
Privy Speakeasy

Speculative design project

By: Grace Tan, Sahar Babaei, Firm Kongthong, Kaia Crozier
Course: IAT 431 Speculative Design

Description: Our speculative design project is an immersive and provocative speakeasy experience that confronts the complexities of empathy and privilege in the context of death and ongoing war tragedies. Through the fusion of projections, music, and curated ambiance, we aimed to emphasize the profound disparity in how death is perceived and responded to between Western societies and regions affected by conflict.

Central to our project was the use of grief as a catalyst for critical dialogue. By exploring empathy beyond personal connections and prompting introspection on privilege, we challenged conventional notions of apathetic empathy prevalent in modern society. Through Suspension of Disbelief and Thought Experiments, attendees were encouraged to deconstruct and critique Western desensitization towards death and grief.

The speakeasy's atmosphere was meticulously designed with blue hues symbolizing the detachment of social media and stark red representing the grim realities of ongoing war. This ambiance, coupled with the serving of alcohol, symbolized the desensitization to the harsh truths often concealed or distorted by media portrayals of conflict.

Innovatively, our project incorporated an interactive element through a digital drink menu accessible via QR code. Each drink featured ingredients sourced from affected countries, reflecting price disparities and fundraising impacts based on death tolls. This experiential component further underscored the unequal response to distant suffering.

Additionally, our project employed striking visual elements. Entrance was marked by a barrier of plastered social media posts and news articles, visually confronting visitors with the desensitization to war and suffering perpetuated by mainstream media.

Furthermore, the audiovisual experience within the speakeasy was carefully curated to provoke emotional engagement and critical reflection. By blending music, news clips, and raw war sounds, we challenged typical narratives surrounding tragedy and celebrity responses.

The outcome of the project revealed a range of reactions from the audience. While some were deeply disturbed and engaged with the content, many others went straight to the bar, ignoring the graphic imagery and videos around them. This response highlighted how easily individuals can become desensitized when repeatedly exposed to distressing content, underscoring the urgency of addressing empathy and media representation in our society.

Project slides: