

Tom Gunton



  • Thomas Gunton, David Wheeler and Kyla Tienhaara. 2023. Trudeau government’s plan to end fossil fuel subsidies does not actually end a single one. The Globe and Mail Published August 2, 2023.
  • Joseph, C., Gunton, T.I., Hoffele, J. and Baldwin, M., 2023. Improving cumulative effects assessment: alternative approaches based upon an expert survey and literature review. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal41(2), pp.162-174.
  • Gunton, C., Gunton. T. and Markey, S. 2022. Public Interest Determinations in Impact Assessment: A Multiple Account Evaluation Framework. Report prepared for the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada.
  • Dusyk, Nichole, Isabelle Turcotte, Thomas Gunton, Josha MacNab, Sarah McBain, Noe Penney, Julianne Pickrell-Barr, Myfannwy Pope. 2021. . Pembina Institute.
  • Gunton, T. and Turcotte, I. 2021 . National Observer. July, 28, 2021.
  • Calvert, K. and Gunton, T. eds, 2021. Community Energy Planning in Canada. Canadian Planning and Policy. Volume 2021 Special Issue.
  •  Cascadden, M., Gunton, T. and Rutherford, M., 2021. Best practices for Impact Benefit Agreements. Resources Policy70, p.101921.
  •  Gunton, C., Gunton, T., Batson, J., Markey, S. and Dale, D., 2021. Designing fiscal regimes for impact benefit agreements. Resources Policy72(C).
  •  Gunton, T., Werker, E. and Markey, S., 2021. Community benefit agreements and natural resource development: Achieving better outcomes. Resources Policy73, p.102155.
  • Gunton, T., Joseph, C, and Dale, D. 2021. Evaluation of the Trans Mountain Expansion Project. School of Resource and Environmental Management, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. 
  • Gunton, T. 2020. . CBC.
  • Gunton, T. 2020. . CBC. 
  • Gunton, T.,  Carolyn Fischer and David Wheeler. 2020.  Globe and Mail, September 22, 2020.
  • Gunton, T. 2020.  Globe and Mail, March 3, 2020.
  • Gunton, T. 2019.  Globe and Mail, June 21, 2019.
  • C., J. Batson, T. Gunton, S. Markey and D. Dale. 2020. . School of Resource and Environmental Management, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV.
  • Gunton, T., Gunton, C., Joseph, C. and Pope, M. 2020. . Knowledge Synthesis Report prepared for the Social Science and Humanities Research Council and the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada.
  • Joseph, C., Gunton, T. I., & Hoffele, J. 2020. . Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 1-15.
  • Joseph, C., Gunton, T., Knowler, D. and Broadbent, S., 2020. . Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, pp.1-11.
  • Mehdic, A., Gunton, T., & Rutherford, M. 2019. . Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1-20
  • Zieger, B., Thomas Gunton and Murray Rutherford. 2019. . Sustainable Development Journal. 27:4: 13-24.
  • Joseph, Chris, Thomas I. Gunton and Murray Rutherford. 2017. . Journal of Environmental Assessment, Policy and Management. 19:3.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 2017. Natural Resources and Economic Development. In International Encyclopedia of Geography. D. Richardson and J. Ketchum ed.: Wiley-AAG.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 2017. Collaborative Models of Resource Development. In International Encyclopedia of Geography. D. Richardson and J. Ketchum ed. Wiley-AAG.
  • Kwon, K. Thomas I. Gunton, M. Rutherford, and T. Zweeg. 2016. From Reactive to Proactive First Nations Planning: A Case Study of the Metlakatka Experience in British Columbia. Plan Canada. 56: 4: 41-46.
  • Gunton, Thomas. 2017. . Research Report 2017-03-1.
  • Gunton, Thomas, Sean Broadbent, Marvin Shaffer, Chris Joseph and James Hoffele. 2015. . BC: School of Resource and Environmental Management, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV.
  • Gunton, Thomas and Sean Broadbent. 2015. . BC: School of Resource and Environmental Management, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV.
  • Calbick, K. and Thomas  Gunton.2014. Differences among OECD countries GHG emissions: Causes and policy implications. Energy Policy. 67: 895-902.
