
2016 FCAT Undergraduate Conference

An Interdisciplinary Conversation Exploring 'CRAFT' 

The Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology was proud to present its sixth annual Undergraduate Conference on Wednesday, February 17, 2016 at Surrey City Hall. During this exciting event students had the opportunity to share their essays, performances, films, art pieces, and projects with fellow FCAT students, faculty and staff, while celebrating the diversity of our programs.

The 2016 conference theme was CRAFT

What is craft? The etymology of the word suggest a strength or skill in the process of making things by hand. Craft has become much more than this in contemporary culture. As artists and creators we have a relationship to material and we commit to the process of crafting meaning. We use technology to discover new forms of crafting. Through communication we craft interactions and representations that provide insight into our culture. We all have a relationship to craft, whether we work in the crafts, reject the notion of craft, or gain knowledge through the crafts. Although the concept of craft may mean different things to communication, contemporary art, interactive art, and technology, for each discipline it carries an association with passion.