

Sean Markey

Professor Director of REM
Resource & Environmental Management


  • BA, Political Science, UBC
  • MES, Environmental Studies, York University
  • PhD, Economic Geography, 間眅埶AV
  • MCIP, (Member of the Canadian Institute of Planners) and RPP (Registered Professional Planner)


Sean Markey, PhD MCIP RPP, is a professor and certified planner with the School of Resource and Environmental Management at 間眅埶AV. Sean's research concerns issues of local and regional economic development, rural and small-town development, and sustainable planning and infrastructure. He has published widely in academic journals and has co-authored/edited a number of books: The Theory, Practice and Potential of Regional Development (Routledge, 2019); Service Provision and Rural Sustainability: Infrastructure and Innovation (Routledge, 2019); Doing Community-based Research: Perspectives from the Field (McGill-Queens Press, 2016); Scaling Up: The Convergence of Social Economy and Sustainability (Athabasca Press, 2015); The State of Rural Canada (CRRF, 2015); Investing in Place: Economic Renewal in Northern British Columbia (UBC Press, 2012); The Next Rural Economies: Constructing Rural Place in Global Economies (Cabi Press, 2010); and, Second Growth: Community Economic Development in Rural British Columbia (UBC Press, 2005). Sean continues to work with municipalities, non-profit organizations, Indigenous communities, and the business community to promote and develop sustainable forms of community and regional development.


  • Vodden, K., Douglad, D., Markey, S., Minnes, S., Reimer, B. (2019). . New York: Routledge.
  • Halseth, G., Markey, S., Ryser, L. (2019). . London: Routledge.
  • Halseth, G., Markey, S., Ryser, L., Manson, D. (2016). . Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press.
  • Gismondi, M., Connelly, S., Markey, S., Roseland, M. (eds.) (2016). . Athabasca: Athabasca University Press.
  • Markey, S., Breen, S., Lauzon, A., Gibson, R., Ryser, L., Mealy, R. (eds.) (2015). . Calgary: Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation
  • Markey, S., Halseth, G., Manson, D. (2012). . Vancouver: UBC Press.
  • Halseth, G., Markey, S., and D. Bruce (eds.) (2010). . Oxfordshire: Cabi Press.
  • Markey, S., J.T. Pierce, K. Vodden and M. Roseland. (2005). . Vancouver: UBC Press.


  • (by Sean Markey, Herb Hammond, Carmen Rosen). Hopeful Economics Conference, Vancouver, BC on April 22nd, 2017