  • Gunton, Thomas. 2014. Staple Theory and the Staple Boom. In Jim Stanford ed.  The Staple Theory at 50 (pp. 43-53). Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. and Sean Broadbent. 2013. A Spill Risk Assessment of the Enbridge Northern Gateway Project. Burnaby, BC: School of Resource and Environmental Management, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. and Sean Broadbent. 2012. A Public Interest Assessment of the Enbridge Northern Gateway Project. Burnaby, BC: School of Resource and Environmental Management, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. and Sean Broadbent. 2012. A Review of Potential Impacts to Coastal First Nations from an Oil Tanker Spill Associated with the Northern Gateway Project. Burnaby, BC: School of Resource and Environmental Management, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV.
  • Joseph, Chris and Thomas I. Gunton. 2012. Using Cost-Benefit Analysis in Energy Project Evaluation: A Case Study of Alberta Oil Sands Expansion. Energy Policy (forthcoming).
  • Morton, C., Thomas I. Gunton, and J.C. Day. 2011. Engaging aboriginal populations in collaborative planning: an evaluation of a two-tiered collaborative planning model for land and resource management. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 55: 4: 507-523.
  • Calbick, Ken and Thomas I. Gunton. 2011. Dynamics of GHG Emissions among OECD Countries: An Econometric Analysis. Proceedings of the Sustainable Development of Energy, Water, and Environmental Systems Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. and Chris Joseph. 2011. Independent Economic and Environmental Evaluation of the Naikun Wind Energy Project. Burnaby, BC.
  • Ellis, Megan, Thomas I. Gunton, and Murray Rutherford. 2010. A Methodology for Evaluating Environmental Planning Systems: A Case Study of Canada. Journal of Environmental Management. 30: 1-10.
  • Cullen, Andrea, Gord McGee, Thomas I. Gunton, and J.C. Day. 2010. Collaborative Planning in Complex Stakeholder Environments: An Evaluation of a Two Tier Collaborative Planning Model. Society and Natural Resources Journal. 23: 4: 332-350.
  • Gord McGee, Andrea Cullen, Thomas I. Gunton. 2010. A New Model for Sustainable Development: A Case Study of the Great Bear Rainforest Management Plan. Environment, Development, and Sustainability. 12:5: 745-762.
  • Ellis, Megan, Thomas I. Gunton, and Murray Rutherford. 2010. A Methodology for Evaluating Environmental Planning Systems: A Case Study of Canada. Journal of Environmental Management. 91:1268-1277.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. and Murray Rutherford. 2010. Marine Planning in Canada: Challenges and Opportunities. Environments. 37: 3: 1-8.
  • Gunton, Thomas I., Murray Rutherford and Megan Dickinson. 2010. Stakeholder Analysis in Marine Planning. Environments. 37: 3: 95-110.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. and Chris Joseph. 2010. Economic and Environmental Values in Marine Planning: a Case Study of Canadas West Coast. Environments. 37: 3: 111-127.
  • Dickinson, Megan, Murray Rutherford, and Thomas I. Gunton. 2010. Principles for Integrated Marine Planning: A Review of International Experience. Environments. 37: 3: 21-46.
  • Rutherford, Murray, Megan Dickinson and Thomas I. Gunton. 2010. An Evaluation of the National Framework for Marine Planning in Canada. Environments. 37: 3: 47-71.
  • Gunton, Thomas. I. and Murray Rutherford. (Guest Editors). 2010. Marine Planning: Challenges and Opportunities. Environments. 37: 3: 1-9.
  • Joseph, Chris and Thomas I. Gunton. 2010. Economic and Environmental Evaluation of an Oil Sands Mine. Proceedings of the 29th International Association of Energy Economists Conference, October 14-16, Calgary, Alberta.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. and Ken Calbick. 2010. The Maple Leaf in the OECD, Canadas Environmental Performance. Ottawa: David Suzuki Foundation.
  • Joseph, Chris, Thomas I. Gunton, and J.C. Day. 2008. Planning Implementation: An Evaluation of the Strategic Land Use Planning Framework in British Columbia. Journal of Environmental Management. 88:4 594-606.
  • Joseph, C., and T. Gunton. 2008. Overview of the Socio-economic Impacts of Energy Development on the BC Coast. Prepared for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Burnaby, BC: School of Resource and Environmental Management, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. 101pp.
  • Joseph, C, and T. Gunton. 2008. Review of Environmental and Socio-economic Impacts of Port Development and Shipping on the North Coast of British Columbia. Prepared for Coastal First Nations. Burnaby, BC: School of Resource and Environmental Management, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. 54 pp.
  • Paridean Margaret, Peter Williams, and Thomas I. Gunton. 2007. Evaluating Protected Areas Selection Processes: A Case Study of Land Use Planning in British. Environments. 34:3: 71-95.
