
Root (app interface design)

By: Liuyu Li, Miji Kim, Min Kang
Course: IAT 334 Interface Design

Project description: Root is a family social communicating application that allows users to engage, connect, and share updates or news with their families abroad. Designed for easier accessibility for seniors, users have the ability to connect and send messages by setting appropriate time zones of family members, sharing images of their week, and more.

Our design domain centralizes around the loss of social connections and social isolation that seniors over the age of 75 face, with intended users being seniors who have families abroad and their family members.

Our mission with Root is for families to stay connected, or more specifically, to allow seniors to feel connected with their families irrespective of geographical distances or physical impairments with design features that are considerate of seniors’ physical limitations. We believe that helping and supporting seniors to make and build social connections is an important domain that enables them to lead healthy and happier lifestyles.