  • Markey, S., Halseth, G., Ryser, L., Argent, N., Haslam-MacKenzie, F. 2022. .Energy Research and Social Sciences, 90:  
  • Markey, S., Weeden, A., Hall, H., Rich, K., Hudson, A., Minnes, S. 2021. . Journal of Rural and Community Development, 16 (4): 1-3. 
  • Argent, N, Markey, S., Halseth, G, Ryser, L., Haslam-Mackenzie, F. 2021. . Environment and Planning A. 
  • Ryser, L., Halseth, G., & Markey, S. 2021. . Applied Mobilities, 1-20.
  • Gunton, T., Werker, E., Markey, S. 2021. . Resources Policy, 73. 
  • Gunton. C., Markey, S. 2021. . Resources Policy, 73.
  • *Ryser, L., Halseth, G., Markey, S. 2021. . Local Economy, 35(8): 831-851. 
  • *Gunton, C., Markey, S., Werker, E. 2021. . Energy Policy, 151. 
  • *Gunton, C., Gunton, T., Batson, J., Markey, S., Dale, D. 2021. , Resources Policy, 72. 
  • *Boron, J., & Markey, S. (2020). . The Journal of Rural and Community Development, 15(4), 151174. 
  • *Markey, S., Ryser, L., & Halseth, G. (2020). . The Journal of Rural and Community Development15(4), 123. 
  • *Ryser, L., Halseth, G., & Markey, S. (2020). . Community Development, Vol 5(1): 646-666. 
  • *Ryser, L., Halseth, G., & Markey, S. (2020). . Housing Studies, 37(2): 1-26. 
  • *Levett, K., Markey, S., Gibson, R., Vodden, K., Furst, B. 2020. New Foundations: Mobilizing the potential of place-based philanthropy for rural planning and development. Plan Canada, 60(1): 31-34.
  • *Ryser, l., Halseth, G., Markey, S. 2020. , Labour & Industry, 30(4): 321-340.
  • Markey, S., Halseth, G., Ryser, L. 2019. Commentary: An agenda for comparative regional development research. N Z Geog. 2019;13.
  • Markey, S., Halseth, G., Ryser, L., Argent, N., Boron, J. (2019). Bending the Arc of the Staples Trap: Negotiating Rural Resource Revenues in an Age of Policy Incoherence. Journal of Rural Studies, 67: 25-36.
  • Ryser, L., Halseth, G., Markey, S., Gunton, C., Argent, N. (2019). Path dependency or investing in place: Understanding the changing conditions for rural resource regions. Extractive Industries and Society, 6(1): 29-40.
  • Breen, S., Markey, S. (2019). Half Empty? Drinking Water Systems and Regional Resilience in Rural Canada. Planning Practice and Research, 34(2): 168-183.
  • Ryser, L., Markey, S., Halseth, G., Welch, K. (2019). Moving from mobility to immobility in the political economy of resource-dependent regions. Applied Mobilities, 4(3): 307-328.
  • Minnes, S., Breen, S., Markey, S., Vodden, K. (2018). Pragmatism versus potential: New regionalism and rural drinking water management. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 13(2): 76-99.
  • Janousek, A., Markey, S., Roseland, M. (2018). We see a real opportunity around food waste: Exploring the Relationship Between On-Farm Food Waste and Farm Characteristics. Journal of Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 42(8): 933-960.
  • Ryser, L., Halseth, G., Markey, S. (2018). Restructuring of Rural Governance in a Rapidly Growing Resource Town: The Case of Kitimat, BC, Canada. 釵堯棗勞矇棗, Special Issue on Rural Governance, 43: 1-14.
  • Ryser, L., Halseth, G., Markey, S. and Morris, M. (2017) New Mobile Realities in Mature Staples-Dependent Resource Regions: Local Governments and Work Camps. Environment and Planning C: Politics and space, 35(3): 500-517.
  • Halseth, G., Markey, S., Ryser, L., Hanlon, N., Skinner, M. (2017). Exploring New Development Pathways in a Remote Mining Town: The Case of Tumbler Ridge, BC Canada. Journal of Rural and Community Development (Special Issue), 12, 2-3.
  • Ryser, L., Halseth, G., Markey, S., Morris, M. (2016). Extractive Industries and Society.doi:10.1016/j.exis.2016.06.001
  • Ryser, L., Markey, S., Halseth, G. (2016). . doi:10.1016/j.exis.2016.02.002
  • Manson, D., Markey, S., Ryser, L., Halseth, G. (2016). Recession Response: Cyclical Problems and Local Solutions in Northern BC. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, 107 (1): 100-114.
  • Markey, S., Breen, S., Vodden, K., and Daniels, J. (2015). Evidence of Place: Becoming a Region in Rural Canada. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 39(5): 874-891.
  • Breen, S. W., Markey, S. (2015). Unintentional influence: Exploring the relationship between rural regional development and drinking water systems in rural British Columbia, Canada. The Journal of Rural and Community Development, 10(3), 52-78.
  • Heisler, K., Markey, S. (2014). Navigating Jurisdiction: Local and Regional Strategies to Access Economic Benefits from Mineral Development. The Canadian Geographer, Volume 58, Issue 4, pages 457468
  • Markey, S., Ryser, L., Hasleth, G. (2015). Were in this all together: Community Impacts of Long-distance Labour Commuting. Rural Society, 24(2):131-153.
  • Zirul, C., Halseth, G., Markey, S., & Ryser, L. (2015). Struggling with new regionalism: Government trumps governance in Northern British Columbia, Canada. The Journal of Rural and Community Development, 10(2), 51-77
  • Halseth, G., Ryser, L., Markey, S. and Martin, A, (2014) Emergence, transition, and continuity: Resource Commodity Production Pathways in Northeastern British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Rural Studies, 36, 350361.
