
Support Research

In the Faculty of Science, we strive to understand and improve the world and our lives through research -- and we love science for its own sake!

Our research addresses some of the most challenging issues facing us today, from the preservation of Arctic glaciers to salmon conservation and from neurodegenerative diseases to stem cell analysis. Central to this continuum of learning and research are our students - through participation in research projects, they use the latest tools, experience cutting-edge approaches and learn to appreciate the fabulous natural world around them.

Key Research Areas

We invite you to explore and learn more about our key research areas and partner with us to make a meaningful difference for present and future generations. Here are just a few examples of our many successful areas of research:

To learn more about supporting our research areas, contact:

Greg Weinrauch

Director, Advancement

Jennifer Bergeron

Advancement Officer, Leadership Giving

To learn more about research partnerships, contact:

Clay Braziller

Strategic Partnership Manager