
Alexandra Gregg

Biology Major, Ecology, Evolution & Conservation

I am a fourth-year student with a passion for conservation and biodiversity, working on my project titled Specialism is not Specialism; Quantifying Multiple Axes of Niche Specialism in Canadian Butterflies Across Space and Time.

Why did you choose to come to 間眅埶AV?

I chose to come to 間眅埶AV because of how well-rounded the biological science major is, and as a senior in high school I certainly did not know what career path I wanted to commit to for the rest of my academic life. I discovered when researching universities that the biology department at 間眅埶AV imparts not only the foundational skills for my current aspiration as a conservation scientist but also the potential to excel as a healthcare professional, zoologist, biotechnologist, or even a forensic analyst.

How would you describe your research or program to a family member?

I would describe the biological sciences major as a problem-solving science. The biological sciences major is a combination of engaging lab courses with hands-on experience, computer science and statistics courses to develop technical skills, and theoretical courses that challenge you to think critically about the biotic world as a budding scientist.

What are you particularly enjoying about your studies/research at 間眅埶AV?

I am particularly enjoying how diverse and unique my program is, the ability to delve into both biodiversity and embryonic development within a single semester, guided by some of the foremost global authorities, is an experience unlike any other! As for the research opportunities I have been given, 間眅埶AV's environment of fostering curiosity, posing questions, and endeavouring to address them through collaborative efforts under the guidance of my supervisors and lab-mates has enabled me to grow as both a student and young professional.

What advice would you give a student who is considering getting involved in undergraduate research?

Going to office hours or asking your favourite professors about research opportunities may be very intimidating, but the experiences I have had volunteering and working for my professor Dr. Arne Mooers have easily been the most illuminating experiences and assuredly my favourite during my time at 間眅埶AV.