

Mail & Parcel Services

Mail & Parcel Services for the Burnaby campus community includes:

  • Sorting incoming mail delivered from Canada Post
  • Sorting campus mail received from University departments
  • Delivery of mail for all University departments

The Central Receiving, FM Stores & Mail Services Manager is responsible for the day-to-day operation of Mail Services, including budget administration and billing. The staff consists of one Postal Foreman and three Postal Assistants.

Pick up and delivery times

~8:00 a.m. Burnaby campus receives incoming mail from Canada Post each morning.
9:00 a.m. Mail is sorted, after which the mail runs are assembled.
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Mail is delivered to Burnaby campus departments. Outgoing mail is picked up from departments at the same time. 
After 12:00 p.m. Campus mail is sorted for delivery the following day.
2:00 p.m. Outbound mail is metered for pick-up by Canada Post each day at this time.
2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Registered mail (e.g. parcels) is delivered to Burnaby campus departments every day. 

A few tips to ensure that your outgoing and campus mail is delivered in a timely fashion

  • Always include the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV department (e.g. Facilities Services)
  • Always include the receiver's full name (i.e. first name AND last name)
  • Addresses should be legible
  • Do not use acronyms for building or department names
  • Do not use abbreviations


Telephone: 778.782.3584
Email: mailroom_department@sfu.ca

Louis Ballarin
Manager Logistics, Inventory and Fleet Services
louis ballarin@sfu.ca
C: 604.374.2570

Mailing addresses for Burnaby Campus

For letters

[recipient name]
[recipient department]
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC
V5A 1S6

For package deliveries

(Couriers deliver directly to the Departments.)

8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC
V5A 1S6
[building name]
[room number]
[department name]
[recipient name]