
Enhanced Parents and Kumon Tutors Engagement

User experience design project

By: Gia Bao (Mike) Chu, Faisal  Noor,  Mike Chu, Amy Liang, Alan Huang
Course: IAT 438 User Experience Design

Description: In our latest experience design project, we embarked on a transformative journey to create a dedicated Parent Portal for Kumon. With a focus on fostering deeper engagement between Kumon tutors and parents, our goal was to design an intuitive and interactive platform that would serve as a bridge connecting both parties. By enhancing communication and collaboration between Kumon tutors and parents, the Parent Portal aims to create a more supportive and interactive learning environment for students. It empowers parents to play an active role in their children's education, fostering a sense of partnership and shared responsibility with Kumon tutors.

*Link opens in a new window

Project slides: