
Internal Approval for Funding Applications

  • Internal approval must be completed on all research funding applications and proposals regardless of whether the funding organization requires university sign-off
  • March 27, 2024: 間眅埶AV updated the workflow to replace the paper '間眅埶AV signature sheet' with an online form:
  • If you have questions regarding how to login or complete a Kuali proposal, please contact Anik籀 Tak獺cs-Cox, Director, Research Services, at ata26@sfu.ca

*New* Faculty of Science Deadlines:  

All Kuali proposals: 'Submit for Review' 5 days before the internal deadline (i.e., 8 days prior to Agency deadline)

Kuali proposals that require a Special Request Form: Complete the special request online webform 15 days before the internal deadline (i.e., 18 days prior to Agency deadline). Upload the signed form to Kuali.

Kuali proposals that require a Research Security : Submit the risk assessment form 15 days before the internal deadline (i.e., 18 days prior to Agency deadline).  Any questions about the form should be addressed to ors@sfu.ca.  The researcher can send the draft Form and draft application to ors@sfu.ca. Upload the signed form to Kuali.

Requests for variances of these deadlines must receive prior approval by the Associate Dean, Research (sciadr@sfu.ca). Variances will be granted only for extraordinary circumstances.

  • Complete the Kuali proposal cover page
  • Complete the Kuali page specifying the faculty involved with the proposed project
  • Upload the following materials into Kuali: 
    • Abstract/summary (penultimate draft preferred) 
    • Budget table
    • Detailed budget justification
    • If applicable, the approved Risk Assessment Form
    • If applicable, the approved Special Request Form
Special requests that require your Kuali proposal to include the Special Request Form
  • Teaching release (with or without offsetting funding)
  • Additional space
  • Renovation
  • Research Security Risk Assessment Form
  • Conflict of Interest (GP 37)
  • PI Fees 
  • Modified overhead rate
  • Additional staff support
  • Equipment Purchases
  • Direct funding support from the Dean