
ElderTales: Elderly Audiobook Mobile Application

App interface design

By: Phuong Anh Ha, Haruhi Hosaka, Jade Wang
Course: IAT 334 Interface Design

Description: ElderTales is a mobile application that provides personalized audiobook listening and memory-enhancement activities. Our team developed this application specifically for older adults who can benefit from audiobooks to improve their mental health and combat isolation as well as cognitive decline. We also conducted extensive research on the elderly and incorporated special features such as text-to-speech, appropriate text sizes, and colour palettes suitable for people with visual impairments and memory loss. Our goal is to combine the pleasure of audiobooks with activities like memory quizzes and music therapy that enhance memory and provide an enjoyable way to engage with the content, creating an exciting journey for older people to enjoy the world of literature.

Promotional video:

Project slides: