

Senate Committee on University Honours

Last updated: September 11, 2024

Standing Committee (Reporting Category "B")

Members Conditions Term Expiry Date Name
Chancellor Chair - Ex-officio     Tamara Vrooman
President and Vice-Chancellor Ex-officio     Joy Johnson
Vice-President, Advancement and Alumni Engagement
Ex-officio     Erin Morantz
Registrar and Executive Director, Student Enrolment Secretary -- Ex-officio     Tom Nault
Chair, Senate Policy Committee on Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries Ex-officio     Connie Liu
Faculty Senator (Applied Sciences) Elected by Senate 3 years May 31, 2027  
Faculty Senator (Arts and Social Sciences) 3 years May 31, 2025 Lucas Herrenbrueck
Faculty Senator (Business Admin.) 3 years May 31, 2025 Luana Carcano
Faculty Senator (Communication, Art & Technology) 3 years May 31, 2026 Thecla Schiphorst
Faculty Senator (Education) 3 years May 31, 2027 Jeannie Kerr
Faculty Senator (Environment) 3 years May 31, 2026 Mark Collard
Faculty Senator (Health Sciences) 3 years May 31, 2026 David Whitehurst
Faculty Senator (Science) 3 years May 31, 2026 John Stockie
Convocation Senator 3 years May 31, 2026 Colin Percival
Convocation Senator 3 years May 31, 2026 Barbara Szymczyk
Student Senator 3 years May 31, 2025 Abhishek Parmar
Senator (at-large) 3 years May 31, 2025 Matt Martell
Student (at-large) 3 years May 31, 2027 Pok Man Tong
Director of Ceremonies Ex-officio (non-voting)     Gloria Chu


The President and Vice-Chancellor is designated as the Vice-Chair.

Terms of Reference

  1. To recommend to Senate candidates for Honorary Degrees. Note: Motion approved by Senate at meeting of December 6, 1982: "That Senate direct the Senate Committee on Honorary Degrees and the Senate Committee on Agenda and Rules to provide the information package to individual Senators concerning the Honorary Degree candidates no later than 96 hours before the scheduled meeting of Senate."
  2. To make decisions on awards and distinctions specified in Appendix A.
  3. From time to time, to review the awards and make recommendations for changes.
  4. On request, to advise on University nominations for external awards.


A quorum is seven voting members.


Committee meetings will be held twice per year.

Appendix A

The following awards shall be determined by the Senate Committee on University Honours:

  • B.C. Sugar Achievement Award
  • Terry Fox Gold Medal
  • C.D. Nelson Memorial Prize

Policy and Procedures*

*Approved by Senate on February 6, 2023 (S.23-16)