

Senate committee on University Priorities

Last updated: August 20, 2024

Standing Committee (Reporting Category "A")

Members Conditions Term Expiry Date Name
Vice-President, Academic Chair, Ex-officio     Dilson Rassier
Dean and Associate Provost, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (or designate) Ex-officio     Mary O'Brien
Dean Selected by the Deans and
the University Librarian
Representation rotated on a two-year basis May 31, 2025 Angela Brooks-Wilson
Dean May 31, 2026 Dan Laitsch
Dean May 31, 2026 Laurel Weldon
Vice-President, Research Ex-officio     Dugan O'Neil
Associate Vice-President, Academic Ex-officio (non-voting)     Peter Hall
Registrar and Executive Director,
Student Enrolment (or designate)
Ex-officio (non-voting)     Tom Nault
Faculty Senator (Applied Sciences) Elected By Senate *
2 years May 31, 2026 Glenn Chapman
Faculty Senator (Arts and Social Sciences) 2 years May 31, 2026 Anke Kessler
Faculty Senator (Bus. Admin.) 2 years May 31, 2026 Connie Liu
Faculty Senator (Communication, Art
& Technology)
2 years May 31, 2025

Brian Fisher 

Faculty Senator (Education) 2 years May 31, 2025 Cécile Bullock
Faculty Senator (Environment) 2 years May 31, 2026 Tracy Brennand
Faculty Senator (Health Sciences) 2 years May 31, 2025 Ralph Pantophlet
Faculty Senator (Science) 2 years May 31, 2025 Vance Williams
Undergraduate Student Senator Elected by Senate 1 year May 31, 2025 Abdulkarim El Hayek
Undergraduate Student Senator 1 year May 31, 2025 Xi Lan (Landy) Liu
Undergraduate Student Senator 1 year May 31, 2025 Mishael Abu-Samhan
Undergraduate Student Senator (Alternate) 1 year May 31, 2025 Henry Do
Graduate Student Senator 1 year May 31, 2025 Pok Man Tong
Graduate Student Senator (Alternate) 1 year May 31, 2025  
Convocation Senator Elected by Senate 3 years May 31, 2026 Colin Percival
Director, Office of Institutional Research and Planning Ex-officio (non-voting)     Zareen Naqvi
Chief Information Officer Ex-officio (non-voting)     Brian Stewart
Director, University Curriculum Secretary ex-officio (non-voting)     Jill Sutherland
Coordinator, University Curriculum
Recording Secretary ex-officio (non-voting)     Amanda Pataky

* In the event that a Faculty Senator is unable to attend a meeting of SCUP, the Faculty Dean is authorized to appoint a replacement.

NOTE: In general an "alternate" member is invited to attend meetings when a regular member is not available. Please confirm the role of the alternate member on this committee with the committee secretary.

2024 Meeting Schedule

SCUP meetings will be held on Wednesdays from 2:00 - 4:00pm. Occasionally meetings may be cancelled or there may be room changes so please confirm meeting dates and Zoom information with Recording Secretary at ucil@sfu.ca.

Date of Meeting (2024)
Material Deadline Distribution Date
January 24, 2024 January 10, 2024 January 18, 2024
February 7, 2024 *Agenda full, not accepting new items January 24, 2024 February 1, 2024
February 21, 2024 February 7, 2024 February 15, 2024
March 6, 2024 February 21, 2024 February 29, 2024
March 20, 2024 March 6, 2024 March 14, 2024
April 10, 2024 
March 26, 2024 April 4, 2024
April 24, 2024 - Special Meeting to discuss Medical School FPP N/A N/A
May 8, 2024 April 24, 2024 May 2, 2024
June 5, 2024 May 22, 2024 May 30, 2024
July 10, 2024 June 26, 2024 July 4, 2024
September 11, 2024 August 28, 2024 September 5, 2024
October 2, 2024 September 18, 2024 September 26, 2024
October 23, 2024 October 8, 2024 October 17, 2024
November 6, 2024 October 23, 2024 October 31, 2024
December 4, 2024 November 20, 2024 November 28, 2024

2025 Meeting Schedule

SCUP meetings will be held on Wednesdays from 2:00 - 4:00pm. Occasionally meetings may be cancelled or there may be room changes so please confirm meeting dates and Zoom information with Recording Secretary at ucil@sfu.ca.

Date of Meeting (2025)
Material Deadline Distribution Date
January 8, 2025 December 11, 2024 December 20, 2024
February 5, 2025 January 22, 2025 January 31, 2025
February 26, 2025 February 12, 2025 February 21, 2025
March 19, 2025 March 5, 2025 March 14, 2025
April 16, 2025
April 2, 2025 April 11, 2025
May 14, 2025 April 30, 2025 May 9, 2025
June 18, 2025 June 4, 2025 June 13, 2025
July 9, 2025 June 25, 2025 July 4, 2025
September 10, 2025 August 27, 2025 September 5, 2025
October 1, 2025 September 17, 2025 September 26, 2025
November 5, 2025 October 22, 2025 October 31, 2025
December 3, 2025 November 19, 2025 November 28, 2025

Quorum - Six Members

SCUP meetings will be held in-person on Wednesdays from 2:00 - 4:00pm in Strand Hall 3101. Occasionally meetings may be cancelled or there may be room changes so please confirm meeting dates.

Should you need to attend via Zoom videoconferencing please contact the Recording Secretary at ucil@sfu.ca.

SCUP reports to Senate in May of each year.

Terms of Reference

  1. To be responsible for the operation of the system of academic planning established in the Senate Guidelines for Academic Plans.
  2. To recommend the priorities that should be attached to the central allocation of resources required to implement approved new programs and strengthen existing programs.
  3. To review and approve letters of intent for submission to the provincial program review process.
  4. To consider and make recommendations to Senate on proposals for new undergraduate and graduate programs and the discontinuance of programs.
  5. To be responsible for the operation of the system of external review of academic units set out in the Senate Guidelines for External Reviews.
  6. To receive and review recommendations for the establishment and disestablishment of academic departments and research units, and centres and institutes under Policy R40.01, and forward recommendations to Senate.
  7. To provide advice to the President on the annual operating budget, annual capital budget, and Five Year Capital Plan before they are submitted to the Board of Governors for their approval. In carrying out this responsibility, SCUP will:
    1. Maintain an overview and familiarity with the operating and capital funds of the University, with the current financial environment, and with financial opportunities and constraints impacting the University.
    2. Consult with the university community concerning the preparation of the operating and capital budgets.
    3. Have provided to it confidential and non-confidential budgetary and related documentation as required to assist in the conduct of its work. (Guidelines for SCUP budget considerations - see Senate Paper S.01-29.)

Annual Reports

Meeting Minutes