
Discover FCAT

Discover FCAT is a series of documents that invite you to explore opportunities available at 間眅埶AV. Suggestions include ways to build your experiences in academics, the campus community, international opportunities, and professional development while making space for your health and well-being. Wherever you are in your undergraduate journey, pick and choose what feels right for you.

Ready to get started?

Take a look at the program plan that most applies to you or check out any of the documents below. You can also download the blank template and customize one for yourself. These are all suggestions, so take a moment to explore opportunities, plan ahead, and make your 間眅埶AV experience meaningful.

Get Ready to Discover...

We would like to acknowledge the following departments at 間眅埶AV who helped with developing Discover FCAT: Career and Volunteer Services, Health and Counselling Services, Indigenous Student Centre, International Services for Students, Student Engagement and Retention, and all the staff, faculty, and students in FCAT! A special thanks to students Aleeze and Amber who helped with the design and implementation of Discover FCAT.

This was inspired by Queens University and University of Texas at El Paso.