  • MacNab, J., Murray B. Rutherford, and Thomas I. Gunton. 2007. Evaluating Canadas Accord for the Prohibition of Bulk-Water Removal from Drainage Basins: Will it Hold Water? Environments. 34:3: 57-76.
  • Ronmark, Tracy, Thomas I. Gunton, and Peter Williams. 2007. Evaluating Protected Area Management Planning: A Case Study of British Columbias BCs Protected Areas Master Planning. Environments. 34:3: 96-111.
  • Browne, Sarah, Murray Rutherford, and Thomas I. Gunton. 2007. Incorporating Shared Decision Making in Forest Management Planning: An Evaluation of Ontarios Resource Stewardship Agreement Process. Environments. 34:3: 39-56.
  • Gunton, Thomas I., Thomas Peters, and J.C. Day. 2007. Evaluating Collaborative Planning: A Case Study of a Land and Resource Management. Environments. 34:3 19-37.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. and Chris Joseph. 2007. Toward a National Sustainability Strategy for Canada: Putting Canada on the Path to Sustainability within a Generation. Vancouver: David Suzuki Foundation. 40 p.
  • Van Hinte, Tim, Thomas I. Gunton, and J.C. Day. 2007. Evaluation of the Assessment Process for Major Projects: A Case Study of Oil and Gas Pipelines in Canada. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal. 25:2: 123-139.
  • Gunton, Thomas. I., Murray Rutherford, J.C. Day and P. Williams. 2007. Evaluation in Resource and Environmental Planning. Environments. 34:3: 1-18.
  • Gunton, Thomas. I., Murrray Rutherford, J.C. Day and P. Williams. (Guest Eds). 2007. Evaluating Resource and Environmental Planning. Environments. 34:3.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 2006. Collaborative Planning pp. 327- 331. in Encyclopedia of Governance, ed. Mark Bevir. Thousand Islands, California: Sage Publications.
  • Van Hinte, Tim V Gunton, Thomas I. ,J.C. Day and Tim Van Hinte. 2005. Managing Impacts of Major Projects: An Assessment of the Enbridge Pipeline Proposal. B.C. School of Resource and Environmental Management. ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. and Ken Calbick. 2005. The Maple Leaf in the OECD, Comparing Canada Progress Towards Sustainability. Vancouver, B.C.: David Suzuki Foundation. 44p.
  • Day, J.C., Thomas I. Gunton, Tanis M. Frame, Karin H. Albert, and K.S. Calbick. 2004. Toward Rural Sustainability in British Columbia: The Role of Biodiversity Conservation and Other Factors. pp. 101-113. in The Role of Biodiversity Conservation in the Transition to Rural Sustainability, ed. Stephen S. Light. NATO Science and Technology Policy Series, vol. 41. Washington, D.C.: IOS Press. 342 pp.
  • Frame, T., T.I.Gunton and J.C.Day. 2004. Resolving Environmental Disputes Through Shared Decision-Making: A Case Study of Land Use Planning in British Columbia. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 47:1: 59-83.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 2004. Energy Rent and Public Policy: An Analysis of the Canadian Coal Industry. Energy Policy. 32:2: 151-63.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. J.C. Day et al. 2004. A Review of Offshore Oil and Gas in British Columbia. Burnaby, B.C.: School of Resource and Environmental Management, ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 2003a. Natural Resources and Regional Development. Economic Geography. 79:1: 67-94.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 2003b. Natural Resource Megaprojects and Regional Development: Pathologies in Project Planning. Regional Studies. 37:5:505-519.
  • Gunton, Thomas I., J.C. Day and Peter Williams. (Guest Eds). 2003. Collaborative Planning in Sustainable Resource Management: The North American Experience. Environments. 31:2.
  • Gunton, Thomas I., J.C. Day and Peter Williams. 2003. The Role of Collaborative Planning in Environmental Management: The North American Experience. Environments. 31: 2: 1-5.
  • Day, J.C., Thomas I. Gunton, and T.Frame. 2003 Towards Rural Sustainability in British Columbia: The Role of Biodiversity Conservation and Other Factors. Environments. 31: 2: 21-39.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. and J.C. Day. 2003. Theory and Practice of Collaborative Planning in Resource and Environmental Management. Environments. 31: 2: 5-21.
  • Gunton, Thomas I., J.C. Day and P. Williams. (Guest Eds). 2003. Collaborative Planning and Sustainable Resource Management: The British Columbia Experience. Environments. 31:3.
  • Finnigan, D, Thomas I. Gunton and P. Williams. 2003. Planning in the Public Interest: An Evaluation of Civil Society Participation in Collaborative Land Use Planning in British Columbia. Environments. 31:3: 13-31.
