
Mirror Mirror

Interactive system

By: Desmond Chen, Sarah Luong, Meghna Rajamohan, Amy Zhao
Course: IAT 267 Introduction to Technological Systems

Description: In today’s image-focused society, we have become increasingly self-conscious which negatively impacts our self-esteem and confidence. Our project recognizes this problem and addresses it by offering a unique opportunity for users to wake up each day excited and enthusiastic to embrace their daily routines using an interactive mirror. By creating features like mirror activation, facial and audio recognition, motivational messages and customizable lighting, we transform routines into engaging and enjoyable experiences. Our interactive features pair with playful compliments and help to instill confidence and positivity in our user, starting their day on the right note. By addressing users' needs in a society focused on appearances and combining functionality with motivation and entertainment, we ensure that our users leave home feeling self-assured and confident making our project a valuable addition to the modern lifestyle.
