
April 07, 2016

Chris McCluskie

What drew Chris to the School of Communication was the social justice, cultural studies, and political aspects of the field. My eyes have been opened to a lot of things in our society through in-depth class discussions says Chris.

Over the course of his degree Chris has embraced a number of the opportunities 間眅埶AV has to offer. While completing Co-op terms Chris design marketing materials, wrote and edited blog posts, designed web content, analyzed data, compiled reports and help with recruitment presentations. He says that Co-op has helped him gain a lot of the practical skills he was eager to learn.  

During  a Contemporary Arts Field School in India he was able to broaden his perspective and give his education a global context. Chris says that he was nervous to go at first but, something I have realized over my time at 間眅埶AV is that if something scares you, chances are that you should do it. In these spaces of uncertainty, you have to adapt and this creates opportunities for learning and personal growth.