

If you are

  • An 間眅埶AV student in your 2nd year or beyond
  • Would like the opportunity to assist K-12 students with hands-on science experiments and activities
  • Interested in volunteering at least 10 hours per term
  • Would like to have this activity recognized on your co-curricular record
  • Are willing to obtain a Criminal Record Check
  • Volunteer hours are recognized on the Co-Curricular Record (CCR), an official university document that tracks your co-curricular involvement at 間眅埶AV. Learn more about the Co-Curricular Record 

volunteer with Science in Action!


If you are...

  • An 間眅埶AV undergraduate or graduate student studying any STEM field
  • Would like the opportunity to teach K-12 students and lead hands-on science experiments and activities
  • Seeking a more independent leadership role with opportunities to grow into a mentorship role for other 間眅埶AV students
  • Willing and able to volunteer in online outreach activities 
  • Seeking an opportunity to publish STEM articles online for high school students
  • Volunteer hours are recognized on the Co-Curricular Record (CCR), an official university document that tracks your co-curricular involvement at 間眅埶AV. Learn more about the Co-Curricular Record 

volunteer with Lets Talk Science!

Questions? Email ltsevent@sfu.ca, or check out our  to learn more.

Teaching opportunity for science grad students

We're looking for graduate students to assist with the many free science events and workshops that we hold for K-12 students throughout the year. If you are currently an 間眅埶AV science grad student, with a passion for teaching and the ability to lead and supervise student volunteers, then this paid, on-call opportunity might be for you!  

Submit your resume to sfuscienceoutreach@sfu.ca today.

What our volunteers are saying...



"Volunteering with SIA presents a unique opportunity on campus to share your passion for science with younger generations, as well as get experience working with students from a wide variety of ages and backgrounds. I love having the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills I'm learning in my degree, and I highly recommend SIA to anyone interested in the sciences, teaching, or just working with K-12 students!"



"Through volunteering with Science Outreach, I've seen how fascinating science can be for those attending our workshops and it's reinforced my own love for both science and teaching. The facilitators are incredibly friendly and knowledgeable, and it's a great way to try something new while giving back to the community." 



"Volunteering for Science in Action is a very rewarding experience for how much time you put in, no matter what your major is. It is extremely fun to teach kids and a great way to develop leadership, communication, and teaching skills."



"By getting involved with outreach I was able to encourage younger students to envision themselves as future scientists. It was great to see the amount of interest there is in science, and the amazing opportunities we have available at 間眅埶AV. This experience allowed me to grow my communication and leadership skills whilst allowing me to talk about topics I love!"



"Volunteering to do science outreach at 間眅埶AV is a great way to improve your public speaking skills while sharing your experience with the next generation of scientists. I had a great time talking to the students and showing them some of the cool opportunities there are in physics!"