

Eilidh Singh

Learning and Teaching Development Member


Im an EAL Consultant in the Inclusive Teaching Team at 間眅埶AVs Centre for Educational Excellence, where we work with a flexible, evidence-based lens to facilitate EAL support for all faculty and TAs. I have supported multilingual and mono-/multi-lingual instructors and students over the last few decades in a variety of roles, with an ongoing interest in how multilingual learners can best be supported to thrive in L1 content environments.

My multicultural education includes an undergraduate arts degree from The University of Glasgow (my hometown), a Master of Education in TESOL from the University of Southern Queensland, a Graduate Certificate in Online Education and Training from University College London, and a Certificate in Graphic Design from VCC. My teaching experience started in the last century firstly in Japan, then in Greece, and then in Canada, where I taught at Kwantlen Polytechnic University and at UBC before joining 間眅埶AV. My non-teaching experiences have included online and f2f teacher training, program management and administration, course and workshop design and delivery, conference presentations, and language coaching. Ive presented locally, nationally, and internationally at conferences in Canada, the US and the UK. Ive been a member of the BC Teachers as an Additional Language  (BC TEAL) Association for many years, and was honoured with their Lifetime Contributor Award in 2015.

Here at 間眅埶AV my work includes creating and delivering bespoke and general workshops, collaborating with the team on an instructor series on linguistically responsive pedagogy, offering consultations, developing materials, and working with campus partners on various projects.

Im interested in the application of a coaching approach to our work as this helps to personalize and contextualize how best to support the 間眅埶AV community. I generally enjoy learning and practicing new skills, as experiencing the perspective of a student informs our work in faculty support around leveraging the assets of multilingual learners.

Please get in touch for a chat on how we can best support you! 

Selected conference presentations and workshops:

Wallace A. & Singh, E.  (2024, March). Supporting Multilingual Student Success: A Faculty Development Program in LRP [Conference Presentation as part of panel discussion: Institutional Profiles in Faculty Development for Linguistically Responsive Instruction]. TESOL International Convention, Tampa, Florida, USA.

Wallace A. & Singh, E.  (2023, May). Supporting Multilingual Students Through Linguistically Responsive Pedagogy: A Case Study [Conference presentation]. ACLA/CAAL Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Toronto, Canada.

Singh, E., Wallace, A., & Shaw, F. (2022, November). Re:imagining faculty development through a linguistically responsive pedagogical lens. Poster session presented at the POD Conference. Seattle, Washington, USA.

Wallace, A., Singh, E., & Shaw, F. (2022, November). Re:imagining inclusive classrooms using linguistically responsive pedagogies: A case study. Research session presented at the POD online conference. Seattle, Washington, USA.

Singh, E., Wallace, A., & Shaw, F. (2022, March). Harnessing principles of universal design to foster multilingual student engagement. Workshop presented at TESOL International Convention. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

Wallace, A., Shaw, F., & Singh, E. (2022, March). Faculty development through an EAL lens in post-secondary settings. Talk presented at TESOL International Convention. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

Wallace, A., Shaw, F., & Singh, E. (2022, March). Faculty development to support multilingual students at a Canadian university: centering language in disciplinary courses. Talk presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

Singh, E., and Wallace, A. (2021, June). Harnessing principles of universal design to foster student engagement in online learning environments. Mini- workshop presented at University of Windsor Online Symposium. Online.


Wallace, A., Singh, E., & Shaw, F. (2024) The Development and Impact of a Linguistically Responsive Classrooms Series to Address Linguistic Diversity in Higher Education. In K. Beck & R. Ilieva (Eds.), Language, Culture, Learning and Teaching in an Internationalizing University. Bloomsbury Press.

Singh, E., & Wallace, A. (2021). Harnessing principles of universal design to foster student engagement in online learning. TEAL News, Winter 2021, 12-13.