  • Heisler, K., Markey, S. (2014). Navigating Jurisdiction: Local and Regional Strategies to Access Economic Benefits from Mineral Development. The Canadian Geographer, 58, 4: 457-468
  • Ryser, L., Markey, S., Manson, D., Halseth, G. (2014). From Boom and Bust to Regional Waves: Development Patterns in the Peace River Region, British Columbia. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 9(1): 87-111.
  • Heisler, K., Markey, S. (2013). Scales of Benefit: Political leverage in the negotiation of corporate social responsibility in mineral exploration and mining in rural British Columbia, Canada. Society and Natural Resources, 26(4), 386-401.
  • Markey, S. (2013). El enfoque de la comunidad como un todo al desarrollo (The Whole Community Development Approach). Umbrales: Desarrollo Econ籀mico Comunitario, 26: 15-36.
  • Ryser, L., Markey, S., Halseth, G. (2013). Developing the Next Generation of Community-Based Researchers: Tips for Undergraduate Students. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 37(1): 11-27.
  • Connelly, S., Markey, S., Roseland, M. (2011). Culture and Community: Sustainable Community Planning in the Rolling River First Nation. Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, 7(2): 40-54.
  • Heisler, K., Beckie, M., Markey, S. (2011). Expectations and Realities of Engaged Scholarship: Evaluating a Social Economy Collaborative Research Partnership. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, 4(1).
  • Markey, S. and Heisler, K. (2011). Getting a Fair Share: Regional Development in a Rapid Boom-Bust Rural Setting. Canadian Journal of Regional Science, 33 (3):49-62.
  • Connelly, S., Markey, S., Roseland, M. (2011). Bridging Sustainability and the Social Economy: Achieving Community Transformation through Local Food Initiatives. Critical Social Policy, 31(2): 308-324.
  • Kristensen, F., Markey, S., Perry, S. (2010). Our liquidity is trust, not cash: Credit Unions and the Rural Social Economy. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 5(3): 143-161.
  • Markey, S., Connelly, S., Roseland, M. (2010). Back of the Envelope: Pragmatic Planning for Sustainable Rural Community Development. Planning Practice and Research, 25(1): 1-23.
  • Markey, S., Halseth, G., Manson, D. (2010). Capacity, Scale and Place: Pragmatic Lessons for Doing Community-based Research in the Rural Setting. The Canadian Geographer, 54(2): 158-176.
  • Connelly, S., Markey, S., Roseland, M. (2009). Strategic Sustainability: Addressing the Community Infrastructure Deficit. Canadian Planning and Policy, 18(1): Supplement 1-23.
  • Markey, S. and G. Halseth, D. Manson. (2009). Contradictions in Hinterland Development: Challenging the Local Development Ideal in Northern British Columbia. Community Development Journal, Vol. 44(2): 209229. (advanced on-line, July 2007)
  • Mader, K., and Markey, S. (2008). Winging it is not enough: Building capacity within the social enterprise sector. Making Waves, 19(3).
  • Markey, S., Halseth, G. and Manson, D. (2008). Challenging the Inevitability of Rural Decline: Advancing the Policy of Place in Northern British Columbia. Journal of Rural Studies, 24: 409-421.
  • Markey, S. and G. Halseth, D. Manson. (2008). Closing the Implementation Gap: A Framework for Incorporating the Context of Place in Economic Development Planning. Local Environment, Vol. 13(4): 337-351.
  • Markey, S. and G. Halseth, D. Manson. (2007). The (Dis)Connected North: Persistent Regionalism in Northern British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Regional Science, XXX: 1.
  • Halseth, G., Manson, D., Markey, S., Lax, L., Buttar, O. (2006). The Connected North: Findings from the Northern BC Economic Vision and Strategy Project. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 2(1): 1-27.
  • Markey, S. and G. Halseth, D. Manson. (2006). The Struggle to Compete: From Comparative to Competitive Advantage in Northern British Columbia. International Planning Studies, 11(1): 19-39.
  • Markey, S. (2005). Building Local Development Institutions in the Hinterland: A Regulationist Perspective from British Columbia, Canada. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 29(2): 358-374.
  • Markey, S., K. Vodden, S. Ameyaw. (2001). Understanding Community Capacity: Planning, Research and Methodology. Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, Vol. 2(1): 43-55.
  • Markey, S., J.T. Pierce, K. Vodden. (2000). Resources, People and the Environment: A Regional Analysis of the Evolution of Resource Policy in Canada. Canadian Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 23 (3): 427-454.

A sample of current and recent projects include the following:

  • Community Benefits and Impact Assessment Lab
  • Place-based Policy: The Rural Perspective
  • Long Distance Commuting: Development Implications for Rural Regions in Northern British Columbia. Principle investigator
  • Strategic Sustainability and Community Infrastructure
  • The Social Economy in BC and Alberta: Strengthening the Foundations for Growth

For information on other projects, reports and programs - see here:


This instructor is currently not teaching any courses.