
Spirit Mæs: A Taste for Adventure


By: Michael Tjokrowardojo, Darian Axel Sawali, Erika Hance
Course: IAT 410 Advanced Game Design

Description: After the main character dies in an accident, the player assumes the role of her soul. The game revolves around two primary mechanics: the possession system and platforming. As souls, players cannot interact directly with the living world, so they must possess the animals within the temple to progress in Mae’s adventure.

Mae, a young, enthusiastic explorer, is going on her first journey to explore an abandoned temple. When she arrives in front of the temple’s gate, she accidentally triggers a trap that closes the temple door on her, eventually killing her. Not accepting her death before her first adventure, she refuses to move on to the afterlife and embarks on her first adventure in the temple in her soul form. She aims to explore the temple and uncover the hidden treasure beneath the temple walls.

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Game trailer: