content) that can be used to transform traditional text-based content
  • Recognize the benefits: Recognize the advantages of using multimedia over plain text, including improvements in engagement and accessibility
  • Visualize transformations: Observe examples of how sample text-based content can be effectively transformed into various multimedia formats by the CEE educational media team
  • Plan for collaboration: Schedule a follow-up collaboration session with the CEE educational media team to design and develop their own multimedia content

Typically offered in November

Engage and reinforce learning with H5P: Interactive Content Creation Workflow


 is an open-source tool with 40 + different interactive content types available, including video with interactive quizzes, memory games, image hotspots and others, which can help to engage students and enhance learning. In this session we look at ways to incorporate H5P interactions effectively into your overall course design and teaching strategy. In addition, we will share tips and tools to help you start planning your H5P content development. The session is intended for faculty who are already familiar with H5P and would like to be more intentional about aligning H5P interactive contents with intended learning outcomes and goals.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Identify interactive content types to best align with your teaching goals  
  • Determine when to reuse H5P interactive content types or create new H5P interactions based on your technological comfort level
  • Plan where you will use H5P within your course
  • Access CEE-created storyboards and templates to help with developing H5P interactive content

Typically offered in early December


Faculty, instructors and graduate students who are new to the use of educational media

Date and Time

Offered every semester on a weekly basis.
Sessions are typically 45 minutes in length, unless otherwise noted.


Online via Zoom

Upcoming Sessions

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