
Internal and matching funds


For questions please reach out to the Associate Dean Research at fcat_adr@sfu.ca.  Applications are forwarded to the ADR for consideration.  Funding is allocated on a rolling basis.  Please note that the amounts are subject to change and the availability of funds.

  • FCAT Visiting Speakers Fund
    Purpose: To support continuing or retired faculty members to host a visiting speaker at 間眅埶AV.
    Terms: At least one activity with the visiting scholar must be open to the public; Faculty members can apply every other year; FCAT support must be acknolwedged on event promotional materials.
    Value: Up to $2,500 for a maximum of one (1) year
    To Apply: Please download and complete this form
  • FCAT Dean's Event Fund
    Purpose: To provide support for continuing or retired faculty to organize an event or outreach activity.
    Terms: The event must be open to the public; Faculty members can apply every other year; FCAT support must be acknolwedged on event promotional materials.
    Value: Up to $5,000 for a maximum of one (1) year  
    To Apply: Please download and complete this form.
  • Editorial Assistance Fund for FCAT Faculty
    Purpose: To provide editorial support to EAL/multilingual faculty prior to submission.
    Terms: Available to EAL Faculty members who are lead authors on an article, chapter or refereed conference publication.  Book manuscripts are not eligible.
    Value: Up to $750
    To Apply: Please download and complete this form
  • Spark Funding
    Purpose: To support pre-project work including background research, relationship building and exploratory processes.
    Terms: For continuing Faculty who do not currently hold external research funding; May not be used for conference travel, publication fees, or organization of events (unless directed related to research development); Preference will be given to candidates who are developing a research proposal; Faculty members can apply every other year.
    Value: Up to $5,000 for a maximum of one (1) year
    To applyPlease download and complete this form.
  • Knowledge Mobilization Fund
    Purpose: To cover costs of knowledge mobilization outside of traditional academic channels (i.e. beyond academic lectures, manuscript development, or journals publications).  This might include things like specialty printing, adjudication fees or shipping fees.
    Terms: For continuing Faculty who do not currently hold external research funding; May not be used for travel, events, conference fees or publishing fees; Faculty may hold one grant per year.
    Value: Up to $500
    To Apply: Please download and complete this form.


Some projects require demonstrations of institutional support.  FCAT can support project development in the following ways:

  • Institutional Letters of Support - If you require a Faculty letter of support, please reach out to the Associate Dean Research at fcat_adr@sfu.ca.  
  • Matching Fund Contributions - FCAT will work with the Chair of your Unit to mobilize cash or in-kind contributions in line with the VPRI supports detailed on 間眅埶AV's Institutional Support website.  We recommend speaking to your Chair first, and then approach the FCAT ADR, before finally approaching the VPRI office.  Please note that matching funds are subject to availability.
  • Other Supports - If you require some other form of support for your project, please reach out to the Associate Dean Research at fcat_adr@sfu.ca to discuss.