  • Gunton, Thomas I., J.C. Day and P. Williams. 2003. Evaluating Collaborative Planning: The British Columbia Experience. Environments. 31:3: 1-13.
  • Albert, K, Thomas I. Gunton and J.C. Day. 2003. Achieving Effective Implementation: An Evaluation of a Collaborative Land Use Planning Process. Environments. 31:3: 51-69.
  • Calbick, Ken, J.C. Day and Thomas I. Gunton. 2003. Land Use Planning Implementation: A Best Practice Assessment. Environments. 31:3: 69-83.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 2002. Establishing Environmental Priorities for the 21st Century: Results from an Expert Survey Method. Environments. 30:1: 71-92.
  • Calbick, K.S., Thomas I. Gunton and J.C. Day. 2004. Integrated Water Resources Planning: Lessons from Case Studies, pp 33-55. In Canadian Perspectives on Integrated Water Resources Management, ed. Dan Shrubsole. Cambridge, Ontario: Canadian Water Resources Association. 123 p.
  • Craig-Edwards, Rebekah, P. Williams and Thomas I. Gunton. 2003. Backcountry Tourism Perspectives on Shared Decision-making in Land Use Planning. Environments. 31:3: 31-51.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 2001. Policy Options for Automobile Insurance: Costs and Benefits of No Fault Insurance Plans. Journal of Insurance Regulation. 20:2:220-233.
  • Williams, Peter, J.C. Day and Thomas I. Gunton. 1998. Land and Water Planning in British Columbia in the 1990s: Lessons On More Inclusive Approaches. Environments. 25:2:1-8.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 1998. Forest Land Use Policy in British Columbia: the Dynamics of Change. Environments. 25(2/3): 8-14.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 1997. Forest Land Use and Public Policy in British Columbia: The Dynamics of Change. In Trevor J.Barnes and Roger Hayter ed. Canadian Western Geographical Series. 33:65-72.
  • Duffy, Dorli, Mark Roseland and Thomas I. Gunton. 1996. A Preliminary Assessment of Shared Decision-Making in Land Use and Natural Resource Planning. Environments. 23:2:1-17.
  • Duffy, Dorli, Mark Roseland and Thomas I. Gunton (Guest Eds). 1996. Shared Decision-Making and Natural Resource Planning: Canadian Insights. Special Issue of Environments.
  • Flynn, Sarah and Thomas I. Gunton. 1996. Resolving Natural Resource Conflicts Through Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Case Study of the Timber Fish Wildlife Agreement in Washington State. Environments. 23:2:101-111.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 1995. Regulating Energy Utilities: The Case of the Ontario Natural Gas Sector. Energy Studies. 7:3: 203-220.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 1992. Evaluating Land Use and Environmental Tradeoffs: A Review of Selected Techniques. Environments. 21:3:53-63.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. and D. Duffy. (Guest Eds). 1992. Sustainable Management of Public Land: The Canadian Experience Special Issue of Environments. 21:3.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. and C. Fletcher. 1992. An Overview: Sustainable Development and Crown Land Planning. Environments. 21:3:1-4.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. and N. Knight. 1992. Energy Conservation Strategies: Lessons from the Pacific Northwest. Report Prepared for Ontario Hydro.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. and S. Flynn. 1992. Resolving Environmental Conflicts: The Role of Mediation and Negotiation. Environments. 21:3:12-16.
  • MGonigle, M., Gunton, Thomas I. et al. 1992. Comprehensive Wilderness Protection in British Columbia: An Economic Impact Assessment. Forestry Chronicle. 68(3): 357-364.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 1991. Crown Land Planning in British Columbia: Managing for Multiple Use. in M.A. Fenger, E.H. Miller, J.A. Johnson and E.J.R. Williams eds. Our Living Legacy: Proceedings of a Symposium on Biological Diversity. Victoria: Royal British Columbia Museum. 275-293.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 1991. Economic Evaluation of Forest Land Use Tradeoffs. Vancouver: FEPA Paper 157.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 1991. Economic Evaluation of Environmental Policy. Paper prepared for BC Round Table on the Environment and the Economy.
  • Gunton, Thomas I., G.C. VanKooten, and S. Flynn. 1991. Role of Multiple Accounts Analysis in Evaluating Natural Resource and Land Use Options. Background Report for the B.C. Forest Resource Commission, Victoria, B.C..
