

Senate Nominating Committee

Last updated: September 13, 2024

Standing Committee (Reporting Category "A")

Members Conditions Term Expiry Date Name
Faculty Senator (Applied Sciences) Elected by and from Senate 2 years May 31, 2025 Bonnie Gray
Faculty Senator (Arts and Social Sciences) 2 years May 31, 2026  
Faculty Senator (Business Administration) 2 years May 31, 2025  
Faculty Senator (Communication, Art & Technology) 2 years May 31, 2025  
Faculty Senator (Education) 2 years May 31, 2026  
Faculty Senator (Environment) 2 years May 31, 2026  
Faculty Senator (Health Sciences) 2 years May 31, 2025  
Faculty Senator (Science) 2 years May 31, 2025 John Stockie
Student Senator 1 year May 31, 2025  
Graduate Student 1 year May 31, 2025  
Associate Registrar Secretary (non-voting)     Kris Nordgren

Elected by and from members:

  • Chair: 
  • Vice-Chair: 

Terms of Reference

  1. To present Senate with the names of candidates to fill vacancies on all Senate committees or sub-committees to which election or appointment is required. It is the responsibility of the Committee Secretary to inform the Chair of the Nominating Committee as early as possible of existing and imminent vacancies.
  2. All nominations must be received by the Senate Office from the Nominating Committee in time to be included in the documentation sent out for the next Senate meeting. Senators will be informed that further nominations may be made by individual members of Senate. Any such nominations must reach the Committee Secretary the Friday before the meeting of Senate, and no further nominations will be accepted after this time. The Committee Secretary will provide members of Senate at the Senate meeting with such further nominations as may have been received. Oral nominations during the meeting of Senate will not then be allowed.
  3. It is the responsibility of the Nominating Committee to satisfy itself as to the availability of all nominees.
  4. The Nominating Committee should attempt to bring forward more than the minimum number of names required to fill any vacancy.
  5. Persons nominated by the Nominating Committee need not themselves be members of Senate, unless this is required by the University Act or by Senate's own rules.
  6. Members of the Nominating Committee are not themselves disbarred in any way from being presented as nominees.
  7. In bringing forward nominees for vacancies on Senate committees, the Nominating Committee should give consideration to the composition of the campus community.


The Vice-Chair shall be elected annually.


Quorum is three committee members.