

Senate Policy Committee on Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries

Last updated: September 09, 2024

Standing Committee (Reporting Category "B")

Members Conditions Term Expiry Date Name
Faculty Senator Elected by and from Senate 3 years May 31, 2026 Janis McKenzie
Faculty Senator Elected by and from Senate 3 years May 31, 2027 Connie Liu
Registrar, Executive Director, Student Enrolment
Ex-officio     Tom Nault
Dean and Associate Provost, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies  Ex-officio     El Chenier
Faculty Member Dual position (SGAAC & SPCSAB) elected by Senate 2 years May 31, 2025 John Stockie
Faculty Member Dual position (SUAAC & SPCSAB) elected by Senate 2 years May 31, 2026 Michael Everton
Faculty Member Elected by Senate 2 years May 31, 2026  
Undergraduate Student Dual position (SUAAC & SPCSAB) elected by Senate 1 year May 31, 2025 Mishael Abu-Samhan
Undergraduate Student (Alternate) 1 year May 31, 2025 Vinisha Vinisha
Graduate Student Dual position (SGAAC & SPCSAB) elected by Senate 1 year May 31, 2025 Pok Man Tong
Graduate Student (Alternate) 1 year May 31, 2025  
Convocation Senator Elected by and from Senate 3 years May 31, 2026 Colin Percival
Director, Administrative Services, Graduate Studies Ex-officio (non-voting).     Rachel Dawson
Director, Financial Aid and Awards Ex-officio (non-voting).     Mariya Stefanova
Assistant Registrar, Senate and Academic Services Secretary,  Ex-officio (non-voting).     Kris Nordgren


A Chair will be elected by SPCSAB from among the Faculty Senators.  A Vice Chair will be elected by SPCSAB from among its voting members for the term of the Chair of SPCSAB or whenever the Vice Chair position is vacant. The duties of the Vice Chair will be to serve as Chair whenever the Chair is unavailable.

Chair Connie Liu
Vice-Chair Michael Everton

Terms of Reference

  1. To set terms of reference for all University funded and donor funded student financial aid and awards.
  2. To review University policies relative to student funding from non-University sources.
  3. To approve under delegated authority changes to the terms of reference for student financial aid and awards.
  4. To make recommendations to the Provost with regard to the overall student financial aid and awards funding for graduate and undergraduate students.
  5. To ensure that student financial aid and awards are consistent with established University priorities.
  6. To receive regular reports evaluating the effectiveness of student financial aid and awards.
  7. To report annually to Senate.


A quorum will consist of four voting members.

2024 Meeting Schedule

Date of Meeting Material Deadline
January 15, 2024 January 8, 2024
February 26, 2024 February 20, 2024
March 18, 2024 March 11, 2024
April 15, 2024 April 8, 2024
May 27, 2024 May 21, 2024
June 17, 2024 June 10, 2024
July 15, 2024 July 8, 2024
August 19, 2024 August 12, 2024
September 16, 2024 September 9, 2024
October 21, 2024 October 15, 2024
November 18, 2024 November 12, 2024
December 16, 2024 December 9, 2024

Contact Kris Nordgren at 778.782.5350 or email kdn1@sfu.ca for more information.

2025 Meeting Schedule

Date of Meeting Material Deadline
January 20, 2025 January 13, 2025
February 24, 2025 February 18, 2025
March 17, 2025 March 10, 2025
April 28, 2025 April 22, 2025
May 26, 2025 May 20, 2025
June 16, 2025 June 9, 2025
July 21, 2025 July 14, 2025
August 18, 2025 August 11, 2025
September 15, 2025 September 8, 2025
October 20, 2025 October 14, 2025
November 17, 2025 November 10, 2025
December 15, 2025 December 8, 2025

Contact Kris Nordgren at 778.782.5350 or email kdn1@sfu.ca for more information.

Annual Reports

Meeting Minutes


  • January (cancelled)
  • February (cancelled)
  • March (cancelled)
  • April (cancelled)
  • May (cancelled)
  • June (cancelled)
  • July (cancelled)
  • August (cancelled)


  • January
  • February (cancelled)
  • March (cancelled)
  • April
  • May (cancelled)
  • June (cancelled)
  • July (cancelled)
  • August (cancelled)
  • September (cancelled)
  • October (cancelled)
  • November
  • December (cancelled)





  • January
  • February (cancelled)
  • March (cancelled)
  • May
  • June (cancelled)
  • July (cancelled)
  • August (cancelled)
  • September
  • October
  • November (cancelled)
  • December (cancelled)