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 1990. Economic Evaluation of Non-Market Values for Resource and Environmental Planning. Report for the B.C. Forest Resource Commission, Victoria, B.C.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 1990. Natural Resource and Primary Manufacturing Industries in Canada: Retrospect and Prospect. in M. H. Watkins ed. Canada in the Modern World. New York: Reference Publishers. 71-87.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 1990. Natural Gas Deregulation in Canada. in Integrated Energy Markets and Energy Systems. International Association of Energy Economists, Thirteenth Annual Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1990, 1-27.
  • MGonigle, M., Thomas I. Gunton, et al.1990. Crown Land Use Planning: A Model For Reform. in Calvin Sandborn ed. Law Reform for Sustainable Development in British Columbia. Vancouver: Canadian Bar Association 35-46.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. and J. Richards. 1990. Natural Resources and Economic Development. in P. Wilde and R. Hayter eds. Industrial Transformation and Challenge in Australia and Canada. Ottawa: Carleton University Press.141-157.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. and I. Vertinsky. 1990a. Reforming the Decision Making Process for Forest Land Planning in British Columbia. Final Report for the B.C. Forest Resource Commission, Victoria, B.C. 35 p.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. and I. Vertinsky. 1990b. Methods of Analysis for Forest Land Allocation in British Columbia. Final Report for the B.C. Forest Resource Commission, Victoria, B.C.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. and J. Richards. 1989. Mineral Policy in Western Canada, The Case for Reform. Prairie Forum Journal. 14:2:195-209.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 1989b. Review of Natural Gas Pricing in Manitoba. Report to the Manitoba Public Utilities Board.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 1989c. The Competitive Price of British Columbia Coal in the Japanese Market. Report to the Coal Price Arbitration Panel. 22 p.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. and J. Richards. 1987. Political Economy of Resource Policy. in Thomas I. Gunton and J. Richards eds. Resource Rents and Public Policy in Western Canada. Ottawa: Institute for Research on Public Policy. 1-58.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 1989. Water Exports and the Free Trade Agreement. in A.L.C. de Mestral and D.M. Keith eds., Canadian Water Exports and Free Trade. Ottawa: Rawson Academy of Aquatic Science.71-87.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 1989. Review of Natural Gas Pricing in Ontario. Report to the Ontario Energy Board.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 1989. The Impact of Alternative Coal Prices on Government Revenues. Report to the Coal Price Arbitration Panel.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. and J. Richards eds. 1987. Resource Rents and Public Policy in Western Canada. Ottawa: Institute for Research on Public Policy.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 1987. Manitobas Nickel Industry: The Paradox of a Low Cost Producer. in T. I. Gunton and J. Richards eds. Resource Rents and Public Policy in Western Canada. Ottawa: Institute for Research on Public Policy. 89-119.
  • Richards, John and T. I. Gunton. 1987. Expectations in Next-Year Country: Natural Resources and Regional Development. Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. V:1: 1-17.
  • Weaver, C. and Thomas I. Gunton. 1986. Evolution of Canadian Regional Policy. In D.J. Savoie ed. The Canadian Economy, A Regional Perspective. Toronto: Methuen. 42-76.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 1985. A Theory of the Planning Cycle. Plan Canada. 25:2: 40-45.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 1985. A Practitioners Guide to Economic and Population Impact Assessment. Operational Geographer. 2:1: 15-19.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 1984. The Role of the Professional Planner. Canadian Public Administration. 27: 4: 399-417.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 1983. Recent Issues in Canadian Land Policy. Canadian Geographer. 27: 2: 94-206.
  • Hayter, Roger and Gunton, Thomas I. 1983. Planning for Technological Change: The Case of Discovery Parks in British Columbia. B.C. Geographical Series. 40: 27-42.
  • Gunton, Thomas I. 1982. Resources, Regional Development and Public Policy. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Occasional Paper No. 7. Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
  • Weaver, C. and Gunton, Thomas I. 1982. From Drought Assistance to Mega Projects: Fifty Years of Regional Policy in Canada. Canadian Journal of Regional Science. 5:1:5-39.


  • Calbick, K.S. (2003). The Use of Program Theory for Identifying and Evaluating Best Practices for Implementing Land Use Policies. Frame
  • Tanis M. (2002). Shared Decision Making and Sustainability: An Evaluation of Land and Resource Management Planning in British Columbia.
  • Joseph, Christopher T.R.B. (2004). Evaluation of the B.C. Strategic Land Use Implementation Framework.
  • Paridaen, Margaret Ann Marie. (2005). Protected Areas Selection and the LRMP Process.