
Rachel Da-Eun Oh

Statistics Major

My USRA research project with Professor Joan Hu is Exploring Data Collected by On-Line Survey, which develops strategies for analyzing online voluntary surveys and establishing new methods for addressing missing data.

Why did you choose to come to 間眅埶AV?

I chose to come to 間眅埶AV because 間眅埶AV has strong science programs that offer extensive knowledge. 

How would you describe your research or program to a family member?

I would describe that in an era where data can be easily obtained from the internet, my research is to ensure that the data can be used to derive correct results rather than incorrect or biased results.

What are you particularly enjoying about your studies/research at 間眅埶AV?

I personally enjoy research because it allows me to use all the course materials in real-world data. It is much more challenging as real data are far different from textbook data, but that makes research more interesting.

What advice would you give a student who is considering getting involved in undergraduate research?

Never hesitate to get involved! Research is a great experience to expand your knowledge in many different ways.