
Moment Track Design Concept

By: , Keith Leung, Daniel Shi, and Nisha Perera
Course: IAT 333 Interaction Design Methods

Description: This is our group's (Team Moment's) final project in IAT 333 Interaction Design Methods. The project was the culmination of all the work we've done this semester in developing a design solution for our participant group, Moment Energy. The main challenge we had as a group was tailoring these interaction design methods to work over distance since many of them require a lot of in-person cooperation. We were determined to create a design solution that would be beneficial to Moment Energy and their clients, and thoroughly use the methods being taught to guide our process. Open communication and collaboration, not only between ourselves but also our participant group, allowed us to rise to the challenge and prosper. In the end, despite our initial struggles, our project was a success. Working on this project with this student group and participant group was an amazing experience.

See the interactive prototype .
